say cheese

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i am frantically trying to cook and eat as many foods fresh from the garden as possible . . we had a scare of frost over the weekend with some temps pretty close to freezing. it’s warmed up again now, but still . . . when i was watering yesterday morning i kinda misted up when i realized the season is almost over.
that did not stop me from planting some spinach seeds, though. it’s supposed to be a cool-weather crop, so we’ll see.

since we are getting new storm windows (woo-hoo, finally . . . you see, we actually don’t have any on most of our old windows), i might figger out a way to rig up some of the old storms as a sort of cold frame over the greens bed, and try to keep them alive for a few more months (as if our neighbors don’t have enough ugliness to look at when they glance across the way, now they will have a splendid view of anne’s craptastic greenhouse-a-ma-jiggy).

so yeah, the house is in a total state of things being torn apart as david races to get all the windows prepared. some are easy, but others

not so much. they all need attention of some kind (mostly more than he’d planned). there isn’t a quiet spot in the whole damn place to knit and think. all my good spots are filled with detritus and noise at odd times. it hasn’t helped me feel like focusing.
but i’m really glad we are getting storm windows (can i stop smiling now?).

i disciplined myself all of yesterday to researching stitch patterns and trying out ideas for the eggplant yarn, but so far, i’m not quite there with it. i probably should have quit earlier and just knit on my sweater, but i kept doggedly on. i know that it will all come together at once, but this stage of looking and looking for i’m-not-quite-sure-what is frustrating.

i know what you’re going to say . . that maybe if i didn’t force it, everything would just flow.
you’re right.
but time constraints nag at me, and i feel that i should accomplish a certain amount of real work each day.

the problem?? the yarn is WAY too beautiful.

the swatches i did are irresistibly soft and cuddlyβ€”the color sublime, revealing it’s subtle shading and jewel tones in various ways as the light shifts. i melt in the face of it.

i need the most perfect confluence of stitches to do it justice, but i have yet to come up with it. just when i think i have it, doubt sets in; i fear i may overwork the ideas, so i back off, then advance. then switch directions entirely. i’m trying to avoid grafting, but honey, i think that might prove impossible.

the yarn calls for patterning that enhances its velvety depth, and captures the contrast between sharp, late-fall air, and a warm cocooning feeling. i vacillate from one theme to another, and then worry that no one will like any of them. ugh.

not to worry . . i’ll probably feel entirely different tomorrow (just curious though . . what do you think of thistles? have they been “done” to death?)

meanwhile, i am motoring on my red sweater, to which i am hopelessly addicted. (and i’m staying up way too late every night working on itβ€”you know i keep saying i’ll go to bed after this row, and then i don’t). i finished the second front and started the sleeve.

(it’s much longer now; i got a lot done during classes today.)
it’s part of the deal . . . i can work on the sweater after putting in a respectable amount of time working on pattern stuff (which i love, and which sometimes piles up because i’ve been playing hooky).

so, i have two choices for buttons (ok, probably there are hundreds, but i found two right away and i think i’ll keep it simple). one choice is a set of pewter buttoms that i bought last year which are an uncannily right match for the stitch pattern

is that cool or what? i saw these when they came in at the shop and grabbed them because i knew i’d want to use them some day (i love me some primitive geometry). i’m not sure if the pewter works on the red though, especially in volume

i went over to moving mud to see what they had and found these (the red ones, 4th column). they are rounded and have the appearance of a slide specimen, and i can send a yarn sample to the makers which they will match. i think these might be the winners (i just hope i can afford them).

hmmm, decisions, decisions.

i was going to begin work on two new pair of socks today, and i did get the patterns started, but no knitting ensued . . . printer issues ate my morning.
i took one to class but it sat unworked while i made my way through my sweater sleeve.

(hehehe. but we had a good laugh when my students thought for a minute that i’d lost my mind entirely . . . . i pulled the two red yarns out of my bag, one for the sweater, and one for the sock and set them on the table. they didn’t know about the sock, and no one wanted to be the one to tell me my one batch of red yarn seemed to be, oh, just a bit off).

well, tomorrow is another dayβ€”a tower of promise awaits.

50 thoughts on “say cheese

  1. All my good spots are filled with detritus, too. In so, so many ways.

    As for the buttons, the red glass ones get my vote, tho I think the pewter ones would be just fine, too. The other ones have a higher cool quotient, though. I know you’re all about the cool quotient. πŸ˜›

  2. Ha! Our lunches were similar! Mine was a quesadilla made with shredded cheese, roasted poblano chiles, a drizzle of freah tomato sauce made your way sandwiched between two tortillas and heated in the pan on the stove until bubbly and gooey on the inside and crispy on the outside. As yummy as all of these tantalizing yarns you keep teasing us with! You’re right about the pewter buttons. The red ones are nice. Looking forward to what you decide on.

  3. I agree, the glass buttons look like winners! And I totally can see how the eggplant yarn may be intimidating… it’s so gorgeous!

