Abandoned Projects

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I’ve been a little busy lately, so Buddy’s resorted to playing by himself. It’s been one social event after the other and when I’m home I’ve had such an urge to pay attention to all my abandoned fiber projects. I’ve been doing a little baby knitting and my School Socks are coming along nicely. I also dusted off my spinning wheel and actually spun some yarn this week!

For some reason I only spin with others. I rarely spin at home. If I strap my wheel into the passenger seat and drag it to Ewe-Nique Knits Spinning Circle, I spin for three hours.

I almost always get a bobbin’s full.

After spinning Polwarth singles, I even plyed the mixed BFL I had lying around for months.

During Tour de Fleece I had this fabulous idea to buy a bunch of different natural fibers, in 4-ounce quantities, to see which fiber I enjoyed spinning. Since I’m such a new spinner I thought this would be a great experiment and I could just weave all my inconsistent skeins into a table runner. Sadly, I did not complete this adventure during the race, but I’m back at it and loving the results! Better late than never, right?

I am, however, right on schedule with Ravelympics. Yes, I know the games don’t begin until July but Team Knitspot has a Training KAL right now to get us all in shape. So clever! Especially for a procrastinator like me, the KAL keeps me on track and excited for the games to begin!

According to the rules, you had to have a new project cast on by May 1 or later. I had plenty of UFOs that had been abandoned, but I followed the rules and cast on a Whitfield Shorty.

Such an adorable Knitspot toddler cardi and I just happened to have 2 skeins of Briar Rose Fourth of July in my stash!

Yes, I know, it’s the exclusive October colorway from Fall In Full Color 2011 that I haven’t knit yet! I thought I’d let it marinate in my stash for awhile. Good thing I did, because it’s a perfect unisex colorway

and will make a great sweater for Baby Knitspot! Who is the size of a papaya now!

Oh I can’t wait to dress this baby in handknits!

Through all this feverish knitting all week, I was feeling bad for poor abandoned Buddy. It was his 10th birthday this week. So I had an impromptu afternoon birthday party for him and invited the neighbor kids.

Party favors, cupcakes, birthday hats and special baseball treats for Buddy…

The kids had a blast and completely wore him out. Buddy passed out with all his new toys and didn’t even wake up for dinner.

I guess a house full of kids five and under will do that to an old man!

As the week ends, it’s back to knitting and a little movie watching. I need some down time after rejuvenating so many abandoned projects.

14 thoughts on “Abandoned Projects

  1. I love Buddy, he’s such a cutie!

    I also love how you hold each specific fruit to your belly, very clever. And healthy! If you’re eating all those fruits, that is.

  2. Awww. How sweet. I’m a cat person, but Buddy is as cute as a button!

  3. Buddy is a lucky dog! I am very excited for you as your pregnancy marches along. Your life is going to change so much shortly! You have inspired me to cast on a Whitfield Shorty myself. I have a four small nephews who could definitely benefit from such a cute sweater. On another note, now that you are Anne’s helper–perhaps you could clean up the “Blogs I read” section at the side. Many of these people no longer blog. It would be interesting to see what Anne is actually reading now.

  4. I too love that last photo of Buddy. He looks worn out by all the celebrations, and he’s probably dreaming of a big, juicy bone!! Happy Birthday Buddy!

  5. Happy Birthday Buddy – I have two JRT’s myself. My chester will be 15 in July and Prudence just turned 11. Such great dogs. I know Buddy enjoyed his birthday party!! Love his face!!

  6. Awwww – Buddy looks worn out from his birthday fun 🙂 You are such a lovely pregnant lady! I had fun judging my baby’s size by fruit when I was pregnant. I laughed that you had the papaya with you!

  7. I love the fruit = baby size comparison. Had i thought about that it would have definitely made pregnancy more fun for me. Bear in mind my youngest child is now 17. Buddy is adorable. I bet he had more fun than the kids.

  8. What a beautiful picture of you! And my daughter enjoyed all the puppy pictures lol. As soon as the post opened up I hear a little voice behind me going “puppy!” We only have cats but she’s obsessed with dogs lol.

  9. Aaaaw, I am totally a sucker for cute little canines. Buddy is just precious.

    The size comparisons for Baby Knitspot are so interesting…that little cardi in that yarn has to be a winner!

  10. I love Buddy – he reminds me of our Jack who passed away at 13 last summer. Buddy’s coloring is a lot like our sweet Jack too – I loved how he looked as his browns and blacks faded into grey – so dignified! Good luck to you!

  11. Buddy looks so patient as we looks into the camera. I know my little dog would love having a bunch of little kids to chase around, but he’s only 3. 😉 It sounds like he had a great birthday.
    I have loved the Whitfield Shorty since I first saw it. It is just adorable!

  12. I see you have Peter Rabbit,there is a knitting book of all the characters in different sizes on blankets,sweaters,leggings ect…

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