six weeks to ejection

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i’m at erica’s place, working for the weekend. this morning she had a non stress test; i played the role of wry commentator spectator, keeping erica laughing for the duration. there was plenty of knitting time as well, which i spent on twig and leaf, but did not take pictures—apparently i am only capable of taking pictures of one subject at a time, haha.

after the non stress test, we moved on to the BPP ultrasound

which was even more cool; the technician was really enthusiastic about the baby’s movements and behaviors and gave us a very detailed blow by blow of the whole show. i’ve never seen an ultrasound before and being one of those people that can never figure out what i’m looking at in the photos—head? butt? i can’t tell the difference—i found it fascinating.

in fact, i managed to shoot a nice five minute video of the experience, which i’ve posted on the knitspot youTube channel for your viewing entertainment.

i got a lot of knitting done since you saw my project last, so next time, i promise i’ll have a few photos to share . . .

10 thoughts on “six weeks to ejection

  1. So cool! Thanks, Erica, for letting us share your great experience. You appear to be making one awesome little guy! And thanks, Anne, for filming this for us. Does this old granny’s heart good to see life at its best.

  2. I’m stunned you let us share in this very happy but personal part of life. It sure takes me back my youngest just turned 17.

  3. What a great video!! I loved the toe playing shots, and then laughed outloud at the line ‘he’s playing with everything!!’ I was just ahead of you with my thoughts, and then you said them aloud!!!!!!!! Priceless! Baby knitspot is never going to live that one down!!

  4. OH MY!!!!!! i haven’t had a chance to be with erica at an ultrasound yet and this brought tears to my eyes, thank you for being there.

  5. Oh my gosh….tears in my eyes at how wonderful to watch! Can’t wait to meet Baby K in person!

  6. Loved this video! Just amazing to see how much BB is moving around and absolutely thrilled to share in it! Your little boy is just a miracle!

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