big clap

Posted on Posted in lace/shawls, projects

ok, a friday flower and a big round of applause for the readership today . . . we have used more than one-fourth of the matching fund for claudia’s big bike ride. YAY!
which means we are right on track for adding a bonus amount to the fund. YAY!
(for those that don’t know what i’m talking about, please read this post)

and remember, every single donation is a step toward a better quality of life for someone that has MS. each $1 or $5 is a big deal; if you give $1, i will make it $6โ€”it’s that simple.
and, when so many of us add in a little, it totals up to a LOT. so please give whatever you can, then leave a comment here; i will add $5 to it from my matching fund.

(ps: giving $10 or more will make you eligible to win any of a wondrous array of prizes in claudia’s big raffle.)

with the help of your support, MS research is advancing by leaps and bounds. the last 15 years have produced great strides in treatment and in services that can be offered to those who are challenged by this disease. my dad wasn’t so lucky . . . he got sick in the 70s, when there were many fewer resources, and by the time new treatments became available, his case had advanced too far to take advantage of them.
fortunately, a few people i know who have MS now ARE able to get better treatment and the difference is astounding, from my eye-witness standpoint.

ok, now, because you are all so generous, i’m going to share something really really nice. hmmmโ€”which to give you first, the up-close-and-personal, or the beauty-from-afar photo?

i think up close and personal first

i know i said i would finish off the leaflet scarf yesterday and i had every intention of doing just that. but i didn’t have much to go, so i decided that early in the day i should put a few repeats on the lately-neglected elm row scarf, which i had successfully hidden from myself for about ten days (last siting was here).

ooops. i guess i forgot why i was keeping that hiddenโ€”it’s luscious, and i cannot take my hands off it, that’s why. the yarn feels like the inside of the bunny’s ear (no, i haven’t actually touched that, but he comes so close now that i can see perfectly well it is velvety-soft)

so now it’s more than half-finished. i’m ahead, of the game, right?
wanna see it with some light coming through?

it’s so pretty in person . . . and hopefully the photos show it off in a distracting enough way.

i did work on the other scarf for an hour or so before bed. i would have kept going, but i need to get real about how late i should stay up every night.

in an act of extreme maturity, i put it down, and backed away slowly before helplessly starting the end border. just six inches to go, though . . . and i won’t even look at the elm row scarf til i’m done this time. promise.

in other, non-knitting news, i won a prize in lilith’s run-for-life fundraiser drawing

this is a set of three juicy-colored nylon goKnit bags from they are really lightweight, and the large ones have a nice strap i can sling over my shoulder if i’m traveling on foot or by bike. perfect for BAT/KATing if you’re doing it (see the end of this post for details on that).

there are two tethers with snap closures to hold keys or attach the bag to my person and a very nice toggle-thing to secure the drawstring

not only are they attractive and fun and functional, jennifer and i had a lovely email chat, after which she sent the bags so fast i thought i lost a day this week.
thank you jennifer!

i don’t know if anyone noticed, but in that flower photo above, you can see evidence that actual produce is growing among the squash plants. in fact, this is more zucchini than i managed to get all last year from the plants i had.

some of it is nearing a size that can be picked and eaten . . we have three that are already about 5 inches long. of course that lil’ white eggplant isn’t letting the squash get any distance on it.

something tells me the first pot of ratatouille or cimbotta isn’t very far off.

ok, time for me to toddle off and get some work done . . . i have a garden that desperately needs water (it’s so hot here we could water twice a day right now), and debbieKnitter is supposed to descend on this house later today to pick up some yarn and start a scarf.

after we maybe take a little bike ride, i think we’ll sit on the porch and do some friday night knittin’

27 thoughts on “big clap

  1. Hi Anne! It’s payday, so I sent a donation to Claudia today. Thank you so much for your generous offer!

  2. I made a donation to the MS bike ride. Thanks for your matching donation. My best friend has had MS for a long time so I am in favor of anything that supports her.

