on the edge

Posted on Posted in book reviews/events

the influence of the internet on knitting and knitters over the last decade is almost incalculable. before it, knitters who could afford to travel and study found ways to explore our craft in the outer regions and to meet other fiber artists worldwide. some of us would develop pen pal exchanges with a knitter or two who lived far away. but for the most part, our knitting friendships were limited to a small circle of knitters who lived within driving distance and who had time to share.
if you happened to find them.

and working relationships between authors were much more precious, requiring the ability and funding to travel periodically and to use the the telephone at length, then to further trade files by shipping hardcopy pages back and forth. now two knitting authors can easily get together via email, skype, and file sharing, to create an article, book, or other work project—in fact it can be done without the two parties ever actually meeting in person or using a traditional publishing house. the possibilities make one’s head spin.

and it just such a project that i have to show off today.

coastal knits
is a brand new collection of sweater and accessory patterns from bicoastal author/designer friends hannah fettig and alana dakos

one of them lives on the west coast of the united states and one on the east coast. this collection of ten designs celebrates their friendship and is inspired by where each of them lives.

from alana on the west coast, for instance, we have some lovely light sweaters that you could throw on for a walk along the beach or when entering a restaurant, but tuck away in a tote while shopping.

her designs are influenced by light and by the year-round presence of flowers and greenery.

i think my favorite piece in the book is the rustling leaves beret

i love the way the pattern converges to the top point. it’s similar, though not the same as, the beret i’ve been working on during my trip. i might have to knit one of these too!

hannah’s sweaters reflect the dark blue water of the atlantic ocean and the rocky coastline near her home on the east coast.

in addition to the patterns included, we also get a peek at the yarns that inspire these two designers

from the east coast, hannah introduces us to string theory hand dyed yarn.

and from the west coast, we meet yarns from alpenglow and pigeonroof studios.

there is also a short section on how to choose the right size for you, accompanied by tricks and tips for making your way through the patterns included.

my very favorite tip of all???

seee? i’m not the only designer and teacher who sounds like a broken record! it’s good advice.

not only have hannah and alana shared this book with us on the blog today—they have also set aside a giveaway copy for knitspot readers. aren’t we lucky this week?

if you’d like to win it, leave a comment at the end of this post by 9 pm EST on sunday, nov 20th. we’ll announce as soon as possible after that; i’m teaching at a retreat over the weekend and i’m not sure when i’ll be posting (definitely by next tuesday, though).

471 thoughts on “on the edge

  1. There are several projects in Coastal Knits that call to me. I’d love to win a copy of the book

  2. As someone who grew up on the East Coast, but married someone from the West Coast, this book would be perfect for my family – gifts for both my mother AND my mother-in-law in one place!

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. There are some projects in this book that I’d love to knit. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

  4. Hi, I had been eyeing this book on Ravelry, it certainly contains a number of project that I’d like to knit.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. This book needs to be in my library! I missed getting an autographed copy at Stitches East in Oct.

  6. What a wonderful gift to receive. I’ m grateful to live in a time with so many talented designers and such easy access to them.

  7. I have been following these two for a while. Wouldn’t it be great to win?! I’m crossing my fingers.

  8. What a beautiful collection by Hannah and Alana! Thank you so much for sharing and for offering such a wonderful giveaway 🙂

  9. I TOTALLY agree how much the internet has helped (enabled) my knitting!! I just love to knit. But before the internet I too was limited to what was available immediately around me. And I had no knitting friends, people who understand why we “fondle” yarn and if I had an issue with a pattern if I couldn’t figure out the solution my options were very limited. Now however my stash is HUGE, my ravelry queue is GINORMOUS, yarn, help and patterns are just a click away!!

  10. The projects in the book look very appealing, congratulations to Alana and Hannah for self-publishing this. Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. What a great collaboration! I can see lots of inspiration in the sample pages you showed and would love to add this book to my collection.

    PS – Love your designs and blog.

  12. The aesthetic of this book is lovely and modern yet still classic. It was so interesting to listen to the two of them chatting about the book and their collaboration on the Never Not Knitting podcast. I am so looking forward to having a copy of my own!

  13. I love the look of the book. I have to agree about the internet; without it, I wouldn’t have found you or your beautiful patterns.

  14. This looks like a truly lovely book, and what a positive story about the power of the Internet. Thank you for sharing.

    I’ve made Alana’s Cedar Leaf Shawlette twice and one of her sock designs, too… but I NEED to try one of Hannah’s patterns!

  15. Ooh! I’ve been eyeing that book since it came out. I’d love to win a copy. Thanks for the review Anne! And have a great time at the retreat this weekend. It’s such a wonderful group. I went to KRR in 2006 and 2008. Hopefully 2012 is in the cards for me.

  16. What a fantastic book! And yes, the Internet has changed everything with knitting! I don’t know what I would do without Ravelry!

  17. From everything I have seen, this looks like a wonderful book and I would definitely like to win a copy! 🙂

  18. Alana and Hannah are such gifted designers. Such an inspired collection! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the book.

  19. Oh this looks fabulous! That beret was the first piece that caught my eye. I’d love to own this book.

  20. The internet has given me a knitting community as I live in a rural area of Montana. I have really learned and gained as a knitter from online resources. Though not close to either coast (I’ve visited both), I love this book and many of the patterns in it. Please pick me to win!

  21. I agree with you that the rustling leaves beret is the best pattern. That said, I am horribly tempted (and slightly insane to consider) knitting rocky coast. And Bayside is also calling my name… I love this book. Thank you.

  22. I feel indescribably greedy, entering two giveaways on teh same blog in the same week… but I’ve just gotta! – I’m already a big fan of Hannah, and I guess, whatever happens, I’ve learned of another designer to watch – Alana!

  23. I love this book. One of the BEST. I want to knit the beret too. And the sweater. And the other sweater. And

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