Can not remember the last time I guest blogged. However I do remember feeling a bit under appreciated, thinking to myself that I would never blog again. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes into these blogs; I have no idea how Anne manages to write them so frequently. Of course I can have a look at google analytics to see exactly how many of you have viewed the page, but it’s not really the same as seeing actual comments. I love reading your comments, the more, the better, and makes writing a post worthwhile in knowing that it’s been read. That said, if I receive 75 comments, there will a free Craftsy class (Anne’s new Sweater class) offered to one of you that have left a comment on this post and in addition, I promise to blog about our major renovation last year (finally—I know).
Our dear Anne was summoned to Craftsy’s Colorado studio once again to shoot a video for her new class: Essential Skills for Sweater Knitting, see trailer for class here. This class is a survey of key factors for successful sweater knitting. Perfect timing as Anne has been busy designing 6 new sweaters; more about these later. The Craftsy class consists of 7 lessons.
In lesson 1, Anne explores how to choose a style—which sweater to make. I have a sweater in mind that I would like to design and knit myself. Growing more and more confident with my knitting prowess these days, as I knit along in the Blanket Statement club, quite the experience, learned so much with this endeavor. In fact if you know a burgeoning knitter, I highly recommend the Blanket Statement Club, up to 16 different patterns to knit/read, such a great way to obtain knitting experience and have a lovely blanket as a result. Sorry for the aside, back to Craftsy class.
Lesson 2, learn how to read patterns, lesson 3 – selecting the right yarn and tools. Lesson 4, swatching for consistent results, I’ve learned the importance of swatching, perhaps underrated, but so very valuable.
Adjusting fit, lesson 5 and one of the things I love most about knitting and creating custom garments. Can hardly wait to begin my sweater. Lesson 6, knitting individual sweater pieces and lastly lesson 7, finishing, seaming and blocking.
May I present to you some of Anne’s latest creations—most will be available in May.
Gearhead – Unisex Pullover, shown here in BNW’s Stone Soup DK.
Triticum – Open Cardigan, Knitted in Spirit Trail’s Tayet (blue), debuting at Maryland Sheep and Wools.
Mayan Puzzle Jacket, shown here in Briar Rose’s Wistful (brown), debuting at Maryland Sheep and Wools.
The Misters’, unisex combination pullover/cardigan, knitted with Briar Rose Joyful (orange). Wouldn’t it be great as a vest too? In the process of convincing Anne to pattern one more version . . .
Cam Cable, pullover, shown in BNW’s Kent DK
Pedal Pusher, cardigan and knitted with BNW’s Confection Worsted
It is truly amazing the amount of detail and effort required to create a sweater. Anne recently offered to make me another sweater, but I had to decline, for I’m not worthy of such a indescribably wonderful gift. I tend to be very hard on my clothing; for example, I like to rest my folded hands in the neck line of my sweaters, causing unnecessary damage, stretching of fibers to the breaking point, and consequently ruining such a cherished gift.
When new to knitwear some years ago, I would mistakenly machine wash sweaters in hot water and dry in the dryer, making fibers shrink and become brittle and/or felt. No doubt it is like having someone place a condensating glass upon a piece furniture you created and massaged 10 coats of Danish oil into, the resulting water ring – fortunately this is repairable, whereas a sweater sustaining the damage mentioned would not be.
Even if you have taken Anne’s Sweater Fitness Class, the Craftsy Essential Skills for Sweater Knitting class provides information of a different sort. Don’t get me wrong, if you ever have an opportunity to take a class with Anne in person, you should immediately seize upon it; her teaching skills are remarkable, not only will learn all you need to know, but a lot more.Leave a comment, and you are automatically entered to win this Crafty Class featuring Anne.
Comments conclude for Craftsy free class offering April 27 11:59p (eastern time).
Feeling the love and appreciation, thank you all for the kind and generous comments. See you soon.
Mister Knitspot
Congratulations Bertha on receiving Anne’s Craftsy Sweater Essentials Class, enjoy.