  4. Red glass buttons, red glass buttons! The pewter buttons are beautiful, but belong on another sweater.

  5. Somehow you always seem to make me hungry everytime I visit your blog lol πŸ˜‰ Those sandwiches look so tasty!! My mouth is watering here.

    Your windows sure look somewhat familiar to me, you see we live in an older house that has storm window too. In fact my son just broke one this summer by hitting a golf ball into it–boys!And I’m always trying to pinch the heck outta my fingers by raising and lowering them (they’re a pain in the wazoo, but the house would be freezing without ’em).

    Btw, my two cents on buttons is with you. I like the slide specimen red ones. The others are great, but they kinda overwhelm somewhat (ya know?) Wow, I sure wish I could knit a sweater as fast as you. Not much knittin’ even going on here this past week anyhow πŸ™

  6. oooh….. thistles…. i don’t think they’ve been done to death. i’m bouncing up and down over the thought of thistles even more than i was over the thought of bees, for whatever that’s worth.

  7. Hooray for the windows and for the makeshift green house idea. YOu can afford the buttons, the red ones are the ones!

  8. It’s nice to know that everyone has these moments of knitterly panic. I hope they pass soon enough for you to still get some enjoyment out of the uncertainty!

  9. Anne, Thistle’s – oooh! I believe I agree with you – that color calls “Thistle” with a very amazing twist, there is nothing to poke you! A hardy plant – that is amazingly beautiful!

    Yeah for your new windows!! That will help immensely this winter in keeping you warm!

    The sweater looks lovely and personally, I like the pewter square buttons – they work nicely with the pattern. πŸ™‚

  10. How about some primitive geometry for the beautiful eggplant? Angular and maybe asymetric?

    Love your sweater! How much Grandma’s Blessing does it require with size 3 needles?

  11. we get our last CSA delivery next week. it is so sad that I will have to go to the (gasp) grocery store for veggies again! The windows will work great as a mini greenhouse – wonderful idea!

    i love the eggplant yarn. what about something vine-y pattern wise to harken veggie vines?

  12. The yarn is beautiful. But so is that sandwich! Yum! I could see using that photo as your screensaver. Is it weird that I could look at cheese all day and not get sick of it? Cheese and yarn, life’s simple pleasures!

  13. Thistles haven’t been done to death from my pov. But what about the eggplant itself? It is so beautiful, the flowers are beautiful, the leaves are beautiful. I would grow them even if I didn’t like eating them so much. Just a thought… Also, we made some cold frames from old windows that worked quite well. I’ll try to find a picture and send.

  14. I, personally, like the red buttons. The pewter ones are nice, but I think the red works better.

    That sandwich looks so yummy! I just ate breakfast and now I want a sandwich.

  15. Red ones….4th column. Totally perfect. Pewter ones look a little too busy with the fabric…. But it’s your call!!!

  16. a vote for the pewter buttons – the geometry is perfect! The glass buttons, while nice, would be kinda lost in the sweater, just my $.02…

  17. I do love me some thistles, specially in a purply kind of yarn. Regarding the old windows the hubby and I are in the process of making two cold frames with some old windows we found at a surplus store. The sides are made of plywood and the back is higher than the front to maximise sun exposure. The windows sit on top and have hinges on one side so we can just open it up and vent when it is too hot or sunny and to take care of the plants. We have done that in the past and had veggies all thru the winter. Best luck.

  18. I love the red glass ones! And to the right of those, you need to knit something that needs the ones that look like olives!!!

    Your windows look like mine. Our house turned 100 this year and we have been replacing/fixing the windows one at a time! It takes forever but I love the pay off!

    We had a frost this weekend! But our tomatoes look ok. We covered them and they live close to the house. I am NOT ready to be done with tomatoes! But I love fall and I thought it was here. It went away, but I know it will be back!

  19. The sweater is looking very nice! The eggplant yarn is gorgeous, I can’t wait to see what it tells you it wants to be!

    Good news re the bee: I am designating this weekend and next week with DH out of town to start and hopefully finish the second half, then I’ll be ready to go jump into a new test knit!

  20. I think the eggplant yarn wants to be a shawl w/ sleeves. Not a jacket, not a sweater, but a loose, drapey, thing, maybe shorter in the front and longer in the back, with sleeves.

    If anyone can figure that out, Anne, it’s you!

  21. I like red ones better…I want to tell you that I’m allergic to tomatoes AND not particularly fond of them either, but this is the THIRD picture I’ve seen on your blog that makes me want to try them again!

  22. I’m not entirely sure what storm windows are. As a California native, I’m a little hazy on weather concepts. But I got new windows last year and it was wonderful. I still smile every time I look at them. They make my house so much more solid and sound and pretty and happy. So I’m pleased for you.

    I like both the buttons, but I gather you already have the pewter ones, so I would use that as the tie-breaker. They do look perfect with that stitch pattern, and I like the contrast–it’s like sweater jewelry.

