A Constant Exploration

Posted on 7 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, projects

Things are just a fury at headquarters and everyone is excited to ship the first installment of Bare Naked Knitspot 2014. The girls are busy making brown paper packages of a special yarn Anne has carefully selected to kickoff the club, while Anne puts the finishing touches on the ebook chapter (there are still memberships […]


Posted on 7 CommentsPosted in patterns

do you know what time it is? time for a shot of bright, spring color, that’s what! i woke up this morning and decided we needed one around here, so before i run off to catch my plane, i’m releasing this pretty lace little nothing; it’s time. especially if you are, like many midwesterners this […]


Posted on 17 CommentsPosted in designing, projects, yarn and dyeing

it finally stopped—today is the first day since last thursday that we haven’t had any snowfall. of course, it’s probably too cold to snow now, haha. but this past weekend? it was a shovel-fest. poor david. sigh; i was supposed to be on a plane to san diego right now but for some mysterious reason, […]

the difference a day makes

Posted on 17 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, designing, food and garden, projects

yesterday morning we woke up to a nearly identical view of the the previous day’s sunrise—gorgeous orangey blue streaked sky with the sun trying to peep through. as nancy and i chatted over coffee though, a peachy veil gradually screened out the sun, turning in just a short while to a gray, fuzzy mantle, the fingers […]