now, here’s a handy book

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out just in time for holiday gifting, vogue knitting mittens & gloves is a collection of more than 40 favorite accessories for hands and wrists, gathered from the pages of vogue knitting magazine.

representing virtually any style you can think of, this book explores the gamut from classic to glam to fantastic with the collection contained inside.

and the photography shows off each one so that making the choice of which to start with might be the knitter’s biggest difficulty.

i love the several pair of long gloves, worked in fine yarn which are included—they give off the most feminine air and are versatile enough to be worn indoors as an accessory.

in addition to a bevy of style choices, there is something from every knit stitch “family” to choose from

the adorable pine tree mittens above and the scandinavian style ski mittens below are just two of the colorwork pieces included.

and there is lace, too

cables do not go ignored either—complex 3D ones are among the pages

mixing with more delicate streamlined cable texture in other pieces

the instructions are laid out well with detailed construction directions and large, color-coded charts for each piece.

there are quite a few pieces that are not purposed for warmth, but instead, for sheer style or illusion. my favorite page in the book shows a pair of backless gloves, cleverly designed to imitate the leather ones worn for horseback riding (or driving).

on another page, a beautiful muff is pictured

maybe not practical for everyday use, but certainly, it could have a role in a glamorous winter costume event—i could see it making and unforgettable entrance at a wedding, winter prom, or glittering holiday party.

the book compiles so many appealing choices in one place that it’s sure to have something for everyone.

i’m in richmond, VA this weekend, teaching at the hanover knttiing guild, but i thought it would be fun to post this review and offer a treat for readers in place of hearing from the real me. sixth&spring has generously offered to send a copy of vogue knitting mittens & gloves to one lucky reader. if you’d like to get in the drawing, leave a comment at the end of this post some time before 9 pm EST on sunday, october 31st. i’ll announce the winner upon my return home, probably monday morning (but maybe tuesday, heh).

193 thoughts on “now, here’s a handy book

  1. Another great recommendation! My library has many ‘Ann’ additions, and thank you for bringing them to our attention.

  2. I have been knitting for five years and have made all sorts of accessories for everyone but me! I would love to win this collection of mitten and glove patterns. Momma needs a pair of mittens. It is cold here in New Hampshire.

  3. This looks like a great book and I’d love to have it so I can make some beautiful gloves and mittens! Love the pictures you showed. Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. I’m just learning how to knit mittens and this would be a great inspiration for me.
    PS After looking at your YouTube videos, I am now totally convinced that neither you nor David sleep. How do you accomplish all that you do?
    Love your haircut!

  5. This book is on my wish list! Thank you for the sneak peek inside. I was hoping Jared Flood’s mittens would be in it, and they are!!! Yay!

  6. The furnace kicked on this morning – it’s officially cold! Time for a muff or at least mittens or gloves (I’ve never made one with fingers, just the fingerless ones). Enjoy Virginia!

  7. Great book! Although I subscribe to Vogue Knitting, it would be wonderful having all of these favorites in one place.

  8. Thank you for yet another opportunity! The book looks lovely and I am especially intrigued by the long gloves.

  9. Here in MN, I would make great use of the patterns in this book (at least the warm ones) . Please pick me!
    p.s. love your garden posts, as well; my garden, to bed already

  10. I’ve just been looking for mitts patterns to knit, since I heard teens like them for texting. Need some presents. . .

  11. Be safe in Richmond…another book to put on my wishlist and some additional holiday gift ideas (besides the knitspot patterns that I’m already using) for some of the friends that do not live in a hot winter climate.

  12. “Handy book”, hehe… Would love it. Enjoy Richmond. Dearest daughter flies North next weekend to celebrate her b’day with her best friend at the University of Richmond next weekend.

  13. OMG I want to make every pair!!! Perfect timing for the holidays for making gifts and for making some of these for winter wearing. Here in PA I definitely wear mittens and gloves every time I go out from late October well into May and sometimes even early June. The long gloves are delicious! Thanks so much for the review!

  14. Gorgeous book – I love mittens! Handknit socks are fine, but mittens and gloves aren’t hidden away in shoes after all that detailed work. A great book for my collection!

  15. ooo, I agree that muff is so unique! Looks like a great book–I just returned to New England from the south and the sudden temperature difference really has me wanting to knit up some mitts/mittens/things to keep me warm! To that end, I think I’ll go buy your latest mitts and cowl pattern. Enjoy your weekend, Anne!

  16. The muff is particularly impractical if you are wearing a lace top out in the snow! Love the gloves though – so many I’d like to make.

  17. I have been drawn to knitting mittens and fingerless gloves lately. Must be because its winter time but mainly because they are quick and there are so many different techniques and styles to choose from!

  18. I would love a book on gloves and mittens. I really enjoy making them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I thought I’d seen all the magazines, but I must have missed some. There are four pair among your pictures that I need to make right now! The red gloves with the lace patterning on the back of the hand must be mine! So I would love to have this book! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway.
    PS Hope you’re having a wonderful time in Richmond.

  20. Looks like a great book. Mittens and gloves sound like fun to knit…my family pretty much has enough pairs of socks. Welcome to Virginia…wish I could have made it to Richmond to meet you.

  21. I love knitting mittens. Although I have the yarn & needles, I’ve never marshalled the courage to try gloves. This book could motivate me in a very big way.

  22. I would love to win…even if the designs aren’t as lovely as yours. The new Curling is truly stunning.

  23. I’ve been eyeing Jared’s mittens for a while now – maybe it’s time to finally make them.

  24. After I make curling, I’d love to start on the Vogue mittens. Have a great weekend. We are spending it raking leaves.

  25. This could replace my old old old copy of Scandinavian Snow Sets (Nomis). How lovely this new book is! Thank you for the chance at it.

  26. I’ve been looking for a nice mitten pattern and this book looks wonderful. Thank you for offering it!

  27. I have yet to try mittens, but they’re on my list to do soon – after I finish my Christmas knitting!

    Incidentally, after all my raves about how great Knitspot patterns are, a friend of my just purchased the Curling pattern. She’s been looking to make some mitts and decided that was the pattern she wanted!

  28. What a great book with great patterns-mittens like socks are fun to knit and are great gifts. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. Hello there, I have never knit mittens before and wouldn’t it be great to add this book to my collection. I really enjoy reading your blog and kudos to you and your guy for such great pics.

  30. thanks for the chance to be the lucky winner. i love making mitts and mittens, so thanks for the preview.

  31. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, and thank you and Sixth&Spring for the giveaway! I would to receive a copy of this book — last winter surprised everyone (usually we get no snow at all, but were snowed in for over five weeks in -11C temps and lower) so preparing my friends and family for this winter, using this book, would be great. 😉 Thanks!

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