the moth has flown the coop, er, nest—um where do moths live?
and like, wow. you guys—you weren’t kidding about wanting the pattern! i am thrilled to say i’ve been answering emails pretty constantly since 6 pm friday. i can’t think of enough ways to say THANK YOU! seriously, i had no idea so many people even KNEW about my blog (alright, so i live in a bubble . . . at least i’m writing patterns in here!).
and the moth porn! it’s starting to crop up here and there.
of course, i’ve had a huge knot in my stomach all weekend that there is really a big problem with the pattern which i didn’t catch, and/or that everyone will hate the damn thing and never buy another pattern. every time email goes off i think, “oops, here we go . . .yikes!”
uh, can you tell i’m new at internet sales?? i really need to get a grip.
the huge knot led to blogging avoidance for the past two days (i know—i am SUCH a mess).
SOOO, being that i was needed at the computer, but was afraid to blog anything, i dug in and rocked the pattern for the red skirt, which so many people seem to like so much.
i know. working away at something that ultimately leads to stomach cramps doesn’t make any sense. but i really love this part (i told you—a mess). i’m calling this skirt Sangria. monica is going to test knit it—and well, i wasn’t exactly there, mind you, but it felt like she was bouncing all over her chair when we emailed about it (gotta love the enthusiasm). she even has the yarn
“in stock”. hee-hee—i love knitters.
i advanced a small stretch on these sox, and the yarn is pooling big time. you can’t see the full extent of it here, but there is no end in sight!
that is about a 5-inch length of pooling. fortunately, this is the camouflage colorway (lorna’s laces), so big blotches of color will be ok.
oh duh! maybe that is intentional?? does anybody know?
okay, i think i held off long enough on the new lace porn, don’t you? i know we all need our fix, and you can finally, actually SEE something happening on this new shawl—see the spades?
mine are more pointy and spade-ish than the ones in the picture in BW2. my openwork is bigger, probably because i’m using a needle that is slightly too big. with shawls, i like to err on the looser side, to get the airy-est fabric possible.
ok, and it tends to drive me slightly less crazy to knit with the biggest needle i can get away with (i know. who would think i had any interest in being less crazy, given the evidence??).
hey, i would hang my head in shame for my laziness, but there is something to the airiness theory. i really HATE heavy shawls.
so anyway, i digress. i know someone out there will want to see a closeup of the stitch pattern, and i have some edging to show for myself, too.
i’m still struggling with whether this piece will be pretty along the decrease lines. ok, it’s sort of an obsession of mine—some of you may recognize this particular vein of fretting. we shall see how these edges evolve, but so far i am ok with them and i haven’t done any fudging to make that happen (too much fudging = patternwriting hell).
now all that stitch talk is very nice, but you know, the way i like this project best is to get all the knit fabric into my arms at once and just hug it. mmmm—pure cashmere gratification.
it’s light, luscious, and unutterably gorgeous. sigh. the kind of yarn you want never to end.
ha! but i have paypal funds from selling patterns! which means i can waste some on reinvest in some replacement cashmere.
yes, i know we need about 1000 feet of iron porch railings (grrr). but spare me this one extravagance.
14 thoughts on “well. i didn’t anticipate that . . .”
You shouldn’t be surprised. You’re a talented designer! Love the blue.
The Moth shawl is so beautiful no wonder it is becoming popular. And the blue cashmere is going to be another breathtaking one! Congratulations!
*whippin’ out the pom-poms* Go Anne, Go Anne, your patterns are the bam (it’s the only thing I could think of the rhymed with your name)
oh and didn’t I tell ya’ll…her patterns are AWSOME AND even complete strangers stop her in stores and comment on her skirts!! woot woot!!!
Can I pre order the sangria and soon as you know there’s no boo boos I can start it?? What’s the gauge of yarn?? What size needles did you knit it on??
Also get the cashmere…. You can get iron railing anytime they’ll always be there… But the cashmere… Deb could go completely crazy due to this yarn bussiness and have to carried away screaming about compemtry colours and such…. Then what? No more beautiful cashmere…
Oh I can’t wait for that skirt pattern hmmm I dug out all my lil hot pants to wear under it and I’m going to imagiknit to look @ all the possibilities…. Thinking I might go with something with more wool cause its always chilly here…
You didn’t know how many people knew about your blog? My dear, are you not aware that you have been nominated in the category of Best Lace Blog in the Knitting Fiend’s Addicts Choice Knitting Blog Awards?
I’ve already cast my vote for you, of course!
So far the pattern is fantastic! Clear, easy to read, well laid out. . . really wonderful. And you have both charts AND written instructions, that’s going the extra mile. I love it.
It’s only natural to be worried about your pattern when you send it out into the great big scary world. 😉 But truly, you’re giving yourself an ulcer over nothing. It’s absolutely flawless so far.
p.s. I’m working on repeat #8. I have done almost nothing but knit this shawl all weekend. I can’t WAIT to get to the twin leaf lace–I’m looking forward to it like Christmas morning. 😉
Wow, I just discovered your blog and boy are you talented! How can I get the skirt pattern? I need it! I’m a semi-newish knitter (since last Nov.) but I’ve done several sweaters etc. I’ve got a GREAT teacher so she can help me out with this one. I want your Wings pattern as well, but that scares me!
Thanks for the inspiration and let me know when I can get the skirt pattern! GREAT blog…. just great.
I must say I agree with Brooklynn….my motto is BUY IT NOW, fret about it later and I am all about the cashmere that’s for sure so run to Deb before we all decide WE want it and then there won’t be any left young lady THEN what will you have to say for yourself hmmmmmmm *tapping my foot looking VERY stern* Don’t make me get those stupid pom-poms out again!
I’ve just come across your lovely blog via the moth heaven blog.
I’d like to know what colourway you are using for your new cashmere shawl? I’m
totally in love with these colours, so subtle and moody! I linked to the
Fearless Fibers ebay site you provided, but the photos there are not the best
and I’m not sure which colourway corresponds to the one you’re using.
Congratulations on your moth shawl pattern, it’s breathtaking! I’ll definitely add your blog to my daily list.
You know what I’ll say: Get the Cashmere. As far as I’m concerned, it’s fiber funds.
(Excited? Hopping up and down? What? Me?… heehee 🙂
I’m not at all surprised. It’s a beautiful pattern, and the skirt is as well. I guess you are a designer now!
If you have not used one of her patterns, you are missing the opportunity of a life-time. Not only is Anne amazing but so are her patterns! Bet ya can’t knit just one!!!!
Already told you how much I loved and admired the moth shawl; now just letting you know that I almost drooled over the picture of the cashmere. What would I do if I had it in my hands? Take it to bed, I imagine…
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