
Posted on 11 CommentsPosted in Bare Naked Wools, designing, home and family

oh these little breaks that tell us spring is planning to come for a stay! we had the most beautiful skies this past weekend—blue, blue and clear. we don’t get many of these during any season in ohio, so a short string of them feels like a big treat. the temperatures are still low, but […]

jaw dropping progress

Posted on 22 CommentsPosted in food and garden, home and family

jaw dropping—get it?? haha, little joke there . . . because my jaw actually did fall off! HAHAHA, i just crack myself up sometimes . . . ok, maybe not that funny, now that i think about it. i’m just popping in to tell you that i’m feeling much, much better and hard at work on […]

tidings of comfort and joy

Posted on 7 CommentsPosted in Bare Naked Wools, book reviews/events, home and family, patterns

happy holidays to all! we have much good news to share today and many, many things to be grateful for. first, all of us at knitspot HQ are completely psyched to tell you this: we are SO exploding this fundraiser with a bang!! (and cardigan is much happier about it than she looks—her fixator just gets in the way […]

taking things in stride

Posted on 63 CommentsPosted in Bare Naked Wools, designing, home and family, projects

thank you all so very much for your enthusiastic response to my latest design publication—bottoms up booties; i’m so glad you like them. our scholarship fund total was up to $4294.20 last tuesday and i’m pretty sure that with this publication we went over 5K!! i am thrilled beyond measure; we’ve had a tough couple of weeks […]