
Posted on 11 CommentsPosted in lace/shawls, patterns, projects

when we originally scheduled the release of this pretty eyelet cardigan—violet—we were thinking that march is the month when we begin seeing the tiny spring flowers. and while a crocus or two has turned its face to the sun and some buds were beginning to appear, march has mostly been the scene of this not […]

winter again . . . and again

Posted on 10 CommentsPosted in Bare Naked Wools, designing, food and garden

happy st. patrick’s day everyone! because we’re all irish on march 17th, right? i hope you’ll enjoy the day in all the best tradition; it’s a bonus that it’s friday, too—party down. thank you all for participating in the giveaway of in search of the world’s finest wools book the other day; i found the comments fascinating and have plenty […]

wool seekers

Posted on 89 CommentsPosted in Bare Naked Wools, book reviews/events, spinning and fiber

a few weeks ago, i received a copy of this beautiful book—in search of the world’s finest wools, written and photographed by dominic dormeuil, current chairman of house of dormeuil  and jean-baptiste rabouan, whose photojournalistic work has focused on the cultures of nomadic people. sensing  the profound impact of social, economic, and environmental change on the global wool […]

amandine takes the cake

Posted on 2 CommentsPosted in projects

thank you everyone who participated in the naming game for our new shade of cabécou brillant sport! amandine took the prize for overall favorite, with crème brûlée and croquembouche tying for second place. i guess we love our sweets around here, huh? and the winner of a trio of patterns is cynthia E; congratulations cynthia! while […]