charting a clear course

Posted on Posted in book reviews/events, designing, lace/shawls, projects

yarn isn’t the only thing that arrives on my doorstep when i’m not home—i received a couple of nice books during my absence as well. this one by JC briar—charts made simple—is especially appreciated, because it fills a gap on the reference shelf that’s been too long standing.

JC is a talented tech editor, teacher, and designer who describes herself as a technique junkie and whose classes are offered at virtually every large-scale knitting event (i’ll be seeing her soon at sock camp and the loopy ewe spring fling, in fact).

i really love the simplicity of this book—its black and white interior layout highlights one simple concept about chart reading on each page or spread with minimal text, thus allowing each statement to have importance and space. it’s just the format a learner needs to become a skilled chart reader, one step at a time.

while my friend clara parkes has explained very well why a book about chart reading is necessary, i’d like to tell you more about the book itself and why THIS book is the one you want.

JC begins at the beginning with basic chart reading concepts, explained simply and precisely, then builds on those concepts step by step as she proceeds through the book’s contents.

there are tips and tricks for tweaking charts to make them easier to look at

and guidance for reading/marking charts in a manner that is aligned with your actual knitted fabric.

many times when i teach lace classes, we get into a discussion of chart reading and why it’s a good skill to acquire. we are able to do some skillbuilding in class, but not in the depth this book allows.

i like the detailed way she matches the chart to the knitted fabric in this example of a broken chart, which is typical of examples throughout the book.
like i said—step by step—it’s brilliant!

later, she guides the reader in sorting out more complex types of charts and symbols, such as those with traveling stitches or changing stitch counts

next up is a view into charts for oddball stitches and unique symbols

and finally—my personal favorite—charts that move from side to side or those for which the round marker moves at some point.
**newsflash**—if the sight of that page spread made you gasp, you need this book (you won’t be sorry you bought it).

if you think you can never learn to read charts—think again; with a book like this, you can. the way it’s set up, you can start with the basics and put them to use, then go back to absorb new bits as you need them.

experienced knitters will want this one too, for learning more about the complex charts related to advanced knitting projects. this would also be an awesome book for any teacher to read as well; even if you’ve seen everything at least once, finding a way to explain it to others can be challenging and a guidebook can help you formulate that material for classes.

best of all, it appears that this book is just the beginning of what i hope will be JCs “knitting on paper” series—we can only hope there are more of these clear, concise guides to help unravel the mysteries of knitting.

now here’s the very funnest part—JC has offered to send a copy of charts made simple to one lucky winner. leave a comment at the end of this post between now and 9pm EST on saturday, 2/26. we’ll pull a name randomly from that pool and announce the winner on sunday or monday morning.

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now let’s take a look at another, completely different, but beautiful book i brought home from my trip to TNNA

vintage modern knits, by courtney kelley and kate gagnon osborn, who are the driving force behind kelbourne woolens, distributors of the fibre company yarns (that’s a skein of fibre company savannah, photographed with the book).

i’ve known kate and courtney for a couple of years now, since they first flagged me down at TNNA to say hello—i’ve always like them so much and their aesthetic really appeals to me. this book of vintage-flavored modern designs assembles garments and accessories that feature a variety of classic knitting knitting techniques.

although everything in the book is photographed on a model, i can picture each and every one of these pieces on kate or courtney too—you can tell these pieces were created to be comfortable and wearable for actual working knitters.

what i mean by that is that the garments included are wearable for everyday, both around the house or out in the world—anywhere—AND they put all of our favorite knitterly skills to work in the making. so that when you’re done, you’ve got a garment you enjoyed creating and one you are proud to wear.

from sweaters to accessories, the design choices and styling are wonderful—familiar enough to call comfortable, but smart enough to be part of a working wardrobe.

that is not to say that the collection is lacking in whimsy or nostalgia—not at ALL. there are these adorable thigh-high socks

and then there is this—i really, really want this.

or i might want to knit it for david.
i wonder if he’d wear it?

the best part?? i got my book signed—thanks you two!

meanwhile, back at the ranch, i’m wading through the last stages of catching up with paperwork—completing my tax organizer, ugh.

i told myself that i had to get this done before i was allowed to look at any pattern work or new knitting. so i’m plowing through it. thanks to everyone for your patience while i get things back in order here—it takes a while after a big trip.

the good news is that i do have a little time for actual knitting at night and i’ve managed to complete a couple of projects.

the mink/cashmere scarf, infinity version, is done, blocked, and sewn together.

and i love it. the pattern is waiting patiently for me to get back to it—sorry. i know you want it, i do. there is just so much time in the day, though, you know?

it’s funny, the days have virtually disappeared this week and i know what the culprit is—email, haha. i’ve spent too much time attending to that and not other things. i’m going to have to set limits so i can get my other work done.

oh, and i have more knitting . . . a nearly-completed inky dinky sweater and hat. i have to explain that i haven’t mentioned the yarn used in this project because it’s an older, long-discontinued superwash yarn. it’s very nice and i love the color, but there’s no point mentioning the name, since it’s not available anywhere.

the sweater just needs the underarms seamed and a nice steaming. i have to pick out buttons; not sure if i have something on hand that will work, but probably—a plain shell button should work nicely and i have a ton of those.

i’ve been taking my gray zig-zag lace scarf everywhere with me and knitting a few rows whenever i can. and guess what? it’s growing.

i love this classy charcoal gray blend of yak/mink/merino/soy from great northern yarns; it’s knitting up so lovely in this stitch pattern. this would be a nice lightweight scarf for a man, but i’m keeping it for myself—i think it will travel very well and take that sort of abuse in stride (craig’s yarns are great that way; they just don’t pill).

i like the contrast between the two stitch patterns in certain light; that shaded effect this is most clearly visible in a smooth, multi-ply yarn such as we have here.

i have the matching shawlette on the needles too, but it’s waiting patiently for me to devise a hem chart. i’m so behind, yikes!

with that in mind, i’m going to return to my tax work so i can finish up and move on to patterns. tomorrow we have a new release that i think you’ll like—something you’ve been waiting for, yay.

