cardigan sock

Posted on Posted in designing, patterns

cozy as an old sweater, with a vintage diamond stitch pattern, these socks are what we look for on cold winter days.
the fancy heel takes the deep texture to the floor in back.

shown here in dicentra designs alpaca/merino sock yarn, in colorway, fire from Crown Mountain Farms
for more information, or to order the pattern, please visit our shop

22 thoughts on “cardigan sock

  1. The design is awesome! You must be under a lot of pressure to continue to astound, fascinate, tantilize, WoW, and amaze we groupies! Mission accomplished! P.S. You need to shave your legs!!

  2. P.S. With regards to my above post, just so you all know, those are David’s legs, not Anne’s!!

  3. Looks like David has a promising career ahead as a sock model! His foot shows the pattern off to perfection.

  4. Ooh! I really love the heels — I am continually charmed by heels that have the pattern leaking down into them (like the acorn socks you were knitting earlier); it’s such a nice design touch!

  5. I agree with all of the above! You are under pressure to thrill the fans. You seem to be managing. I love the heels. I adore fancy heels on socks.

  6. Those are lovely! I didn’t realize you were finished with them already. 🙂

    (still full from wonderful dinner)

  7. Sexy! (the socks too…)

    The big question – will there be two? A pair for your faithful model? Or are these going elsewhere?

    And, as the other commenters have said, you have another winner here. A great looking sock, a terrific heel, interesting knitting, and yummy yarn. Yup, it’s on my list.

  8. Wow you’ve done it again! Cold damp weather has seeped into the New Englad and those socks look SO warm and comfy!

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