that was us, all weekend long.
i’ve got these to the start of the heel and i’m thrilled; they will fit perfectly, and be just a tad shorter than the ones in the heavier yarn.
again, i’m just scratching my head about why that is . . . but even the super-picky debbieKnitter agrees that the gauge is fine (and she loves this yarn too . . tried kidnapping it from my house saturday, but i was on to her ways).
we had a very busy weekend; david was scrambling to get all the windows that would be receiving storms ready for this morning’s invasion of workmen.
(please don’t ask me how it feels to be inside wondering when i’ll hear a big THUNK. i’m trying to be calm and trust that he’s doing things safely. but really now, he’s 30 feet up on ladder in the hot sun; how calm am i supposed to be??)
as for me, i spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying to get on top of the load of produce we have gleaned from our garden over the last week. it is hot here (90s the last few days), and stuff is coming in by the basketful again . . . another head-scratcher that i don’t even have time to contemplate.
lots of tomatoes, squash, peppers, and a big bag of eggplant from the generous nikki, a student of mine. everything got roasted, cooked, or stewed up into something good that we’ll enjoy over the winter. like ratatouille
this is one of david’s very favorites . . and it’s really delicious made with very fresh veggies in season. even if i freeze it, it will taste better than if i made it with stuff from the store, when we take it out to eat in january.
i also did some design work, but i can’t show you that; all will be revealed sometime in the near future . . .
on saturday debbieKnitter came over. we have not had a get-together all summer, which we have vowed not to let EVER happen again. and we had SOOoo much fun that i forgot to take pictures. no big loss . . . mostly, she shoveled stuffed peppers into her mouth and ripped out a mess in her sock. i swear, she picked up five different projects in rotation and worked on each for about 10 minutes. i just watched, fascinated.
i worked on cluaranach and managed not to make any mistakes (it’s hard to knit when you have laughing tears in your eyes for three hours straight).
this yarn is such a treat, really and truly. another piece that debbie tried to fenagle out of the house, but i managed to catch her before she got to her vehicle. she can get her own damn kit, or ask for one for thanksgiving (she won’t be able to wait for christmas, trust me).
and, on saturday night i got the last of the knitting done on my red sweater . . it is now off the needles and blocking. i promise i will show all the red sweater news in its own post either tomorrow or wednesday.
sarina from moving mud called on friday to say that the buttons are done and on their way; what about that timing, eh?? she says she did something a little different than what’s on the site (they always do) so i’m anxious to see them.
i also can’t WAIT to get that sweater on my body and see if it fits. i had a few moments during the blocking when i wondered if i would like it on. i think it might be a bit looser than i wanted. everything is the right size according to the pattern, but i’m worried that i made the pattern a size too big. long story but, suffice it to say that i keep thinking of myself as the size i was 10 years ago, and i’m not.
i’m waiting with bated breath.
21 thoughts on “workin’ for the weekend”
Red cardigan, can’t wait to see it! I hope it fits. I used to end up with sweaters that were too big, now I work them out with no ease or negative ease and they fit. I love cluaranach can’t blame debbieKnitter for wanting to steal it. I so want a kit, maybe for Christmas. Exchange rates and postage mean I have to wait. Dont’ like waiting. Thanks for mentioning Debbieknitters habit of rotating work. I do that and thought it was strange. Feel better now. Love all the food! You have been busy but it is worth it. As for David up a ladder, not seeing and believing all is fine is the best way to go, that is what I do or else it is unbearable!
Mmm, both the food and cluaranach look so yummy — I’d try to walk out with the shawl in hand myself. And I love that the socks are working out so well on smaller needles! I may have to get that pattern to try for my husband — I think he’d like them quite a lot (and I’d like knitting them, which is important when knitting for size 13 feet!). I’m glad David made it up and down the ladder safely 🙂
What, you shrunk from ten years ago?
