our hyacinths are popping up everywhere now and some of them even have buds emerging already. it seems a little early for all this, but i’ll take it. even though we’ve sailed through what’s ended up being a non winter this year, i’m ready to be done with it. bring on the longer, sunnier days; i am Ready.
masses of daffodils are poking up through the mud and the remainder of this weekend’s snowfall (it comes and goes).
today i walked the perimeter of the yard and found shoots of grape hyacinth, day lilies, jonquils, and these, which i believe are the rhizomes for our solomon’s seal, up and checking the temperature.
you wouldn’t know it from these photos but it did snow all day yesterday and i took the opportunity to devote most of the day to knitting, for a change. i got up early, grabbed some breakfast goodies, and headed over to debby’s house, where we knit with susie til about 1 pm.
it’s our favorite way to spend saturday morning and i always get lots done while i’m there. it’s my joke that i have to leave home to get any knitting done these days, haha, but all too close to the truth . . . one thing i love about it is that i can only knit on non-club items when i’m with them, so it gives me a chance to catch up my queue.
i worked on the back of david’s sweater, adding about four more inches, i think. it’s getting there!for those who haven’t seen it before, the yarn is woolen rabbit sporty kashmir in colorway enchanted forest. so handsome, right?
i am really looking forward to seaming this one, but i don’t think i’ll accomplish that before i go away on wednesday. if i still have a lot more to go on the back, i’ll take it with me; it will be perfect mindless knitting for travel. if i’m close to finished, i’ll leave it home and finish it when i get back.
after a few hours work on the sweater, i switched to my grey gardens shawlette, which i’m knitting up for the second time in alisha goes around raft of otter fingering, a BFL/silk blend in the incredible amber colorway. i know her yarns are not available right now (because she’s busy having a baby), but hopefully soon; they are gorgeous.
between the fiber content and the color, it’s ssooo rich and luscious. i started this second one a few weeks back, thinking i’d just whip it out while waiting for the test knitter to work, but then got sidetracked by taxes and other non-knitting duties.
and here we are, phoebe has complete her test knit, the pattern is all proofed and ready to publish, and i’m just barely started. oh well, another item i can pack into my travel bag for wednesday.
the original, knit up in hazel knits divine (color arroyo) waits patiently on the back of the sofa though, quite ready for its photo shoot, which we’ll be doing this afternoon with our darling helena.
which means that we’ll be ready to release the pattern tomorrow; are you excited?
to be fair, i have been absolutely motoring through a bevy of club knits and patterns—i’ve got some super-cute stuff planned for the next couple of months. this barenaked concept has been been an inspirational success; working with the undyed colors makes me feel extra creative. so many possibilities.
and, in case you are wanting an update: i’m poised to begin the heel flap on basketweave sock #2 for david, which i’m knitting in zen yarn garden squooshy. and for me this is the turning point—once i get that heel done, i can’t stop til i’ve got those ends woven in. another good traveling companion, me thinks.
i’m really looking forward to my trip; i’m heading for san francisco to visit my dear friend cookie for a “stay-cation”. that is apparently where cookie stays home and i travel clear across the country. and with any luck, i’ll also get to see janel, romi, kristine, adrienne, and michelle.
we’re gonna have SO much fun and probably eat til our pants don’t fit. i can’t wait. hopefully there will be enough walking, hiking, and running to offset some of the dining we have planned—the list is long, hahaha.
(i promise i’ll knit a lot and blog as often as possible.)
i’m sure i’ll be back one more time before i fly out and for sure, a pattern release tomorrow (barring some disaster)
8 thoughts on “unstoppable”
That new shawl is gorgeous – as are all of your shawls, Anne. Looking forward to the pattern release.
Hope you have a wonderful stay-cation with Cookie. : )
Your garden always look good even in winter. We had a very hot summer here & most of vegetables in the garden died. Really love the basketweave socks.
>>eat til our pants don’t fit.<< Love it! My kinda vacation, my kinda gals =-)
Have a great trip. I bet the garden will have changed when you get back home!
You’re heading out to my part of the country. I’ll wave to you from way down here in the south bay (depending on what route you take, I might be under your flight path to SFO).
If it’s not already on your list of eats, you should consider “Off the Grid”. Gourmet food trucks park in a circle and serve wonderful food at very low prices. It happens every Friday, though now I can’t remember where. Somewhere around Marina/Ghirardelli Square, by the water. I’m sure Cookie will know. Have a wonderful time!!
before you go, send me all your daffodils!! they’re one of my faves. although i can’t believe that their heads are already popping up – talk about a total non-Winter this year, so strange!
I am so ready for spring too! Even though there hasn’t been so much snow, there’s been way too much gray. So it’s been lovely to see the crocus. Have a good trip!
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