enough is enough!

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man, i am so sick of work! i mean i still like my job and all, but i am sick of making fractions in math books for today. i can’t believe it’s after 10pm. the last time i looked at the clock it was 8-something . . .

anyway, that’s not what you’re here for is it?? hahaha! you wanna see some of this, dontcha?

waterfall sox done! yippee. these were a really fun knit, and i will miss them. however, i AM going to write up the pattern—in a couple of sizes, too. should be ready in a few days.
for the record, these were knit with Briar Rose Fibers: Grandma’s Blessing, a merino and nylon blend, on size 3 and 2 needles ( i like to knit the soles a little tighter on socks).

i think this is my 16th pair of socks completed this year. and i always think “socks don’t count” because they are not, you know, big news, but i AM proud of 16 pairs—that’s a lotta sox.

and there’s more! i didn’t get anything done in the last few days on those other pretty dainties (the bluey-lavender-y ones), but i got some rows done on my voo-dooSmokes.

see the smoke curls on the cuff? i love them.
thank you to everyone who wrote me to tell a little story about cravings—i swear it makes me feel better that i am not the only one. i mean. it’s the surprise of them—they come right out of nowhere, just like that. i thought it was me being weak, but apprently, no.
ok then. i think i can be ok with that.

i have other knitting too, hang on. the brother socks. whew. would you believe i spent most of my extremely precious, small, no—tiny—amount of knitting time in the past three days sussing out a clever, but not-too-over-the-top stitch pattern for these socks?

he’s a good guy and all, but he’s no lace-wearin’ he-man or anything. i went crazy trying to find something, well . . . perfect for someone who is . . . well, a little boring in the clothes department. and you know what i found?


you’re gonna be surprised!


hahahaha!—RIBBING. that’s right straight-as-a-stick ribbing. i did throw in a bit of a curve ball by making it three-by-three, instead of two-by-two. after all. i spent three. days. looking.

sigh. he will like that though.

i tried a variety of patterns actually, but none translated well-enough in this yarn. they were all either too small (the gauge is tiny) or much too big (can’t have anything resembling a motif now).

but they are a great knit—soft, soft, soft, and fast on the needles with the fearless fibers merino sock. i love this yarn—it feels like REAL merino ought to feel. i’m using size 1s (bamboo) needles at the moment, but i might switch to my inox 0s (.25 mm smaller) for the soles. i’m knitting the voodoos on my brittany size 1s, becasue i like the blunter tip for such a fine fiber. if i had a second pair, i’d use ’em for these socks too—the really pointy bamboo tips are catching a bit because this merino is so fine. (i just tried to link you to the yarn, but etsy was down—you’ll have to google it).

ok, and speaking of merino which is cushy, my work on the red sweater has slowed due to my work at work, but this morning i had a little time before work to work on it, so i knit about half my sleeve (this is why i love this project right now; 1 hour = half a sleeve or more!)

you can see another shot over that the Red Sweater KAL—you should go anyway, because the site will make you feel so good. all that red . . . sexay!

13 thoughts on “enough is enough!

  1. Anne, you’re such a hoot. Sexay, eh??? Well. I will have to go check out that KAL. I am actually knitting my red sweater too! Just haven’t joined the KAL becuase….i’m so technically unsavy. There. I said it. Those Waterfall Socks are really really beautiful. And 16 pairs in 11 months is way sick (remember…the new teen word for way cool….).

  2. your knitting is very pretty 🙂 But i am wondering about your work… do you use Mathtype for the equations? I just finished putting together a book for a prof. at RIT, and while it is a science book, it could pass for a math book 🙂

  3. 16 pairs of socks – oh my! The waterfall socks are beautiful. Oh, and those socks for your brother, now that’s manLace my man will wear.

  4. Love the socks. Still haven’t attempted to knit socks, but between Lene’s blog and yours; I am being tempted.

  5. Socks don’t count because they’re not big news? Add up the stitches in a sock. Then add up the stitches in a sweater. See? One third of sweater, more or less. For real fun, place the multiple of the divisor in brackets times A and divide by the square root of the heel turn times B. Next thing you know, you have a shawl. In other words, socks count. 🙂

    Loving the smoking socks!!

  6. Hah, I know what you mean about the brother socks! I decided on a 1×1 rib and then stockinette for mine, since he picked out the yarn and at the store pointed to a sample and said, So they will look like that?

    So now I have to make them look like that.

  7. I love the smoke curls on the socks – perfect match of pattern and color! Socks in squishy, soft ribbing are great – easy and very comfy to wear!

    I always count my socks – there are so many stitches on those baby’s – and people appreciate them so much….

  8. I MUST get my hands on some of that Briar Rose. The Grandma’s Blessing colorway is one of the best I’ve seen!

    And I think I have changed my mind about my red sweater. I’m still going to knit a red sweater, just not for my husband. I’m going to knit him a denim sweater instead, and keep the red for ME! 🙂 Is that bad? (He really does like blue better…)

  9. Hi, I stumbled onto your blog by linking from some others I read and I just wanted to say that your red sweater is gorgeous! The cable/malabrigio combo is absolutely beautiful. What colorway of malabrigio is that? It seems to be the perfect combo of pinks/reds. I’ve been wanting to order some for awhile now but wasn’t sure what color I wanted – now I know I want whatever that is!

  10. Yeah for sox! My boys like the straight ribbing too. But always stick with 2×2. If I change it up, I get thrown off and can’t knit without looking.

    I need more socks. For me. Dang it. I’m next.

  11. Your conservative brother will love the socks — classic style with just a hint of daring. And your red sweater has such beautiful shades (as does the Sedona colorway on the KAL page). Wow! What a happy collection they all make. Fractions in math books? I’m curious — do you work for a textbook publisher?

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