LOOOVE the cluaranach. Love. I feel guilty about it because I still haven’t started Morning Glories despite having had the pattern and yarn for MONTHS, but what can I say? I knit slower than you design.
mmmmm….that ratatouille looks yummy!! there are few things more wonderful than thawing something out of the freezer that was put up in August, on a cold January day when the sun hasn’t been out in days. I am going to totally regret not having a garden this year!!
you can freeze ratatouiile?!? what a great idea. I just whipped some up myself and was trying to savor the tastes, knowing that in a few short months the produce will be horrendous. what a great tip!
also – love the cluaranach, both the color and the pattern.
Sigh, a man who will climb ladders to wash windows…….he’s my kind of guy! Way to go David!
Oooh, that shawl is lookin’ good. I’ve already ordered mine. I can’t wait. The Scots heritage in me is quite looking forward to starting it. The rest of me, the parts that know there are 6 projects still on the needles and at least two that need to start soon for the holidays are trying to remind me about priorities. It’s not working.
Cluaranach is growing fast! The color is lovely, and so fitting!
I’m very curious to see the finished red sweater. I hope you’ve been worrying for nothing and you’ll find out it fits perfectly. The buttons will be the perfect final touch!
Hugs to you Anne *sneaking out more peppers* OMG, ya;ll have GOT to try those. I SWEAR the ones I got to take home lasted MAYBE 7 minutes before I yanked open the tin and shoveled them in….I can eat lemme tell ya, I may be small, but I am FIERCE when it comes to food, especially Anne’s!!! Oh, and the socks, TO DIE FOR!!! By the way, I missed David, hi to you and thanks for sharing Anne for a well missed and well loved fun Saturday afternoon. Good food, good friends and good yarn, what can I say!
Ha,ha–that Debbieknitter!! What a character,I bet you had to keep your eye on her until you saw her vehicle roll out of sight LOL! (Cluranach is a beauty!)
Can’t wait to see the red sweater post!!! Here’s hoping it fits to a “t”;)
Oh boy we’re having ratatouille tomorrow–now I really can’t wait seeing yours all cooked up. I love that shawl and will have to see how to make it, I guess I need to read through the blog to find out how. I made the Tasha Tudor shawl years ago and the edging was a right bugger! But I love shawls and the pattern and color of yours is just beautiful!
I pre-ordered my cluaranach kit on Friday and I can’t wait for it to get here! I was originally thinking it would be a gift, but now I think I’ll keep it for myself! The colour is just tooooo scrumptious!
look at all that tomato sauce. it looks delectable! can’t wait to see the cardi….
Cluaranach is stunning. I’ve never made Ratatoulle because I don’t care for eggplant, but we have lots of zucchini left over here and it looks like a wonderful substitute. Mmmm. The sock yarn is so lovely. The subtle colors make me want to climb through the screen and examine it in person.
OMG. I WANT that. DEARLY. I haven’t knit Bee yet. And I’ve GOT to have Cluaranach. MUST.HAVE. (sigh) I’m everything highlands…
And btw…now you’ve got me wanting to make ratatouille. Yummm…
Wow what a fabulous shawl, I’ve got to go find it…
Great idea on freezing the ratatouille 🙂
What is up with it being 90 everywhere but here? It’s been down into the 40s at night, and doesn’t go above 70 during the day anymore! Although it’s prime knitting weather, I must admit. My projects have all kicked into high gear!
Loving the sock, that yarn is just exquisite. And the food looks really tasty too! One of these days I’ll take the initiative to prepare and freeze tons of garden fresh food in advance, but for now I’ll just continue to admire your never ending talents Anne! 🙂
OMG that ratatouille!! The tomato sauce! OMG!
And oh my goodness gracious me… the cluaranach sure seems to be coming along quite nicely! Thank you for sharing… when’s dinner? 😀
I think you should have all of us over for a meal!
Your sweater is going to be stunning, and you’re going to have to fork over a pattern. I love the sock, and I can’t wait for the pattern for the thistle soldiers!!! Yum, all the way around!
Sounds like the 2 of you had a wonderful time. It looks like it is supposed to cool off this week. I can’t wait.
Cluaranach looks so cozy and luscious. It’ll be a treat to cuddle with! And that ratatouille looks sooo good.
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