i’m making a mess!

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i bet you’re really surprised, huh? (ok, don’t tell me if you are; just let me go on thinking that only some of you might be . . .)

thank you everyone for all the sweet compliments on the rococo socks. wow, you really DO like your special sock patterns! and i enjoyed knitting these quite a bit.
i’m sure there will be more soon—i have lots of sock ideas, and apparently, i need the motivation of a fun pattern to wile away the cuff-and-foot hours (more on that later).

the pre-holiday season gives me a chance to explore small projects with relish, to try new stitches and configurations in limited and structured ways, and apply them to intended gifts to make individual creations that i hope reflect to each person how i feel about them, or reveal something i see in them.


exploring small projects with enthusiasm usually means that all sorts of little piles form all over the place. little bit of this and that trail across nearly every surface. single items that will eventually be part of a pair abound, but at this point, are strewn will-nilly and piled together into incoherent “families”

my coffee table looks like a bomb went off on top of it

seriously, it has looked this way for the last two weeks, even when someone is stopping by. i don’t even see it. i have no idea what that lime-green cashmere yarn is doing out, even; i’m sure i thought i’d get to make myself some mitts with it at some point last week.

the gift pile is growing, but where to store it?

under the tree seems safe enough, but i know i’ll have to move it at some point if, indeed, the place is to be vacuumed before christmas.

bags of supplies have piled up near my knitting chair in one spot, and stitch books are piled near another knitting chair upstairs. it’s a good thing i live with someone else, or this situation might go completely unnoticed.

because truthfully, if it didn’t collect dust, and get embarrassingly messy, i think i could be the type of person to sink into the kind of knitting clutter that is claustrophobic, disorganized, and signals a downward spiral into some mental state that only be bad.

i’m also discovering why i am not a Sock Knitter, with capitals. i mean, sure i make socks—lots of them, it’s true. but i do not make a quest of it. it cannot be the only thing i do, or even the most important thing i do for very long. why?

because i see that, as an exclusive path, i find it somewhat boring once i hit the hard times (sorry Sock Knitters—believe me, i bow to your journey; i’m just saying, it isn’t my main gig). i need entertainment for sock knitting to be interesting, and really, that is the thing that disqualifies me from membership.

as soon as i finished the rococo socks, and found myself with just the last two plain pairs to complete, a kind of boredom with them has settled in. not the kind to make me stop working on them; after all, they are gifts and need to be completed.

no, i mean the kind of boredom in which i find that focusing on the sock too much while i’m working on it will put me to sleep. i need to think about something else while i work—i need to think about the horizon. the after christmas horizon.

after christmas i will work on a shawl—i have several great schemes for shawls which have been cooking away since the fall. i can’t wait to get to them. plus, i have the starlight evening wrap which is about one-third done and ready for the first splashy end panel.

and then there are the sweaters. my little red ball of briar rose yarn sits among the mess patiently while i work. i gaze at it every so often, and iin lieu of swatching with it (no time for that right now), i try to mentally conjure a cable combination from it which will bring my little red cardigan to life. my cabled pullover sits half-finished and wails loudly for my attentions, but i am being good.

i am knitting gift socks, but really, i am putting plenty of thought into all the suggestions the wonderful Sock Knitters sent me about making myself better-fitting socks. (this was another clue that i really am a Sock Knitting poséur—i would have just kept knitting the same dumb socks, and cursing them forever, if so many people had not sent me such great suggestions, most of them simple. and from sheer laziness too—i just can’t be bothered to get up in the middle of knitting to look up in a book what my problem might be.) fortunately, i gleaned lots of good advice from reading everyone’s input that i think will improve my own fit greatly.

i even snuck the first finished sock for the mail carrier onto my foot for a tryout of the slip-stitch heel. it feels great, as does the shaping and the tighter fabric (not a tighter sock, but a tighter fabric). i think i will definitely make a few pair with this heel and see how it works. and the heel flap will be deeper, too. i wonder what my beef WAS with this heel (i have a sneaking suspicion that i was just bored with it)?

and we found a great new name for the austermann step socks! leigh wrote in that they reminded her of neapolitan ice cream, and i agreed, but then i thought, no! not neapolitan

they look just like it, and we used to eat spumoni on christmas most years when i was a kid. my grandparents would buy it as a treat for us, but i think they liked it even more than we did. so, spumoni socks they are!

well, i better get back to it; i REALLY need to finish those two pair of socks tonight, so i can start the kid’s gifts. i did some ferreting about in the stash and came up with several bagfuls of yarn and ideas. show you tomorrow.

