wear some flowers in your hair

Posted on 22 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, designing, food and garden, projects

so the last i left you i was still in berkeley and we were heading out the door for a day in the city. we piled into two cars and headed for the bridge—we were feeling lucky, as it was a gorgeous morning with no lingering fog and no heat either. perfect for sightseeing. and […]

i knit wherever i am

Posted on 19 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, designing, lace/shawls, projects

when i last popped in, my friend slackford studio pathway sport, gained a lot of length and got smaller around at the same time—i think i finished this up one afternoon while eating that yummy gazpacho you see in the top photo. it looks a little rippled at the edge, but it still needs to […]

mister knitspot: anne de jardin

Posted on 32 CommentsPosted in food and garden

Anne’s garden—many of you have inquired to its progress. I shall allow the pictures to speak as to how the garden is faring. Tomatoes Potatoes Mostly it is flourishing save the squash, which has sadly yielded one small fruit. Small Squash As you know the wonderful bounties of a garden underlies a good deal of […]

we all had WAY too much fun

Posted on 27 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, projects

ya gotta love this kind of enthusiasm—it’s our dear friend budding apple shawlette—SO pretty on her, right?? and “whilst” it may be a big job to follow up on david’s coattails this week, i’m going to give it my best shot—i’ve got a bunch of photos from my sock summit weekend (maybe not what you’d […]