  23. Crikey! I love the red buttons! They’re just so different from the normal. Should I buy some more patterns to help you get them? I’m on it. No problem.

    I think a thistle pattern would be a perfect choice for that yarn. The right idea will come to you. Don’t worry about anyone else liking what you choose; that’s a given!

  24. Delurking to say… I love the pewter buttons with the red sweater. I think the red glass ones, beautiful as they may be, might get lost in the red of the sweater. I love the idea of the glass moving mud buttons though… maybe you might find something a bit more contrasting from the color of the sweater.

  25. Ooh! The pewter buttons! (I’m sorry, I know you like the red glass ones, but I love the pewter with the red, and the squares!) Also, and this just could be the Celt in me, I’m all for thistles — they’d really complement the purple.

  26. You know, I think I rather prefer the pewter buttons. I just love how nicely buttons can accent a piece. However, both choices are lovely. I envy you your yummy yarns!

  27. why is it that nicely wound cakes of yarn look so inviting – seductive, even? that cake of eggplant looks even more delicious than the skeins did, i think!

    good luck to david on the windows – tons of fun, i’m sure – but at least you’ll have more protection against the impending winter chill.

  28. Since you asked questions:
    Thistles in your interpretation in that yarn, fab!
    Buttons, red dresses it up more.

    Now, I am dying to see a larger photo of red sweater! And I adore the stack of yarn cakes, peppers and eggplant, totally edible.

    Speaking of edible, if you work out the cold frame, you might even grow arugula. It makes it through snow and ice all winter in Texas. Since it’s 92 here, I’m having a hard time imagining you having frost! Italian parsley also makes it through, even without cold frames of course.

  29. Moving Mud has some green/red buttons that match YOUR logo! Not for the sweater, but they sure are cute.
    Like both – might depend on how the sweater finishes up.

  30. Hmmm. I love the pewter buttons with the pattern and the way the slight coolness of the pewter bounces against the warmth of the red. And like Auntie Ann, those red buttons make me think of boobs! Probably would be ok in the context of the sweater, but it does make me giggle.

    I dunno that the purple resonates with thistles for me either (maybe I am contrary today). I am thinking more like bearded iris or something more roundish. Haven’t seen an eggplant plant in person, but the eggplant fruit itself seems more on track. The yarn seems like it should be something lush and volumetric.

    However it winds up, it will be something beautiful!

  31. Those pewter buttons are gorgeous, but I agree with an earlier comment…they belong on another sweater. The red glass ones, although pricey, are perfect for your red sweater.

  32. Those melted cheese sandwiches look lovely. I *love* melted cheese. Yum. You can tell I’m from the west coast. I still don’t really *get* “storm windows.”

    The pretty purple yarn will let you know what’s right. I think thistles are a great idea. That red sweater of yours is coming along great. I *love* the square pewter buttons, but I see what you mean about having a parade of them. The red glass ones would probably be better. I think you’d be happier with them in the long run. If you can justify the expense, that is. I’m sure you noticed those little green and red buttons right next to them. They look just like your logo. They’re calling out to be purchased. LOL

  33. oh boy. i’m with you on not being able to find a quiet place in the house without some sort of destruction going on. we just put in new windows and we’re going to reside. and right now our house is covered in tivek and our yard is covered with stones and old brick and other crap. and inside there’s a thin film of dust over everything.

    every day i come home afraid to find something else torn up.

  34. I love the pewter button but I think the red would look better on the sweater.
    Oh yummy purpley yarn, I am defo in a purple faze at the moment having just done Morning Glory in purple (which has been accepted in the all Wales SWD Guild exhibition !! ) and another purple cardi in a sublime cashmere mix yarn. Look fwd to seeing what you make with it. As always your blog inspires

  35. Hi! I’m delurking to put in my vote for the pewter buttons. The red glass jobs are lovely, but too organic in shape to work with the geometry of the sweater, and the pewter pops, while the red glass will blend in and barely be seen.
    Also, I have to agree with Mary Lou, I’d love to see what you’d do with eggplants themselves as your inspiration – the great shining globes of the fruit, the pointy little petals of the flowers, the ripply edges of the leaves. It’s all good.

  36. A day late and a comment short as I’ve been away in the land of dial-up for five days. Love the red sweater’s color and texture, and I like the red buttons better. The purple yarn – my favorite color, ever. And the right stitch pattern WILL find you when it’s ready.

  37. i’m still laughing over the thoughts your neighbors might *think* seeing how you *decorate* the garden, via recycle and re-use πŸ˜€
    and then i was thinking … you are quite the writer. reading your descriptions makes me think of food and fibers, and all things sensory … and your words flow and mingle, finding just the right nerve.
    are you writing a book? have you mentioned that but i was too busy drooling over socks or garden sandwiches ?

  38. With that tower of possibilities, how can you resist falling in head over heels! The grilled cheese sandwich looks scrumptious.

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