sluggish, but no time to stop . . .

Posted on 22 CommentsPosted in food and garden, projects

this past week i’ve been moving very slowly; traveling and allergies are taking their toll on my energy levels. not that i can afford to rest a whole lot or anything; it’s more that i’ve been steadily eating away at email and catch-up chores in a sort of foggy circle. ugh. i’m hoping that in […]

the post- post

Posted on 18 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, yarn and dyeing

i look forward to the twice-yearly trip to TNNA as an opportunity to spend time with good friends and colleagues, meet new people and make contacts in person, and of course, to peruse new yarn and accessory offerings. and some times, i actually accomplish all that, heh. this year was one of those times—there was […]


Posted on 30 CommentsPosted in designing, food and garden, lace/shawls, projects

i don’t know about you, but we’ve had a LOT of rain lately—i mean every day, for what feels like weeks. it’s great for the garden to a point; just look at all that GREEN, haha. it’s almost comical. and we don’t have to water, so that’s good. but then there are mushrooms and weeds […]


Posted on 20 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, designing, lace/shawls, projects, spinning and fiber

oh, it’s good to be home, where i slept in my own bed last night and woke up to the sounds of birds and leaves rustling, instead of a hushed hotel atmosphere. i have tons of things to share, starting from where i left you thursday morning, but i have to make it sort-of quick […]