i went, i saw, and i was slain.
this is marcy’s alden amos wheel. she left it alone in a huge room full of spinners for the better part of saturday. so i tried it.
i do not hold myself completely responsible for the shameful thoughts that passed through my mind while she was gone—who could blame me? suffice it to say that marcy is really, REALLY lucky that i drive a compact.
i’ve been thinking about getting a production wheel since rhinebeck, when monica and i had 4 days to talk over, in depth, the pros and cons of the wheels we have, and what we might gain from graduating to something faster and more powerful.
we both have similar interests in spinning—we both like to spin fine and to put ourselves and our tools to the test. we are fascinated by all the minute difference between fibers, and testing all the little manipulations that cause changes in the spun yarn—we can talk about that stuff for hours. we both spin to knit, so we like to be exacting most of the time. we both own the same wheels now, and are finding similar limitations in using them for spinning very fine yarns. we are both kind of searching for a more perfect wheel. we talk about it a LOT.
we are such geeks. and we SO don’t care.
therefore we were both delighted to have a chance to try out several wheels we were not familiar with at SPA. even better that we were sharing a room and could then go over all the little details we noticed about each one.
there was carol’s reeves wheel.
we tried this one first. it is very nice. i didn’t want to fiddle with the tension carole had set on it, which was so whisper-light that you would think there was nothing happening. the ability to set the tension so low would be a great thing for spinning cashmere and angora, or any short fiber—it is possible to have virtually no tug at all on the yarn.
then i spun for a little bit on juno’s merlin tree canadian production wheel. sadly, i do not have my own picture of this robust beauty, but you can see it here. very nice indeed—good for people like me who treadle fast. (yeah—i noticed at SPA that i am a regular lead-foot on the wheel . . .). this wheel has a lot of appeal, but i found the angle of the treadle to be a little too exaggerated, making it hard to pump, even for me, the leadfoot. i’m sure this is something that can be adjusted to the individual.
and then there was marcy’s wheel. i have never been overly-fond of the horizontal wheel structure, or an antique-looking wheel, preferring the more modern look of the schacht or the joy. but let’s face it—all that sort of thing goes right out the window when you are working on the wheel that you are destined to own marry. i mean. this thing was dreamy. the treadle moved with only the slightest push, the tension was set just right.
i was jealous as hell.
i saw that ad; i could have bought that wheel. but i didn’t. i had ever spun on one.
heh. but now i have. NOW, i’m on the prowl for one . . .
unless dave builds the perfect accelerator wheel for me instead . . .
i did put a bug in his ear about it. we’ll see.
thankfully, there were a few things to distract me from making away with marcy’s wheel while her back was turned.
like watching carol have fun
(i really REALLY hope that carol will love this picture the way i do—i know it’s blurry, but she, kim, and chris are having such a blast—they make me laugh and crave a martini every time i look at them!)
and the knitters—there were tons of knitters. it was hard to get pictures that did not have motion blurs, but then, i like that about these—it was a veritable hive of activity.
i got lots of spinning done myself and some knitting too—but i’ll have to show that tomorrow because the light was already faded by the time i got in today (it was, of course, raining when i got back to ohio).
i also have another few little treats to show you—bits of fiber i bought (i promise, it IS just bits), and things that arrived in the mail while i was gone.
i stopped in albany for a few days with my family on the way back and we had a nice time together too, so, all in all a wonderful trip, and i hope to go back next year.
26 thoughts on “heart like wheel”
Yay your back!
Looks like you had lots and lota and LOTS of fun 🙂
Cannot wait to see more…
Glad you made it out there safely and returend safely!
It looks like it was soooooo much fun!!!!!!!!
Soooo glad you had a good time, but are home safely too! I love that picture of Carole, Kim and Chris. Chris is the grandmum of my bunnies and I used to have one bunny from Kim’s rabbitry too, before he passed along the bunny trail. All dear friends – and I can hear them laughing when I look at that picture!
Several times during the past few days I’ve checked Knitspot. By yesterday the realization was firmly embedded that you had braved the snows and drove to Maine. Hooray for you!!! It looks like you had a wonderful time, along with falling in love. :-0
I’m glad you made it up and back in one piece! I don’ know nuthin’ about spinnin’ no fiber, but I love it when knitbloggers go on about their treadles and their tensions and their orifice hooks and such. It’s also great that you have Monica to talk this stuff about. We all know that vacant look the husbands get when you triumphantly show off your first kitchenered toe, or getting the hang of purling back without turning your work and whatnot.