15 thoughts on “i’m making a mess!

  1. That is how my house looks when my husband is away, and he is away a lot…
    I’m sort of glad you are putting the lace knitting to the time after Christmas, because I really don’t need any temptation now!

  2. Yes, spumoni!!

    We have this end table that is the corner between to sofas. It is just an end table with a candle and a few coasters. I do happen to leave knitting on it about 80% of the time though. The other day, my son was asking where something was and I said on the table in the living room. He said, “yes, the knitting table.” So I guess even a 4 yr old can see that the table is constantly covered in knitting.

  3. I have a large Longaberger basket that sits under my coffee table. Whatever knitting mess I make gets swept into there each night.

  4. I get messy too, but for my own peace of mind I also usually do a clean up and it’s usually just after completing a big project. It’s a cycle and it works for me. Perhaps you just need to find your own cycle.

    I’m with you on the socks. I knit them for stress relief and to keep my feet warm, and sometimes for fun, but there’s more to my knitting life that I want to explore.

  5. Your coffee table looks clean compared to mine. I’ve even had to add a tv table next to the couch for additional knitting space until the holidays are over. 🙂

  6. There are a chair and ottoman (well, and a table with a lamp) which are MINE. And they look it, too. Sigh. Every so often I clean up. I put away all the books which have migrated from the closet to the floor beside the chair, pick up all the scrap threads of yarn, stash all the stray needles into their case. This exalted state of affairs usually lasts less than a day. My poor, longsuffering husband!

  7. What a pile! Lots of great gifts to give….I tend to “move” my piles as I clean – they start in one place and migrate all over while I clean where they keep moving too!

    Spumoni is a great one for those socks! I haven’t had that flavor in a while!

  8. You are doing great and making amazing progress — stop fretting. I think Spumoni is the perfect name. After thinking of redhots and caramels, what later came to mind is Nesselrode (pie, pudding), but Spumoni is the best. I finished the Wing of the Moth Shawl — W O W ! ! ! ! And the absolutely amazing thing about this show-stopper is how simple it is to knit and how easy memorize the gentle rhythm of each row. I can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with in the new year. Everyone seems to be working on smaller projects now. Maybe we need to feel some sense of accomplishment with all the holiday must-dos.

  9. Spumoni is a perfect name for the socks, they’re beautiful!

    I can’t wait to see your Starlight shawl finished, I was wondering what had happened to it. Any plans for a pattern? Not that I can keep up with the speed in which you’re producing patterns, but they’re all on my To Make list.

  10. I’m glad to see that someone besides me has knitting piles strewn around! I try to confine mine to my “knitting area,” but the darned stuff keeps sneaking out!

    Love the spumoni socks!

  11. Your coffee table looks like mine does!!! How funny! I keep meaning to organize the pile but i just have so many projects going on… eh. Christmas will be here soon enough!

    I’m glad to hear you like the step yarn – I just bought a skein of it last weekend.

  12. Your “mess” seems really organized to me. I have a heap of several unfinished Christmas gifts–and in the middle of everything I decided that I MUST organize my stash RIGHT NOW. I have to tell you that was not a good idea LOL.

    Your work is beautiful. I’m with you on the socks–on to the shawls after the holidays.


  13. You got it all wrong Anne. The “Knitting Mess” is how you do “Super Savies” on the best Tv-watching spot in the house. Just leave your KM on the best spot after everyone goes to bed and then yell “Super Savies on the corner couch, and DON’T LAY A FINGER ON MY KNITTING!!!” and then you’re all set for the next night! You just gotta know how to flash your stash and use it to your best advantage….. (of course I’m sure David is quite a gentleman, unlike my rowdy 5!)

  14. You should see MY house, Anne! Whenever my husband goes away (and it’s always for an extended period–no casual little overnight or weekend jaunts) I go positively feral. Yarn everywhere. Books everywhere. Cat hair everywhere, because I’m too busy knitting to run the vacuum. Then, of course, I have to spend an entire day setting it all to rights (or as close as I ever get to it) before he comes back. Looks like Project Cleanup will be happening on Saturday.

    Spumoni! I love it! I was ogling the Step at the LYS last weekend, and now I wish I’d bought some. 😉

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