439 thoughts on “charting a clear course

  1. Lots of folks with their hats thrown in on this one! Both of those books look really great. I especially love that mink yarn. Those scarves just look *so* cozy!

  2. Wonderful books – thanks for posting them. Love the charting book – and the photos of how the stitches match up to the diagram. Inspired!

  3. Please add my name to the drawing, I appreciate it when the designer provides both written instructions and charts, as the latter can be very confusing to someone that’s not very visually oriented as I am. Thank you and JC for the giveaway.

  4. Anne you do such great reviews – I would love the charts book, because I keep messing up my lace! I may have to go get that Vintage Modern Knits as well, such beautiful patterns.

  5. What super books! As someone who has overcome my irrational fear of charts over the past 18 months, to the point that I have even started writing my own, this book will be on my ‘wish list’ this year! 🙂

  6. Beautiful, Anne – as usual. I made mitts from the mink, dark green and I love them. They have gotten a lot of wear this winter. I think the chart book would be such an excelent reference. I’m diving more and more into lace work and so far I’m learning a little bit too much by ripping and re-knitting. LOL Hope you can wade out of the tax papers soon.

  7. Your green scarf is so lovely! Thank you very much for holding this contest too, that book by JC looks unbelievably helpful, as charts can make me scowl! 😉

  8. Wow! JC does wonderful things ~ I would LOVE to have her book. fingers crossed…fingers crossed….fingers crossed….

  9. Thanks so much for the chance to win and also for writing your blog…I eagerly look forward to reading your posts and looking at the lovely yarn-filled photos.

  10. Thanks so much for reviewing the book and offering this opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed Vintage Modern Knits, too & of course all of your wonderful work!

  11. I am in love with your mink/cashmere infinity scarf! I am so looking forward to the pattern release. You know, I have never been able to grasp charts – the book looks like it would be a life-saver. I pass up so many wonderful patterns if they only include charts.
    Glad to have you back!

  12. I love charts! There aren’t enough books about charts and chart reading/writting. I knit eastern style and charts help make knitting western patterns easier.

  13. That seems like a great book on chart reading. Never thought something like that would be necessary.

  14. Wow! Both books look great and the WIPS are yummy, especially the scarf. I must say that the tax organizer made me cringe and whimper LOL! Gotta get started on that myself.

  15. WOW Anne – I have been SO intimidated by charts (you would think that would NOT be the case – I used to read heart monitors/EKGs and know what was going on with my patients in an instant!!)

    CHARTS MADE SIMPLE – pick me!!!


  16. I am a big fan of charts. I think I’m pretty proficient with them, but clearly there’s a lot in that book that I still need to learn!

  17. I so much need that book — trial-and-error is too slow a learning process!

    And if I don’t win it, I’ll buy it!

  18. Ok, I was in a rush and thought I’d just look at your photos (yes, I do that sometimes!), but I got to the end and saw 330+ responses. Hmm, I thought, I know Anne is popular, but usually not this many people respond. So I went back to see if you were giving something away….and you are! I’ve never won, but there’s always a first time! Thanks!

  19. How wonderful to have a book devoted to reading charts. Just what I would love. Hope I’m lucky

  20. I’ve been struggling to understand charts since I learnt to knit and its starting to hold me back. Please include me in the prize draw.

  21. That chart book sounds positively amazing. I would love to give it a happy home, if I’m lucky enough to win… 🙂

  22. This would be the perfect book for my sister. She wants desperately to get comfortable with both charts and cables but can’t seem to get over the hump. This book looks like it would help her with both. If my number comes up, this will be winging its way to her.

    BTW, that Inky Dinky sweater is just seriously O.M.G. cute!

  23. I am salivating looking at the zig-zag scarf- I think could actually keep track of that pattern.
    Plus, that Vintage Modern book looks great – just my style. The charts book would be very helpful and of course, I’d love one!
    I think you are selling some of the books by blogging about it. Good advertising.

    Good luck with the taxes.

  24. Thank you for the review on the Chart book! I would love to be entered for this drawing. I recently purchased the “Knitting Lace” workshop by Susanna Lewis, and am learning how to chart lace patterns. J.C’s book looks like it would be a tremendous help! I’m going to have to buy this one soon, if I don’t win the drawing that is! 😉

  25. Teaching myself to read charts has been one of my biggest accomplishments in knitting, but there are times I am still not sure I am doing it correctly. I would love a copy of this book.

  26. I really need that chart book, I have really messed up a lace shawl! I am knitting a cashmere hat in purple and also in the dark green mink/cashmere from Great Northern Yarns because of your projects.

  27. Oh, those books look wonderful! I love the idea of the chart book. I know a lot of people say they learn better by doing, but I also like to be able to read about the process–I love a good, technical book once in a while and this one looks great.

  28. Considering I never win anything, I’ll purchase JC’s book anyway. I use charts frequently but after looking at this wonderful book, I know I must have it!
    Thanks for all of the great pictures David. Reading Anne’s blog is great, but to actually to SEE her work …..Oh La La. It certainly keeps me motivated!

  29. I’ve gotten a little better at reading charts, but this book looks like this book will definitely help.

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