thank you everyone who entered the STALK-n-KNIT contest! what FUN! deb kessler (owner of fearless fibers and our lovely sponsor) and i laughed our you-know-whats off reading the entries.
BTW, just so we are clear, here is how we did the judging: i read all the incoming entries and knew who they were emailed from. i narrowed down the choices according to my famous laugh-o-meter, a crude but effective tool for gauging entertainment value. then i passed my favorite entries, without names attached, to deb and david for their opinions. and, as it turns out, we all liked the same ones! so enough yakking, let’s see the winning entries!
winner #1, recipient of the cashmere laceweight yarn
Here is what I would make AND the title of it!!
Chesney Cheek-Chillers
I am a HUGE fan of the country singer Kenny Chesney and I think he is WAY hot. I also am a HUGE fan of Fearless FIbers Cashmere yarn in the Midnight Rendevous! so here is what I would make.
A lucious pair of cashmere thong undies for Kenny Chesney to wear while I am watching him “perform” during his concerts. The cashmere will be soft enough for his..well…delicate area and in case he gets a little “warm” from “performing” the thong style will keep his lil’ tushy cheeks cool…also the thong will provide not only a “ventilation” of sorts but a VERY nice view for me!!!!
I would make 2 pair for him to choose from…one in stockinette stitch just for sheer comfort…..and evil grin the other in the drop stitch for my sheer comfort!!
—Debbie J
and winner #2, recipient of the merino sock yarn
A pair of socks for a famous person? Oy… a pair of dk weight cashmere socks in Fearless Fibers’ “Endless Night” colorway for Chow Yun-Fat in “The Killer,” my favorite of my favorite actor’s films. He needs the soft cushion compliment of cashmere under those super expensive shoes and exponentially expensive suits, to ease his flight as he makes daring escape after another. A chain rib stitch* will help keep them up and also echo his hitman nature– but the cashmere lends to his soft soul and will make the end of the movie a slight comfort. Finally, an afterthought heel so I can repair them if he wears them out after miles of running (and so I can have him coming back to me, the sign of a true knitting stalker!)
*chain rib stitch, from sensational knitted socks, p 48:
rnd 1: *k3, p3
rnd 2: *k3, yo, p3
rnd 3: *k4, p3
rnd 4: *k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p3,
rnd 5: *k2tog, k2, p3
rnd 6: *k1, yo, k2tog, p3reviews on Amazon: The Killer
Image search of chow yun-fat
via google (so you know what I mean!!!):
congratulations to the winners! please email me with your street addresses and your preference of sock pattern, or lace scarf pattern, and yarn color (from the fearless fibers collection).
there were a number of very close runners up; we had a truly difficult time choosing the finalists.
deb kessler has offered a generous consolation prize of a 10% savings coupon to every person who sent an entry. you will all receive your coupons via email! thank you again for participating! it was great fun and i hope to do it again soon.
2 thoughts on “and the winners are!!”
*running to Fearless Fibers site to beat anyone else there* oh, it’s mine, mine, mine, all mine I tell ya muuuuwaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa….oh, ok, I won’t be greedy…well, to greedy anyways 🙂
I was going to post my acceptance speech but, I’m shy and all!!
Hey!! I won! (already at fearless fibers’ site, too!)
Thanks so much for the chance to try out the beautiful sock yarns over there!
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