yarn dye-et

Posted on 3 CommentsPosted in Uncategorized, yarn and dyeing

dyeing the yarn i didn’t like in its original state was not only fun, but a good recycling project as well. and it seems that a few other people thought so, too! for earth day, i think i’ll go through the yarn closet and do some more recycling; it’s hard to throw out yarn, but […]

dyeing for something special

Posted on 3 CommentsPosted in Uncategorized, yarn and dyeing

about yesterday’s post: Sarah asked: Ooooh, that big square shawl is so pretty. How much does it weigh? Can you show another nice drapey photo please?!? Do you think you’ll wear it, or will you mostly snuggle under it while watching TV, or on a plane (or both)? the big shawl is probably going to […]

big toze

Posted on 10 CommentsPosted in projects, Uncategorized

mondays just disappear for me. i teach four 2-hour classes between 10a and 8:30p, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but i always feel really beat when i get home at night! i think it’s the “good” tired though; the kind you get from a) doing something you love, and b) pigging out all day […]

spawn of kintpod

Posted on 1 CommentPosted in Uncategorized

here are a few links to some up-and-coming knit-related podcasts. i think they all have episodes out now, so take a listen and leave comments! KnitTunes by maura pfeifer music compilations to coordinate with your knitting Math4Knitters by lara neel math tips and tricks for knitters. atheyarnshop by kathy oliver A podcast about knitting, spinning, […]