one thing i love about being in california is that i get up early here. today i was awake before the crack of dawn and listening to the day come alive. once it was a little light, i got up to prowl around. the mornings are hooded by a marine layer of foggy clouds that burns off about mid-morning, but while it’s present, it makes for interesting lighting andchilly temperatures (but not as cold as ohio).
our trip yesterday was uneventful and it was still early afternoon when we arrived in san diego.
i managed to finish my holidazed sock in the course of two flights, which makes me very happy. i added some inches to the roger sock as well, but more about that later.
another picture for my growing collection of kim-at-the-airport photos
then we headed down to collect our luggage and go find some lunch (saffron again; it’s our post-flight tradition).
back home, the kids arrived from school and we showed beckie around the place
she met franklin, chica, and pal right away. franklin has grown a surprising amount since i last saw him in january (he will eventually be something like 24 inches in diameter). it’s hard to get an idea of his size here, but last year he was around 3 inches in diameter and now he’s about 6 inches.
last night we went to cole’s final volleyball game, then watched american idol and fell into bed soon afterward (hence the 4 am awakening).
since i was up early i set up the socks in progress poolside for a little photo shoot—aside from the sock i finished, i’ve made good progress on the roger sock as well
a warning—this one is quite addictive. i worked on it during the last part of the flight, then took it to the game, and still i wanted to work on it in front of the TV. that could be trouble . . . but you know, i’m on vacation for a few days, so i’m cutting myself some slack (though i did work on my scarf tonight while watching TV).
this is a good, sturdy pattern composed entirely of knits and purls but it has the deep texture of a cabled knit. i love that—deceptively simple and fun to work with a big payoff. nice.
i also knit a little bit on the david sock, but just a little
tomorrow i’ll pay more attention to that one when we go visiting.
once the kids were all of to school this morning, kim, beckie and i headed out for torrey pines state park. i’ve been there a few times, but it’s different every visit so i was really looking forward to going.
it was still a bit cloudy and chilly when we arrived but by the time we reached this jetty of rock, the clouds had burned off and it was warming up.
along the way beckie searched the beach for unusual stones and shells while i was distracted by the cliffs and textured rocks
i took hundreds of photos but i’ll spare you most of my eye’s traveling (since i posted so many from my visit there last year) and show you just a few of my favorites from today.
this time i concentrated more on looking at the base of the cliffs. the tide was up today and less of the lower rock was exposed on the jetty, so we took the upper path around it
the profile of the cliffs at the sand line is soft and sensual from years of erosion by rocking waves.
little caves and grottos are nestled in the folds of the broad, curving baseline.
even the debris is interesting—these huge sea plants anchored into the ground lie waiting like boa constrictors; they look menacing, but they’re harmless
thank goodness.
we stayed for several hours of walking, laughing, and even some sock modeling. you will love the keukenhof photo shoot.
finally we admitted we were ravenously hungry and found our way back to the car.
we ate at red sea, an ethiopian restaurant in city heights, which i was looking forward ot with great relish. it’s been a number of years since i ate this cuisine—it was a regular favorite when i lived in NYC, but sadly, our part of ohio is lacking in african eateries.
it was yummy. i’m so very glad we did that.
then we went the extra mile to coronado for ice cream at moo city. call it overkill, but we enjoyed every last bite.
32 thoughts on “not in ohio any more”
Ahhhh me, I wish I was there 🙂
Wow, what a weird looking plant…
Looks like a blast!
I love the vicarious thrills I get when you travel and post pictures.
Wow, it sounds like you’re really enjoying yourself! I can’t believe the Roger sock doesn’t use cables – it sure fooled me!
Awww…you’re making me so homesick!!! Can’t wait to hear about the Julian apple pie! And, if you like Mexican food, check out La Cocina on Main Street in Ramona (if you blink, you miss the town) as you drive up the mountain. That’s where I grew up!
I agree with Leann! We lived in San Diego for almost 12 years, and I still miss it. I think your sea plant is kelp; it’s on the beaches in Oregon, too, but much greener. It was fun to see your Torrey Pines photos; it’s been over 30 years since we were there, and it looks the same, just as pretty as ever. Boy, you covered a lot of ground! What is the water in your first photo? Have a wonderful visit!
