motoring down the homestretch

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boy, knitting with DK is SO gratifying. i’ve got the first half of morning glories done, and the second half underway AND i wrote a test pattern this weekend.

i’m wondering if the mesh section near the hem needs to be longer. in this picture it looks kinda short, but i know it will block out a lot longer—it’s about 10 inches total, which is about 1/3 of this half. i’m wondering if i just got sick of knitting the mesh and copped out . . . once i see it blocked, i could add a couple of inches to it in the pattern if need be.

WHAT??—you didn’t think i was gonna rip the whole thing out to add a couple of inches to the mesh did you?
he-he. i might be a perfectionist, but i don’t think i’m a freak . . .

isn’t the texture of this fabric cool??

so deep and luxurious . . . mmm. and the yarn
is SOOoo luscious. have i mentioned that before?

ok, so lynne E. (from comments, but sadly blogless), says she she has trouble seeing the morning glories in this pattern, and mainly just sees a trellis.
and me? OMG—i saw the flowers the minute i laid eyes on it for the first time, before i even saw the name of the pattern. i think it’s a bit like an escher drawing, or an optical illusion.

the design is an absraction of course (i mean it’s knitted wool). to me it looks like a vertical trellis jam-packed with morning glories twining up. those are the round shapes with the holes around them, and there is a certain look of leaves criss-crossing in the confusion of all the growing activity—er, anyway, that’s what i see . . . am i making sense?

i’ve been pretty much married to this project for the last week, so i have little else to show for myself—some sock knitting did take place, when tree scum let me touch it again

i know you all like a tree scum update once in a while. we have started the to heal the heel, and so far all is peaceful between us.

and now, off to get some more inches onto that stole. yum.

15 thoughts on “motoring down the homestretch

  1. WOW! Love the pattern and the color, though I wasn’t sure I would since morning glories are the bane of this area of the country. They might be pretty but not when overwhelming flowerbeds, gardens, fences, houses… in their tenticles.

  2. Ditto, Julie’s comment! I need more time to knit!

    I can see the morning glories in the more distant, full shawl shot. I can’t see them in the close-up.

  3. It looks wonderfully soft and squishy – and the color is just the icing on the proverbial cake of the pattern! I need something warm this morning – we are back in winter weather for a while it seems!

  4. It’s beautiful anne! But I think you’re right – it seems like you need a little bit more on the mesh edging. And the morning glories are way cool…..

  5. I can make out the morning glories now, thanks to your explanation. They’re seen in a side view, right? I was expecting the holes to represent the centers of the flowers. In this shawl design, I’m particularly fascinated by the mesh pattern, as I love your edgings and endings. So happy, too, to see Tree Scum again! 😀

  6. You know I love that shawl, and I’m starting to get the itch myself to make something lacey. Your beautiful knitting inspires me all the time. I adore your blog, lots of days just reading it is a bright spot in my day. Ya, there you go–knitspot the knitting brightspot!!

  7. wow, love this scarf/stole! can’t wait till you put the pattern up! I like the mesh the length it is, when there’s more than one pattern in a piece I like using Fibonacci/golden ratio numbers to figure out pleasing lengths of each pattern. And my checking account thanks you for turning me on to Fearless Fibers :}}

  8. I think the length of the mesh edging could be left up to the knitter. Some will want more of it, others less. I also think it’s easier to see the morning glories in the full shawl than in the close-up (for me anyway).
    Hello, Tree Scum! So glad to see you and Ann are working together again. She really is a very nice person.

  9. OOOOH I loooove how that shawl is coming out!!! That pattern would look great in worsted weight wool. Please tell me that you will be selling that pattern when you’re done with it, too!

  10. I see the morning glories just fine. Love ’em as long as they not entwining every other growing object on my place!

    I would volunteer to be a test knitter, but I am S L O W! LOL

    The mesh looks a bit short in the pic, but I bet it will block out fine.

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