194 thoughts on “I’m Back (With News of Sweaters)”
absolutely love pedal pusher! will be knitting for my husband for sure! the other sweaters are fabulous too – oh for more knitting time!
i always read the blog but rarely comment. Thanks so much for your contributions.
I’m in the read-but-rarely-comment group as well– I just try to squeeze in a few blogs after the kids go to bed and before I fall asleep. 🙂 But I really enjoy them– your writing, Anne’s, and David’s on those rare occasions when he writes for the blog.
I guess you reached your minimum. lol nice job
Wow! I love these sweaters especially the Mayan Puzzle Jacket. Gorgeous.
David, I truly enjoy your posts. Your efforts are appreciated. I have watched your knitting progress from the beginning and you have done so well. You have a great teacher! I will be reading and hope you do blog about your journey of designing your sweater. I also look forward to Anne’s new class. The new sweater patterns are wonderful and such a treat!
Anne’s designs are beautiful. The photography brings out the beauty. I’m sure they are magnificent in person.
Oh! What a treat this class would be! Thank you
Just wanting to make sure you get your 75 comments! Thanks for taking the effort to write a post; I really enjoy yours. And can’t wait for the one about the renovations! What a lot of work, with what looks like a gorgeous result.
I really enjoy reading the Knitspot blog and I like the mix of knitting, gardening and renovation. I can’t wait to hear about your kitchen reno! Thanks to all of you who contribute to the blog!
Hunh – sort of wish I’d seen this sooner, as I bought the class the other day and already watched up through lesson 3. No worries about missing out on the possible freebie class – perhaps one more post will help someone else get it for free!
I have to say I love Anne’s teaching style. Her samples look great – heck, even her swatches make me want to reach out and touch them!
So many lovely sweaters! It is great that there are so many comments too. Your efforts are duly appreciated though a giveaway always seems to help the number of comments. The class sounds wonderful and thank you for your post.
I am glad that my husband never looks at these blogs, because he will surely want Gearhead when he sees it, and I have so many other things in line before his next sweater. Its so fun to see all these sweaters now after being tantalized with all the bits and pieces during the last few weeks. However next up fro me is Two Lines shawl…love at first sight! Write us more often, David!
You KNOW I’d comment! Bill was pleased you didn’t make him smile!
Now, which sweater to knit next…….
I’m quite jealous that you’ve learned to knit. My spouse is content to believe it is “hard” and tells me, “there is no joy” I wish I could share my love with her. However, always looking on the positive side. . .at least I don’t have to share my stash!
Best of luck to the winner 🙂
Great post, full of tasty sweaters!
Anne is a wonderful teacher in person; looking forward to seeing the Craftsy class too!
what an amazing collection of new sweaters. I already have yarn for Triticum and will shop for yarn for The Mister”s this weekend at Maryland Sheep and Wool.
I love watching the progress of your BNW blanket.
I’ve already enrolled in the Craftsy class. Love it!!!!!! I was tempted to take Anne’s class in Wooster but feared that I would have scheduling conflicts. The Craftsy class totally solved that.
Anne’s class is amazing. But that is absolutely no surprise. I can’t wait to start my sweater. I’ve made two sweaters but have never worn either. I know Anne’s class will change that.
There are many times that I want to comment but I don’t because I don’t want Anne to take the time to respond to my comment but she always does.
Your are both phenomenal. David, I am looking forward to future blogs – they are always interesting and fun!
Well, Mr Knitspot, you did a fine job blogging! Cheers to all the news 🙂
I loved reading your blog entry. Anne’s designs are truly wonderful.
Six new sweaters! Holy sheep! Thanks for a great post–it’s always nice to hear from you, to have a different voice in the blog. The work you all do is of such high quality.
Nice post; beautiful photography– and, dear David, I bet you do so much behind-the-scenes work for Knitspot et al that you are, after all, sweater-worthy!
Cam Cable. Triticum and Mayan Puzzle are my favorites although they’re all most luverly.
And, David, I think a nice cowl might help save the necks of your sweaters – you can pull on that instead of the sweater neckline. And I know Anne has some great cowl patterns. Maybe you need a cotton one for spring.
oh mr. knitspot, you are a superb blogger!
and the photos are spectacular – as are the patterns. we want to see your blanket statement in progress!
