happy halloween

Posted on 10 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events

it wouldn’t be a knitspot halloween without the annual viewing of bret’s house—i know you’ve been waiting for it. we’ve been watching it evolve since october 1st. from a distance you can see that there is a lot going on, so let’s draw a little closer to view the details . . . i just […]

hayrick sock

Posted on 29 CommentsPosted in patterns

another easy-to-knit sock with a handsome texture that belies the simplicity of its pattern. a near-cabled look is achieved with absolutely no crossing of stitches; the bit of openwork that accents the motif would never be construed as “lace”, yet it results in a pleasingly breathable fabric, same as the frilly stuff. a completely portable […]

seems like just yesterday . . .

Posted on 16 CommentsPosted in designing, projects

seems like no time has passed since i wrote about last weekend’s knitting and it’s already time to talk about the this weekend’s knitting. the house is a little brighter every day as the shade trees surrounding it are stripped of leaves by the bushel—as fast as david sweeps them up, another carpet of them […]


Posted on 39 CommentsPosted in designing, food and garden, projects

we’re living in a fishbowl of vibrant colors this month—the foliage is putting out the best display i’ve seen since we moved to ohio. we’re lucky to live in a home surrounded by a grove of very tall, old oaks, interspersed with maples. i’m struck with awe when each new day brings a different slant […]