i (heart) the mosh knit

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i owe a long-overdue thank-you to brooklynne! if you haven’t checked out The Mosh Knit, go now!! i’ll still be here when you come back. scoot.

ok, now, brooklynne’s program is a wonderful mix of music (punk), knitting (lots of lace), and well, . . . brooklynne!
now when i first heard about this program, i was pretty excited, because it sounded really different. i had a punk phase in the 80s when i was in my 20s, and though i wasn’t sure i still enjoyed the signature music, i did have a great time during those years. and i knitted all through them, too.

well, guess what? i DO still like the music! actually, i really love the music on the Mosh Knit. i also love that brooklynne does her program “live” and mostly unedited. she’s funny! i like her quirkiness, and the fact that she is completely willing to be herself on any given show.

in the course of getting to know the program, i began to email brooklynne with comments and soon we were discussing the idea of my doing an audio essay for the show. i agreed before i realized how petrified i was. what had i done, why had i agreed to it?? was i insane (ok, no, don’t answer that, thanx).
but i did it! and it was REALLY good for me. i had always been terribly afraid of public speaking, and this opportunity went a long way to giving me a leg-up on those fears. now i am planning to do a couple more for some other podcasters! imagine that! (and, by the way, she is open to ANY of you contributing to her program at any time—just contact her through the Mosh Knit website for more information).

she also encouraged me to follow up on the yarn rant idea, which was Another Good Thing I Did This Year. and now she’s raised the bar again by doing a little spotlight on her show about my knitwear design and the writing on this-here blog. i laughed and blushed through the whole episode—what was she running on about, anyway. but it made me feel good, too—i’ve always worked really hard to have both a job and an almost-full-time knitting career; it’s really nice to get a little public recognition for it!!

so thank you brooklynne! you’re the best!

this is one of those times when i can point directly to something that i THOUGHT was going to be a minor change in my life (starting a blog—who knew?), which is more and more turning into something that is transforming me, and my life, in bigger ways that i couldn’t foresee or expect!

every year or so, i try to learn a new thing that is sure to be scary, is a challenge, and that i might fail at. at first, i did it simply out of my addiction for variety and change. over time, i have come to value it greatly—among other things, it seems to keep my vision fresh. by constantly putting myself back in the learner’s seat, i discover new avenues for exploring life’s ongoing puzzles.

starting the blog this year has kept me on my toes and chasing my tail. the software is frustrating, the language is foreign. i want to expand but i need to learn how, and the learning curve is steep (or, i am making it harder than it really is—same difference).
on the other hand, it has also brought piles of unexpected emotional swag—new knitting, new friends, good feedback, the discovery of writing for/to others, the chance to share myself and my work! and don’t leave out the great skirt debate!

now, i can’t live without it—i need my blog! what did i do before i had it??

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