a quick note

Posted on Posted in designing, food and garden, lace/shawls, projects

flowers for all today; our lilies are blooming and spreading the most heavenly fragrance over the yard. i love getting little wafts of it as it floats through the open windows (one of the perks of NOT having A/C).

so let’s see . . . i owe you a winner for the giveaway of the knitter’s curiosity cabinet, right? and that would be . . . our long-time friend, manon!

thank you so much to hunter hammersen for providing us a look into her latest publication and a great giveaway.

i am burying myself deep in work on my july book chapter for the next few days, but  gathered stuff for one last post before next week. mister knitspot and erica will fill in over the weekend with news from the front.

i’m a little sad as i put the last chapter of the barenaked eBook together—this has been the most inspiring experience. every step of the way i have met incredible fiber producers, learned so much more about fiber, and watched our awesome participants explore, work with, and admire the beauty of undyed fibers, up close and personal. wow, just . .  wow.

anyway, trying to make this last entry of the series as special as i can . . . meanwhile, all around me, color and texture are springing from the background to inspire me in new projects.

yes! we have ripening tomatoes—just tiny ones now, but the big ones are getting lighter each day; soon they’ll be pink, too.

and then there are the squash, coming along, coming along.

our vegetables seem to be coming in slower than all my friends, but then, i got my plants in at least a week later than they did, so that makes sense!

i’m already thinking, planning and knitting on the first projects of our fall in full color club—just as in nature, no door ever truly close; the circle continues to turn. we have lots of exciting color and texture coming up for fall and i’m looking forward to each new month. there’s still time to jump on the bandwagon before we begin shipping; why don’t you join us? if you’ve been waffling or have any questions about what’s in store, just check out our swinging’ clubhouse to find out what all the fuss is about—you won’t be sorry you stopped by, i promise.

twig and leaf is the only project i have on the needles right now that i can share, and it’ progressing, albeit slowly. with just about 500 sts on the needle, the rows are long. last night i thought i was within four rows of beginning the short row garter section when i realized that i am knitting the medium size, not the small. which means i actually have twelve more rows to go—maybe another night of knitting on the hem after all.

that’s ok, though; it’s all knitting, so it’s all good. the longer to gaze upon this gorgeous briar rose stella lace yarn, my dear.

i’m sorry to be so quick today but i i have a dentist appointment in a few hours and i have a lot of work to do before that. so i’m going to end her, but tomorrow i have more garden stuff to show you, so i’ll be back then.


18 thoughts on “a quick note

  1. My mom always plucks the squash blossoms and makes “quesadillas de flor de calabaza” quesadillas with squash blossoms and I just had some out of curiosity – just tossed them in a pan with olive oil and salt and then into a warm corn tortilla with some cheese and they were quite tasty, just something Mexican folks are very fond of, it’s a comfort food kind of thing.

  2. I can’t wait to see your Twig & Leaf pattern completed. It looks lovely and I already want to make one!

  3. I know this one’s a blast from the past–but any news on Wasp and Rose? I keep wondering about it resurfacing and thought I’d finally ask!

  4. You can’t beat the taste of a freshly picked home grown tomato. Hope you’ll be enjoying them soon. I am so looking forward to the next FIFC club. I can’t imagine how you can possibly top what you came up with last year!!

  5. I am loving Leaf and Twig. Is this your design? speaking of your designs, I received the first installment in Kim’s club! Isodora is gorgeous and this is one of the best written patterns I’ve ever seen. I’ll definitely be acquiring more of your patterns. I am dying to start Isodora, but a bad bout with asthma (began with smoke from the wildfires…thank God they are now under control) and prednisone brain have me knitting simple stuff.

  6. Can’t wait for the next club to start! These last two have been so much fun, I know this one will be too!

  7. Don’t be sad about the end of BNK -it’s been a wonderful ride, and think of the new adventures you will take us on! I can’t wait!

  8. Hello 😉
    I love reading about your gorgeous garden, these posts share the joy of growing your own food & noting down your recipes 😉
    Take care

  9. What beautiful lilies and veggie plants!

    I really enjoyed the BNC club and am looking forward to seeing what the last shipment is.

    Good luck at the dentist 🙂

    The new shawl is fab!

  10. Ann, I drooled over that Stella laceweight yarn at Wooster, but couldn’t decide which color I wanted… When I see Chris the next time, I will have to get some!!! It’s gorgeous stuff, isn’t it?

  11. Thanks so much for the greatest clubs. Both are fantastic, but I give a small leg up to the Bare Naked Club. There is something about the fibers in their natural states that gives me just a little extra pleasure.

    However, I have to confess to cursing you a little bit yesterday as I cast on the 539 stitches of Wandering Thyme for the THIRD damn time until I could get it right! Now that I’m 8 rows into the pattern it is all making sense. But, oh boy it took a lot of self control to get there and not heave the thing across the room!

    (Just kidding. Love the pattern and yarn…..now…..)

  12. I’ve got a tomato in my garden that same gorgeous shade of almost ripe. It always amazes me how exciting that first ripe tomato is – can’t wait – and can’t wait for the FIFC!

  13. Anne, I’m thrilled to see just how gorgeous your veggies are becoming. All that mulching work is truly worth the time and effort.
    If only I lived in your neighborhood – – – – – –
    Last year I passed on FiFC and have kick myself in the pants – often.
    JUMPED on the opportunity to join in Bare Naked
    and most certainly leaped at FiFC 2012.
    You guys are absolutely wonderful offering me this opportunity to learn and experience new and exciting ventures into my love of yarn AND FIBERS.

  14. Oh your garden pictures are such a bright spot in this horrible drought we are all suffering through 🙁 Good Eating!

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