Wonderful pictures! I so agree that San Diego is a great restaurant town. Looks like a perfect visit 🙂
Wow, sounds like a perfectly fabulous day. Love all the rock photos, and the turtle!
welcome to california! June gloom has come a bit early this year, but when it burns off, it is so beautiful out!
The terrain down there is so terribly pretty. One day will you come and visit us in Northern California?
Thank you for the beautiful photos this morning. The rocks are sooo sensual.
WOW! I was a bit distracted by the infinity edge of the pool and had a hard time concentrating on the socks, beautiful as they are.
My husband and I honeymooned in San Diego, and there is so much that we didn’t get to see. I especially want to go back to Torrey Pines Park, since a sunburn kept us from fully exploring that day. Your photos remind me of what a great time we had.
I second the comments on the good eats – we had a very memorable dinner at a place in Del Mar with a great view. Wish I could remember the name…
Enjoy the rest of your travels – I’ll be making a list of places to visit when we get a chance to go back 🙂
Nice! Glad you’re enjoying CA. Early, early morning is by far my favorite time of day, I’m just so rarely ever able to crawl out of bed in time for it. 🙂
O my gosh – that is the most fascinating sea plant!
Oh, wait, don’t want to imply that the socks are not also great and the poolside of the Roger and David is both blissful and painful to us Mainers – who won’t think of swimming for at least another month – lest we lose some toes in the process:)
Love the beach pics. The kelp reminds me of how it used to wrap around my legs while wading in the water–sea creatures indeed. Socks are awsome, can’t wait for patterns. Enjoy your time in California and your friends.
That sea plant is crazy! Have fun in California 🙂
Post all the pictures of San Diego that you care too. I am a SD native, but have been in Minnesota for many years. Your pictures are like a vacation back home…and then there’s the knitting!!
Traveling for ice cream is not overkill…
Wow! Here I am waiting (im)patiently for the David socks and you’re tempting us with the Roger socks! You have no shame!
Yes, San Diego is a wonderful city. My husband and I lived there the first year we were married, and I spent every moment I could exploring. There’s a reason so many artists are drawn to the area. Have fun. (but hurry up on the socks)
I’m on vacation too! No palm trees or cool rock formations here though. I did visit a lovely park full of lilacs and tulips this afternoon. I am just starting Trevi and I did work out the beading–I think it will work out well. It sounds as though you are having a great time–love the photos!
I’m glad you’re here to enjoy this beautiful weather! Your post reminds me that I’ve been meaning to go play in the tidepools for months, and never seem to get around to it. Soon!
Oooh I’m so envious. We had a favorite Ethiopian restaurant near our office years back that just disappeared. We had been busy and not eating out much and when we came out of our busy phase, the restaurant was gone and I never did figure out what had happened. I was seriously bummed. I shall have to remember Red Sea in San Diego for the next time I get to go south.
Tell Kim I love her pool and view. And I am definitely looking forward to seeing the results of the Keukenhof photo shoot. Have a great time!
beautiful photos!! I bet all that texture and color is reaking havoc with your creative mind!!
I moved from San Diego 14 years ago. Most days I do not miss it a bit. The pictures of Torrey Pines and the memories of good Ethiopiam food have left me a bit whispy for it all.
It sounds like you have a great tour guide!
I love living vicariously through your vacations! What a beautiful spot you’re in!!
Yay!! The Holidazed socks are finished and lovely!! What a great back drop for sock pics!
I can’t wait to see the Keukenhof photoshoot!! 🙂
When I’m home, I always forget how much I love living near an ocean (see it every day that the “marine layer” isn’t too thick, but up in NorCal that can be most of the summer). When I’m inland, I miss it terribly.
I love these photos! I would so be in those stones!!
Those are some of the most beautiful photos I’ve seen. I like the top one best – well maybe the cliffs.
I thought that was you in Two Sister and Ewe Wednesday but no Anne lives in Ohio that can’t be her here in La Mesa…
Imagine my surprise when I caught up on my Blog Reading this morning to see you ARE in San Diego! Wish I’d gone ahead and said Hi.
Hi Anne!!! I am happy to see that you are having a fabulous time in sunny California…what is any better than getting together with great friends? Do you have any idea when the Roger sock pattern will be available…it is really catching my eye! Thanks!!
Love your holidazed sock!
Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing! Looks like you had a great time!
Just as I was snickering at your description of the cliffsides, I thought, “hey wait, those really DO look sensual!”. Nice day, good food, good people. Sounds like heaven to me.
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