Wish the guest poster would post more. Love the photos.
I enjoyed your post and really look forward to details and pictures of the renovation. Thanks for a chance to win a craftsy class with Anne.
Thanks for the chance to win the class. The sweaters are beautiful.
I always enjoy the photos you post. I love Cam Cable!
oh mr. knitspot – i do hope you do not feel underappreciated! i am a writer who supports the pharmaceutical industry, and can empathize with your feelings regarding lack of feedback/acknowledgement. please know that when you do make a guest blog appearance, i read your words with a smile on my face! i do hope you keep on with the knitting and blogging
Glad you brought this up. I read and/or check the blog each and every day. However, rarely do I comment. I’ll try to do better. Bloggers really do need to know that we read and appreciate what they do.
I love Anne’s sweaters and would love to win the class!
I always love your posts and am looking forward to one on the remodel. These new sweaters are breathtaking. There are at least two that will go directly in my queue.
Thanks for the opportunity to win Anne’s Craftsy class
Anne’s sweater patterns are the best and I see several here I know I want to make. I hope I win the class, if I don’t I’m sure I’ll get at the next Craftsy sale.
Gearhead and Pedalpusher are both calling my name! Can’t wait til they’re published!
Never commented before, but you forced me. ha Always enjoy reading the blog!
How nice to hear from you again, David! That parade of sweaters is just gorgeous. I have 3 of Anne’s Craftsy classes, and they are all fabulous, so news of another new one is very welcome.
Can’t wait for anne’s sweater class the end of May! I hope I will finally start on a sweater for me.
I am looking forward to Gearhead which might work for hubby and Misters which I want in orange just like the Anne.
I would absolutely love to take a class with Anne in person but in the meantime I love her craftsy classes and am grateful for that opportunity. I also can’t wait for some of those sweater patterns to be available.
I am another who does read the blog regularly but I don’t comment often, for shame!
You should post regularly David. Looking forward to your post on the reno. I already bought the class so am not commenting for this reason.
I am tossing my hat into the proverbial ring. or should it be a sweater. I do not always leave coments on blogs I read but I do read and appreciate.
leaving you a comment just so you know I read and enjoyed your post and I have enjoyed seeing your progress as a knitter!
Oh, your guest posts are very much appreciated, even though I don’t often take the time to comment! I already purchased the Craftsy sweater class and am super excited about the new sweater designs. I particularly love Triticum, Mayan Puzzle jacket, and Cam Cable! Can’t decide which one to tackle first. I’ll be interested to hear about your sweater knitting journey and the details about the renovation. Hope you will guest post again soon!
I’m really looking forward to the release of these patterns, especially the Cam Cable pullover. Oh, and David, I have also enjoyed reading on Rav about your progress as you knit each square of your blanket. Keep up the good work!
David, we all know that Anne abolutely loves knitting sweaters for you, and the idea is to use them, so please let her make another one for you. In the end, we will benefit too 🙂 with another pattern from her, so let her do it
Great post David, perhaps your success with knitting will inspire my better half. I’ve been knitting for years, have done many sweaters with various degrees of success so I would absolutely need Ann’s new video.
Great post David! Wonderful photography, lots of great new sweaters! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
aww, don’t be too shy 🙂 You’re an essential part of Knitspot, David! thanks for sharing the sweaters, craftsy class, and your own experience learning to knit.
David you did great! I think you should post more often. It is always wonderful to hear your voice here. Anne’s newest class will be a great addition to the line up and being able to fit a sweater to your own body is a really wonderful thing! No more boxy sweaters.
First time commenter. Nice post! What a great team the two of you make. Thanks for the inspiring sweaters. Looking forward to reading about the renovations. Absolutely love the combination of knitting, gardening and home renovation projects.
David, Keep posting! I’m eager to follow your progress on your sweater as I’m attempting one for the first time in many years myself. I think I’ll try Triticum next. All the sweaters you posted are so beautiful, and I’m looking forward to the new class, whether I win or sign up myself. -Judy
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