Glad you are back in one piece, Anne. We missed you! But it looks like you had a very good time. Crikey, you keep tempting me with the spinning.
Yay, you’re home safe and sound. I love the picture, except for the multiple chins. But I am what I am. I had a blast and was so glad you were there, too!
Wheel lust is a powerful thing. Was so wonderful to meet you in person, glad you made it back home safe and sound.
Looks like a fun time! I’m so glad the weather co-operated for you. It would have been a shame to miss it.
Looks like a wonderful time! I’m glad the weather cooperated. It looked like it was even more fun than a library convention! (and those are a good time, believe it or not.)
All’s I can say is it is a good thing I like Marcy, or I may have been tempted to stick that wheel in my big van…LOL. I have not had wheel lust for a very long time, but I’m thinking I may have to give Mr. Amos a call. That is one very nice spinning wheel!
Hmmmm……..Carole and I have matching chins….haha!
It was so nice to sit and chat with you this weekend!!!
Yeah, we’re such geeks. 🙂
I’m glad I got to see you again, it was so fun!
I’m on the very edge of that last picture, but you can’t even recognize me, I must have been moving so fast. Like a speed demon. Or a super-hero. A knitting super-hero!
I’m so jealous! I haven’t been to SPA since my daughter was born and it was such a blast the year I went (despite a raging snowstorm outside!) Reading all these blogs about spinning makes me want to try my hand at it…..like I need another hobby!
Now that’s the Carole I know and love…martini in hand drivin’ a wheel. Looks like you ALL had a great time and I hope you find your dream wheel.
glad to see you got out and back safely and had a blast! all that knitting and spinning!
It was so great to meet and hang out with you! I am amazed at your spinning talent and your great sense of humor… thank you for all the kind words, laughs and of course, the driving! this weekend. I am glad to see you made it safely back to David.
🙂 Kate
I had never spun a thing until SPA; then only a teeny bit on a spindle. But I can feel the pull of the wheel! I’m thinking I have to search one out for myself. There were soooo many wheels there; it was impossible not to catch the bug.
Oh, I’m so glad you made it to SPA and that you got to visit with your family too. SPA sounds like it was a blast. Can’t wait to see your fiber purchases.
I’m glad to see you could make it to SPA and have such a good time. I can’t wait to join in the fun of a fiber festival, and will definitely do whatever I have to do in order to make it happen this year. It would be great to get to meet you!
I BOUGHT a car on Friday – so even though I harbored thoughts of driving right away to the SPA I put them aside – will DEFINITELY plan for it next year – since I have a car and all now. For the first time in oh well, since college and that wasnt a few years ago. Of course living in Manhattan and Brooklyn NO CAR unless you have lots of $$$ to throw away on parking .
So the whole story later on the blog. on the way to pick it up after a few days at Mel’s auto beauty shop.
Excellent summary, and nice haul. You got lots more done than I did (I only got one big bobbin full.)
That Alden Amos was something.
Sounds like a blast! I am happy to say that thanks to my local spinning guild’s library, I know who Alden Amos is! I’ve been working my way through his Big Book and learning lots, I tell you. But there’s something about how he describes making a draw that leads me to believe that I am doing something wrong. I’ll have to spend more time observing at our next guild meeting.
I’m planning on purchasing my first wheel very soon but I still haven’t decided which one to get. I’ve been trying out them out, researching them, reading everyone’s opinions and have yet to make a decision. *sigh* The money will be available in two weeks. I wonder if I will have narrowed the choices down by then.
Well, don’t judge my poor wheel by its current condition – it was at spa to have a restorative visit with its daddy.
The angle feels less severe when the rotation of the wheel is in better balance…the front wheel support is loose, so the whole thing is off.
But one of the reasons I like the production style is that I am a leadfoot too and you get a lot of bang for your buck with each treadle on that style. It converted me from being anti-antique style to the owner of two.
Speaking of which….don’t forget to consider the Russo wheels – he sells at MD and NH, I think (bought mine second hand) and his price is extremely reasonable for how good a wheel it is.
I love this wheel.
Mwahahahaa! Wheel lust strikes the unsuspecting. You really shouldn’t be so reticent in expressing your emotions, though, Anne. Speak up!
Now that you’ve spun on some Big Wheels, it’s sounds like you’re ready to move on up to spin with the big kids. Welcome!
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