he’s here!

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welcome baby knitspot!
i’d like everyone to meet padraig david baron

born: august 22, 2012 @ 2:55 pm
weight: 8 pounds, 5 ounces
length: 20 inches
ten fingers and ten toes!

congratulations erica and matt; may every happiness grace your little family!

101 thoughts on “he’s here!

  1. Congratulations to Erica! Here’s a little Irish blessing for Patraig:
    May God grant you always:
    A sunbeam to warm you
    A moonbeam to charm you,
    A sheltering angel,
    So nothing can harm you.

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!! He is so beautiful and perfect. But what could we expect from such beautiful parents.


  4. Oh Erica he is so beautiful! I think he should be immediately wrapped up in yarn. (And thank goodness he didn’t come out looking like an eight pound fruit!)

  5. Congratulations!! He’s beautiful and looks so peaceful. Glad all went well! Enjoy this time getting to know your little one πŸ™‚

  6. congratulations! May your lives be filled with love, health and happiness. Hooray for little angels that come into the world!!!

  7. Beautiful baby boy! He will be a great model for wee baby knitted items! Congratulations! Enjoy – they grow up so fast!

  8. Congratulations! Yesterday was my birthday, my dad’s and my cousin’s so we tend to think that August 22nd birthdays really are the best!

  9. Congratulations! He is PERFECT!! Doesn’t even look like a newborn. May God bless your entire family with love…and yarn-y goodness!

  10. O my goodness! What a beautiful baby boy. Welcome to the Knitspot clan, little one. And I just LOVE the name. Comgrats!!

  11. Congratulations, Erica and Matt! Padraig is exactly as beautiful as you think he is.
    All best wishes to the three of you.

  12. Oh my God…it’s wonderful!!!! it seems he has been painted by an artist!!! (sorry for my bad english….I hope you understand the same :))
    I’m very happy for Erica!!!!

  13. Blessings to you all, Erica, Matt and gorgeous little Patraig, wishing you all health & happiness in the years to come.

  14. He’s gorgeous! I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of him sporting all of the wonderful handknits that have been in the works. πŸ™‚

    Congratulations Erica, Matt, Aunt Anne and Uncle David!

  15. Now, that’s a gorgeous baby! I am so happy for Erica and Matt, and I wish them happiness always.

  16. Congratulations on your gorgeous son Erica and Matt. However to keep the knitspot blog tradition you need to post a photograph of him with an appropriately sized piece of fruit! May he bring joy and laughter to your lives.

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