did you know that knitspot turned ten years old this year? it’s been so fun, i can hardly believe a decade has passed—wow! i have so enjoyed getting to know and understand our readership—and one thing i’ve learned is that, while knitting might be your first passion, you enjoy your time in a variety of ways. also, that you are endlessly curious about how i spend mine and where i find inspiration.
how many times have i shown my most recent cooking project and you all responded back to tell me about your favorite version or to ask for my recipe? or, having asked where i can find a way to make gluten free, beet free borscht, you deluge me with possibilities (just kidding about needing that one, ok)?
you are the best, most interesting people i know and it has endeared you to me. and we are about to embark on a new adventure together, one that embraces several of our favorite pastimes, explores the process of inspiration, and celebrates the culmination of, well, knitting our lives to each other.
i’m talking about our upcoming pairings club, which gathers all of our loves in one package. pairing me, pairing you; pairing fiber, pairing food, pairing naturals and chromatics—we are gonna do it all.
the idea for this club really came from you—i know you like variety! in thinking about ways to introduce something new into our club offerings, i thought it would be fun to mix things up a bit—i hear you when you say you’d like to do a bare naked knitspot club again, but i also see that you love a dash of color in your knitting life. i hear you when you say “just give me a subscription to ALL your yarns” or “i don’t know here to begin!”—it can be daunting with so many tempting choices.
if you are curious about our bare naked wools yarns, the pairings club is the perfect way to sample them—we’ll be including four of our custom spun yarns, one in each shipment. to up the fun factor, we are pairing each BNW selection with a compatible hand dyed yarn from favorite color fiber artists. each shipment will include TWO yarns—one natural yarn and one hand dyed yarn to work some knitting magic (we’ll be including goodies too!). the contents of each shipment is a surprise, so it’s like getting a present in the mail just because—times four.
with yarn in hand, you’ll next discover what we’ll be knitting. soon after each package arrives, you’ll receive word that the eBook download is ready, with beautiful photos and pattern (often multiple patterns) for a project that takes advantage of working with two colors.
projects will vary in technique—could be stripey or worked in blocks of colors, could be slip-stitch, could be stranded color work—each will be different; you won’t get stuck with projects of just one type or ones that are overly fussy.
in the ebook—which is updated with each installment—i’ll share my inspirational process, talk about the fiber characteristics of the yarns as they relate to the project(s), and the steps that take me from there to a finished design. we take pains to provide tons of beautiful photography to support the project.
designs and yarns span a range of weights and accessory options in keeping with the time of year that they are introduced. skill level is generally intermediate; if we do tackle something more challenging, you will be supported by our renowned ravelry clubhouse group (more about that in a bit!)
now here is where we’re throwing in a new curve. to keep up the fun and energy between the bi-monthly shipments, we’re going to cook and eat together! you like food, don’t you??
think foods inspired by knitting in color—like peach pie with crumble topping, caprese salad, beans and wild greens, pasta with roasted tomatoes—vibrant flavors and colors that bring our fiber combinations to another level. the actual food course will be a surprise too, but be assured that they will be flexible and easily varied to suit your taste.
our recipes will take advantage of seasonal garden offerings and local specialty foods. in this effort i have enlisted the help of my dear friend, knitter and professional chef, katharine wainwright.
i recently spent a week at her lovely, vivacious home, where we prepped and cooked and photographed the days away in a flurry of club-centric preparations. we’ve come up with a four-course menu we think you’ll enjoy from start to finish, especially when you prepare it together with us.
we will peel, boil, and whip up some fun and good flavors; in the clubhouse, we’ll chat about how to work the recipes and create variations to suit your taste/diet.
which brings me back to our wonderfully hilarious, swinging’ knitspot clubhouse, led by the dynamic duo katJ and kim3, along with josée. these three amigas keep the club chatter lively and timely, with the focus on fun, fun, fun. i can’t say enough how many friendships have been forged and advanced knitters made with the love and help of our clubhouse support—it’s the besets; you should join us.
lest you think that we are all fun times and no foundation, let me introduce the behind the scenes heroes of the club—erica, david, and lillian—who are working hard here at knitspot HQ to keep those packages coming, provide support as needed, and correct the rare mishaps that occur. we are all about each and every one of you having the best experience we can provide.
still have questions about how it all works? for more in-depth details, see our club essentials page here or general club FAQs here (must be a rav member to use this link). and be sure to check out our clubhouse chat threads to get the skinny from our veterans if you’d like to ask questions before committing—they will happily fill you in.
as for me, i hope i’ve talked you into joining us—i sure hope you will! see you in july, yes?
