heart like wheel

Posted on 26 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, spinning and fiber, Uncategorized

i went, i saw, and i was slain. this is marcy’s monica and i had 4 days to talk over, in depth, the pros and cons of carol’s reeves wheel. we tried this one first. it is very nice. i didn’t want to fiddle with the tension carole had set on it, which was so […]

under the weather

Posted on 29 CommentsPosted in lace/shawls, projects, Uncategorized

i am trying not to think about the fact that we are having a blizzard. it’s more snow than i’ve seen since i moved to ohio. we just haven’t been getting much snow. but today—well, today the sky is hooded and the world is closing in. earlier it looked like this and later, like this. […]

on not knitting my shawl . . .

Posted on 23 CommentsPosted in projects, spinning and fiber, Uncategorized

i had the whole day off today and instead of knitting steadily away on the startlight wrap, i puttered about in my workroom. i plied up these two bobbins of singles, half of a batch of roving i’d started spinning last week. it’s beautiful—vivid and streaky without being variegated per se—just lovely stuff. i can’t […]

now you see it—now you don’t

Posted on 19 CommentsPosted in lace/shawls, projects, Uncategorized

just got back from the thursday night knit club at the library, and since i was there, i took a few minutes to stock up on books. i usually feel lucky to find 3 or 4 that i’m interested in, but this evening i hit the motherlode and came home with a bag full of […]