
Posted on 22 CommentsPosted in patterns

now that fall is here for sure with its cooler days, our thoughts might be turning to accessories that add just a light layer of warmth—not enough to break a sweat, but something to take the chill off during the morning commute. and then there is the need to keep one’s coiffure in place on […]

monday, monday

Posted on 6 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events, designing, food and garden, lace/shawls, projects

intake from the garden is beginning to wane as the days grow considerably colder (the temperature hasn’t been higher than 60 degrees since i got back from miami and at night—brrrr!). the gray season is upon us, i think. we still have root vegetables out there to pull and greens (they actually like this weather) […]

just one thing to say today

Posted on 27 CommentsPosted in book reviews/events

happy, happy birthdays to my dear, sweet husband david and my best friend beckie (they share the same birthday, how cool is that?) may your days be filled with the sweetest of pleasures!!