16 thoughts on “mixing it up”
Happy Anniversary Knitspot! And thank you for everything….I can barely remember when Knitspot was not part of my life. Truly– the friendships, the endless learning about yarn , fiber, techniques, and the continuous creativity and challenges I’ve experienced in the 10 years have changed my life. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been on this journey with Anne and everyone in the community. Am looking forward to all the wonderful surprises to come!
Happy anniversary! And what a gorgeous array of photos to tempt us into the next decade!
Happy Anniversary. Your clubs, classes and designs have taken my knitting from a hobby to a part of my daily life. My first club was the first Bare Naked Club and I was hooked! I am constantly amazed at your creativity and knowledge and feel so blessed to share it with the friends I have made along the way. Thank you.
And I am SO excited about the Pairings Club.
Happy 10th! I think I must have started reading Knitspot about seven years ago. It made me so happy that at one point I actually went back and read from the beginning!
Happy anniversary! It is due to your creativity, resourcefulness and attention to detail that my “knitting hobby” has become The Knitting; and as such, an irreplaceable part of my life, along with the friends made in the Clubhouse. Many thanks!
10 years! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Knitspot has certainly been a wonderful part of my knitting life for a good part of these past ten years. Thank you, Anne and David, for all that you do to enrich my knitting experience! Looking ahead to many more wonderful projects, blogs, adventures.
Happy anniversary and wishing you many more!
Already a Double Dipper – This is going to be tremendous!
Happy Anniversary!
Well, THAT all looks yummy, yarn and food alike! Looking forward to this! The clubs and the clubhouse have certainly made me into a serious knitter, and forged precious friendships. When I started knitting 11 years ago I couldn’t imagine making garments or lace, I thought garter scarves were going to be it for me, and here I am now, planning and wearing beautiful hand knits as often as weather permits. Awaiting July 17th with bells on!
Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to the next ten, starting with Pairings. The menus are tantalizing! I’ve learned so much, and thoroughly enjoyed it all.
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations Anne and David and thank you. I have learned so much since we met back in 2007(?). Not sure of the exact date but I think Sam was in kindergarten and now he’s 6 feet tall. There have been so many fun times, much hard work and too many knitting patterns to count. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Happy Anniversary! WOW where have the years gone? I’ve enjoyed the journey right along with you and it has given me a fulfillment in life that I enjoy, knitting and becoming good friends with you and David and so many others. Many hours and many laughs in Knitspot land. Your talents and inspiration amaze me and I love knitting it all. Well….not sure yet about wandering thyme?
Can’t wait for the Pairings club to begin.
Happy Anniversary all Knitspotters. Congratulations on all the great creative endeavors from patterns to your own yarns to clubs, classes, and shows. I love watching you on Craftsy and when I need some inspiration you are there for me 24/7. Looking forward to continuing knitting, cooking, traveling, gardening, and house renovations in the future.
Happy Anniversary! My knitting has improved so much as a result of being part of the Knitspot clubs. I’ve been a double dipper since the first club, Fall in Full Color and have not looked back. Thank you to the Knitspot team for all your hard work. You are truly appreciated. Can’t wait for this latest offering!
Aw, ten years already???? That is so awesome Anne. You’ve done a fabulous job of catering to what we knitters love. Can’t WAIT for the Pairings Club. We’re gonna have FOUR surprises per shipment! What Color? What Natural? What Project, and what recipes! I seriously can’t WAIT for this club. It’s going to be so much fun!
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