a soft, dressy, easy-to-work triangle composed of a single allover lace stitch with pretty edging points along the sides and top. a great on-the-go summer project, in three sizes (one is a scarf), this project is well-suited for a first foray into triangle shawl knitting.
shown here, petite size in lanas puras melosa laceweight, from one planet yarn and fiber. kit available here.
to purchase pattern or view complete pattern information, please click here to see the product page in the knitspot pattern shop.
jocelyn is hot on my heels with her fabulous test knit in a spritely green shade of the same yarn. thank you jocelyn!
and rachel of course, brought the pattern to it’s birth in good form . . . thank you rachel.
51 thoughts on “star of evening”
Yay! Beautiful! Love the blues in that yarn and the pattern is so tempting!
Frankly, it’s intimidating how quickly you finish these projects woman! 😉
I was checking your blog all day waiting for the shawl to dry. It’s beautiful. Love the edging.
Anne, it’s just lovely. I love it! I clicked on the link to One Planet, and I didn’t see the kit there. I wonder if they’re aware you’ve released the info? Socks, tomorrow?
Really pretty. You know I tend to move away from such “clear” colors, but this is great.
Yippeee! I’m on my way to the pattern shop . . .
Absolutely gorgeous! This is a must have, in my humble opinion!
WOW! You are killin me with all your fantastic patterns, now if you could either find a way to lengthen days to ~36 hours or arrange for me to be independently wealthy so I can knit all day that would be great! 🙂
As always, your work is beautiful. The color is really pretty too.
That is beautiful. So deliciously spikey.
Gorgeous – just beautiful!
Lovely, lovely! I was working on pear and trellis at our lys monthly knit night and someone went to look up the pattern and I heard “star of evening” and I lunged at the computer to get the yardage, because I’d had my eye on some indigo Malabrigo lace for the last few weeks. So, yarn bought and wound, I’m off to get the pattern. I need an easy lace project to go. (btw, I didn’t have any trouble keeping up with pear and trellis and conversing at the same time)
Sigh. I’m never gonna manage to knit everything I want to. But I’m not gonna let that knowledge stop me from trying.
Very very pretty.
p.s. But but but, the kits aren’t up yet! Wail!
Gorgeous! I really do like that stitch pattern too…
These shawls are all so tempting. I’m not even done with the ones (five?) I’m knitting now!
oh it is so lovely – and looks grand on you.
and, ahem… aren’t you standing a bit dangerously close to those lilacs in that last shot? (can you say achhoo? – smile)
Oh so pretty! This one is a must-have! (And what terrific photos, too—you are a lovely model!)
Perfect for my orchid Malabrigo lace…yum-o!
I love it! Perfect colour for the design!
It really looks great Anne… I especially love your smiling face in the one shot!! I showed the kids these photos and they were quite impressed that you finished it so quickly – since they saw you working on it here… (unfortunately, they are used to their mother’s slow knitting…. which would be faster if they weren’t dragging me from one activity to another….)
Beautiful! That color looks great on you too.
Very pretty Anne ! And perfect for summer knitting indeed 🙂
Thats beautiful Ann, I love the blue.
It’s lovely. But please, could you be a little less productive? Or at least create something I don’t want to run to download? Or maybe show it in a color that doesn’t make my heart race?
Thank you.
You’re my hero. Seriously.
Beautiful job, once again.
another winner 🙂
The kits are still not up… sigh. that won’t stop me, I’m on my way to your shop for the pattern, star of evening is sooo very beautiful. Thank you!
So elegant! I love the all over repeat of the design, making it so soft and elegant looking. This one is definitely in my queue…perhaps for some lovely chocolate colored lace weight just sitting patiently in my stash!
You look mahvelous, darling……..hope David took you out for dinner! The shawl is marvelous, too!
I’ve grown addicted to your blog! I can’t wait to be able to knit everything I’ve already bought from your patterns .. and you keep coming out with more! Stop! *winks*
Just lovely, as always!
You are now my offical pusher! There I was in Burger King playland yesterday, trying to figure out if I could purchase the pattern from mobile web on my phone. This is bad! =) Finally snapped myself out of the knitter’s high — I mean trance — and waited until I could download it onto my laptop like a normal person, well, normal knitter anyway.
Oh, that’s lovely! hmm…
Beautiful as always, Anne. I’m ordering the pattern now!
So lovely. Keep doing what you are so good at!
Post-blocking it turned out lovely as expected…although I can’t say if I’m more entranced by the pattern or the color…
I’ve been waiting for this pattern to be available since that first little swatch you showed! It’s just as beautiful as anticipated.
It’s gorgeous & I love the color too. It’s definitely a BRILLIANT STAR! You are great in your designs.
I felt so good getting 3 repeats of Gust done! Your shawl/lace makes me feel very small but joyeous! I will master this, thank you for another fabulous pattern 🙂
Lovely as usual! I always love to look at your finished lace it is always beautiful.
Lovely!!! You are certainly on a roll, Missy! 🙂
I started it yesterday in a lace weight black, brown and red yarn that looks like a fire to me, so I am calling ti the fire shawl. I am almost through the first repeat of the body chart (almost Row 24). This is a great pattern — so crystal clear, all the way down to where to place and slip the markers. I might have to teach a lace class this summer and have the students knit this shawl. Oh, it’s beautiful. Oh, I’ms o happy! Thanks for another great design, Anne — again!
To pick up on a totally non-knitted element in this post – you have gorgeous hair. 🙂
Just lovely! The pattern is on my hard drive, the shawl on my short-list 🙂
Very lovely!
So beautiful. I just found the perfect yarn for Wing of the Moth (Fibre Company Canopy sport, from Soho Purls)–I can’t keep up with you!
Anne- I’m getting the pattern NOW!
Love the lipstick- you look fab darling!
Wonderful. It must be the perfect shawl project to carry everywhere, isn’t it? I bet one learns the pattern by heart pretty quickly.
That would be so nice in handspun too! What a great, versatile pattern!
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