
Posted on Posted in lace/shawls, projects, Uncategorized

that’s what you are—you ROCK. thank you for that huge show of warm support and the many, MANY helpful suggestions that you sent me concerning Big Dave’s dilemma. we are certainly going to make sure that this situation gets cleared up promptly, but it is gratifying to know that so many of you care so much about a bad thing that is happening to someone you don’t know.

it gives me hope that indeed, what has come to pass for “process” in our government administrations will someday be history, and that we will return, as a nation, to a retirement and disability system which is worthy of the principals the social security administration was built on.

having recently been to the eleanor roosevelt home at Val Kill and had my memory refreshed about what this great woman (a prolific knitter, BTW) stood for and achieved in her lifetime, and her relationship to all of us as “every(wo)man”, your powerful and proactive thoughts and ideas about solving the problem at hand, rang with her spirit and her insistance that we should always “fight for what’s right”.

thank you.

and now, for some knitting, because a little balance is also a good thing.
how’s THIS for some eye candy?

finished it last night as a matter of fact. it should be blocking now, but i forgot about getting on to soak, and then it was after 11, so i will try to get up early and get that done before work in the morning. how’s this for some cashmere-y goodness?

i just want to roll around on it—it is to die for. and did you ask about the texture? why, just take a gander here

that shows off the colors in a little bit different way too (they really ARE that rich and warm).
once it’s blocked, we can maybe have some modeling shots over the weekend, if david is willing. don’t tell him—and i’m not promising!—but i’m hoping to persuade him to indulge us with a few “skin” shots in it. you know, tasteful-like. as in, REAL eye-candy. we’ll see . . .


18 thoughts on “big-hearted

  1. I was reading about Big Dave’s problems with Social Security. My mother was born in 1909 in the mountains of North Alabama and my father was born in 1904, same area. Neither of them had birth certificates because not just blacks but everybody was born at home them and nobody had a birth certificate. When they began to approach 65 they decided to get birth certificates issued to them and got one of their older brothers or sisters to swear to their being over 65. There are also such things as church records, baptismal records, school records, etc. which are acceptable substitutes for family memories. Also a family bible is acceptable. It is a pain. Luckily my MIL who will be 90 in May was born in a hospital in Oklahoma and does have a birth certificate. Have you called the South Carolina department of human resources or the vital statistics people? You might also check with the Veterans Administration. And look on his children’s birth certificates. Mine has my parents ages on it. Hope some of this proves helpful. Dealing with the government is the pits. DH turned 65 last February and we are just getting into the drag of having to go through them for everything we do. Blech!!!
    Ann Carpenter in Dallas, Texas–By the way, I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful your lace work and knitting are. You are an expert. I hope I can do as well even with my 50 years experience when I have some time to do more lacework after the holidays.

  2. You know, I bet there’s a way to get Big Dave a birth certificate. Ann’s post has great suggestions. I didn’t even think of the family bible thing, but she’s right–I remember that from when we were getting married, and looking up all the documents we’d need to get the license.

    I adore this red cashmere (!) wrap… it’s got an Escher quality to it, sort of.

  3. I do hope that all the suggestions lead you to a happy conclusion where Big Dave is concerned. Family bible is a great suggestion, if it exists!

    Love love love your FO with all that texture. Will it maintain the same delicious waviness when it is blocked?

  4. Not as if I expected anything less, but that is really really beautiful. Color, pattern, everything.

    And… I just read the other post – studio and house moving has eaten up all my blogging and knitting time – good luck with all that. As a southern boy, I contine to be appalled at our past. I was born “out of wedlock” (horrors) if I had been born a few years earlier, I might have actually had “bastard” stamped on my birth certificate.

  5. OOOhhh… cashmere…it’s beautiful and I look forward to the pictures with David…..OMG, did I say that….now Anne, you know I’m just kidding!!
    When will this pattern be ready? Keep up the wonderful work of design!

  6. Is it wrong to say I look forward to the prospect of pictures of David? Because, damn woman, you married well! He did too. Between him in ManLace and you in that gorgeous Sangria skirt, the pair of you make some fine eye candy!

  7. Ann,
    I just got a response from my friend, and she states that she had to have 4 witnessesses that she had been born, and at that time she had 4 witnesses. She also stated that the family BIBLE was used for births, which apparently was used along with the 4 family member witnesses. I’m certain that your father in law’s situation is somewhat different because of his age, but~possibly a family bible will suffice. Hope that this helps untangle some of the mess that your family is in. Take care…and the shawl is breathtaking!

  8. I’m so glad readers/friends were able to give you such concrete assistance to a disgraceful situation with our government. People are truly wonderful. I like the way you invoke Eleanor Roosevelt, Val Kill, and her deep convictions to humankind. To me, Val Kill is a spiritual place (there is definitely an aura there), something the main Roosevelt house doesn’t attain.
    David’s shawl/scarf is perfection all around! Blessings.

  9. Oh, Anne, just getting caught up on my blog reading. I’m very sad to hear that Big Dave is having such problems. It seems that you’ve received a lot of good information from your readers, so I’m sure you all will come up with a great resolution soon. The shawl is so lovely. Can’t wait to see it blocked. Hopefully we’ll get a photo shoot with your hubby too! 🙂

  10. That scarf is SO lovely! I’m going to have to pick up some patterns from you pronto, I’ve been loving everything you’ve made lately 🙂

  11. Wow, that shawl is just so beautiful! You really have the feeling for the right combinations of colours/materials/patterns!

  12. Wowzer, it certainly is “roll-around” worthy. And the colour is so rich. I’m not normally in that end of the spectrum, but this is dubble yumm. 🙂

  13. On one of your entries (the one with the beautiful stitch holders), you mention Aija, who has a shop–where is it? (PS I live in Flagstaff).

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