  3. I’m loving that new scarf! (I’m knitting the brambler right now during the conference — what *is* it with these little nothings?) Enjoy your KnowKnits bags — I love mine ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I just sent in a donation for Claudia’s bike ride.
    I was a nurse and there are no good diseases. I’m
    sorry about your dad. I have Lupus and was told
    last August that I only had three months to live.
    I am still here but in terrible shape. I am
    still knitting some of your patterns though. I like the person before me love your garden pictures. I live in a senior center in three
    little rooms and I miss planting my flowers. Your
    flowers and vegetables are so beautiful along
    with your patterns of course.

  5. Love the charity! Love the crops! Love the shawl (a whole bunch!)! And I really love bunny ears!!

  6. Anne – count me in for donating to Claudia’s ride. I can think of no better cause!

    AND – I love your blog and can’t figure out how your garden has just taken off! We’re still very chilly in Oregon!

    Much love and deepest respect!

  7. ok, i just donated. i’m intrigued by the elm row scarf – the yarn looks absolutely lovely, and i can tell that there’s something interesting going on, but not quite what…which of course, makes me hungry for more pictures!

  8. I donated to Claudia’s ride, too! That new scarf is gorgeous. I am working on Gust right now and am enjoying every stitch.

  9. hmmmfff got hit by rain and now I am stuck with no scarf knitting, no bike ride and no chance of having stuffed peppers ๐Ÿ™‚ Best recipe ever is stuck inside Anne’e brain, da bomb baby!!! Oh, and as discussion from one of the knitting classes we had about this, for those who THINK they don’t like anchovies, trust me, YOU WILL. That pepper recipe has anchovies and it is so delicious….ok, now I gotta go make me a frozen t.v. dinner ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Anne, Thanks for the info on the MS project. I just made my (modest) donation. We had a very dear friend die just about a year ago of this awful disease.

  11. I really like the elm row scarf: not only is the colour totally luscious, but the texture is awesome, too!
    Those tiny zucchinis look really promising!

  12. Oh my, oh my, oh my!!!!! What oh what is that luscious lovely green varigated yarn? I’m having a fit to find out so I can get me some and start another scarf myself. I have started your Gust pattern with some handpainted Zephyr I had on hand and I like the pattern. It is reasonably easy and I like the look of it. Buttttttttt, I just LOVE that green!!!!!
    Ann Carpenter of Dallas, Texas

  13. I just gave to Claudia’s ride… I agree with all the comments about Elm, it does look fantastic. I’m only on the 3rd repeat of the Japanese Feather stole though (must knit faster) already have a long list little nothings that I’m desperate to make… I’m also seriously jealous of your eggplants and zucchini – my tomatoes are flowering and peas are sprouting fast but I’ve got nowhere near the potential bounty that you do!

  14. I think your garden grows so wonderfully! I look forward to seeing what grand concoctions you create this summer. My tomoato plants are pretty yellow and mushy loooking, since we haven’t had a day over 60 degrees in so long, and so much rain that we’re all starting to grow webbed feet (hah) BUT, it promises to be sunny this week (yay!)
    That yummy little leaflet scarf is divine –

  15. Anne- I love the Elm row pattern- beautiful.

    I’m sure you know that the zucchini flowers are delicious- dip them in some egg white and deep fry them- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  16. OK–finally managed to actually post the donation to Claudia’s ride! Hopefully we are getting close to breaking your bank ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again for your generosity.

    The Elm row pattern will be another to add to my long list of your scarves I want to knit (someday I’m sure I’ll have more time…I just have to!).

  17. I just made a donation to Claudia’s ride/MS. Thank you so much for the matching donation. I have a beautiful, talented cousin who has been battling MS for many years now. It has crippled her terribly.

    On a lighter note, and because I’ve never posted before, thank you for your outstanding blog. I visit it everyday, if at all possible. I also have some of your patterns that I can’t wait to knit up. I love the garden and beautiful flowers (no green thumb here!) and appreciate your step-by-step diary of your gorgeous projects.

    Many thanks, Anne!!!

  18. I read your blog when taking little breaks from work, and I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see so much knitting (and gardening) content in one 3 minute setting! Thanks so much.

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