wow, where the heck did the last four days disappear to? and it’s not just me either . . . i called a friend this morning to confirm that we are having dinner tonight, and he was like, “that’s tonight?? i thought we said next week?”
and i was like, well, yeah, this IS next week; i just realized it too.
it’s the THIRTEENTH.
thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful emails you sent about my sweater—you guys sure do love a red FO! and you do know how to make a girl feel good.
i wore it out to classes the other night and it felt wonderful all evening, too . . . completely wearable and the fabric really kept its beautiful good looks and recovery.
i’m hoping to start offering sweater patterns (i have scads of them in note form, but not sized or written up) maybe later this winter. i need to get a system in place for sizing them and sussing out errors, etc. and it’s not even that simple—i tend to love sweaters with interesting textured fabric, and getting those stitch patterns into a design in what now, 12 sizes, will be a big task. so give me some room to think about it and i promise, i’m working on it.
in the meantime, can anyone say FOUR DAYS!
four days til kim gets here from san diego, and the weather has turned very chilly for her benefit (we went from 90 to 50 overnight on monday). then one day after that, we leave for rhinebeck in beckie’s red truck.
we are so excited. we are four ridiculous 13-year-olds. and we’re happy, so we’re not stopping.
i was hoping to get cluaranach done before we leave but i’m not sure i’m going to make it.
i’m at the halfway point—but i think i might add one more repeat for my own use.
i’m trying to decide . . . i made the petite size because initially, i thought i would use it mainly to wear out a lot. so i’d want it long enough to stay put, but not so long that it’s in the way all the time, catching on things, getting closed in doors, or dragging on the ground (i’m telling you, i’m a klutz who moves too fast, and it’s not an elegant existence).
but when i started working with this yarn, and felt how scrumptiously cozy it is knitted up, i began to daydream about it being used for another, more homely purpose. ok, now we are going to sidetrack for the background information.
this is another wrap that i use almost nightly when the weather gets cold. during the day it lies across the chair i put my feet up on when i knit at night (we are looking for ottomans, but so far haven’t found any that go with our midecentury furniture). i made it years ago from gorgeous italian yarn i bought in greece at a sidewalk clearance sale (you don’t need to speak greek to find and buy good deals on yarn there).
it’s not that wide but it is long—long enough that, when i throw it around my shoulders and put my feet up, i can also cover my legs (our house has really chilly spots)
(and see how nicely it also hides my knitting mess? you would never dream i was keeping a rat’s nest of yarn, needles and patterns under it in that first photo, would you?).
ok, ok, i know i’m running on and getting way far away form the topic. so anyhow, i’m a little tired of this old stole, and when i felt the fabric in cluranach, i began to think that maybe i would use that in its place as my night wrap. if so, i will need to make it a bit longer. so i’m trying to decide.
i do have plenty of yarn to add a repeat. which means i will have the petite width and the tall length. that’s perfect actually, for the purpose.
on the other hand, it is really pretty stunning and i want to sashay it around in public.
yeah, you know what? i think my exhibitionist side is getting the bst of me right now. i probably have something else i can replace that old wrap with. i have handspun that would be perfect for that.
ok, so thanks for letting me talk that one out. sometimes we just have to have the knitting chat, right?
so, the last few days just disappeared down the patterning hole.
i literally don’t know what happened to them. one minute i was sitting down to answer wednesday’s email and write two patterns and the next thing i knew, it was saturday.
the patterns got written alright and sent off to the wonderfully generous test knitters.
and lots of knitting got done, too. but now, i really have to run and start getting ready for that dinner tonight, so i’ll gab about all the knitting tomorrow.
25 thoughts on “hey! where’d my week go off to?”
I know you’re thinking ottoman…but you might think either small coffee table or footstool. You should be able to get either one of those in mid-century style at yard sales, thrift stores, etc. (See, I still have those things which do get pulled out occasionally, but mostly hide in this 1800’s SW PA house we’re in.)
I can’t believe it’s almost here. yay!
P.S. are you going to the Algonquin thingy this weekend? I’m working all weekend (pooh).
I’m having Rhinebeck envy out here in San Diego (the fact that you have a friend going from here tells me that it’s possible, rather than a pipe dream). I need to find someone to go with next year so I’m not a weird loner going, but a person with a group of friends going (maybe making it seem more like a justifiable expense?). I’m glad you talked yourself into the wearing-it-out-in-public length for the new stole — it’s just so beautiful! And if you keep showing acorn sock photos, I just may have to preorder a kit for myself…
Yep. Sometimes you just need a sounding board to sort things out. I’m happy to listen/read.
The wrap is really pretty…..
I’m thrilled that you’re thinking of offering sweater patterns! If you need a test knitter, just let me know–it would be a pleasure to work on your designs.
I’m pretty sure I would have reached the same conclusion. You certainly will enjoy wearing it out.
Oh, Rhinebeck… You know what? The two contracts that were holding us back here finally vanished in the ether… but unfortunately, we learnt it a bit too late for us to be able to arrange for going. Once again I’ll enjoy it vicariously through your reports. Next year, though, I’ll be there!
Love to hear others ramble on…makes me feel like i belong. btw, did you make the fuzzy shoes, and if so, what kind of soles do they have? Crazy ’bout your designs…not enough time.
Is it really next week already? This is why I have to read blogs, so I can keep up with reality!
A long stole to wrap around your shoulders and to cover your legs sounds so cozy. Especially with your feet encased in those warm, fuzzy, felted slippers.
I’m horribly tempted to nick cluaranach from off your fence when you’re not looking. 😉 So pretty!!!
Lovely knitting! I really love the Christmas tree mitts!
Writing is the best way to work-out a problem of any kind. I love everything!! I wish I could go to Rhinebeck. You could just swing by Maine and pick me up, couln’t you???? It’s only a few states out of your way.
Such yarn porn………I just love it! The socks and the mitts are both fabulous!!!
I can’t wait to see you next weekend!
I love them all – equal opportunity textile porn, that’s what I believe in.
I love the “old” wrap, it looks warm and snuggly. And I can’t say HOW HAPPY I AM that the Lanas Puras kit is in a solid (or at least pretty solid) color. I’ve had too many projects die because you can’t see the lace from all the different colors.
I think cluranach deserves to be sashayed out in public 😉 But I do understand your need for a new stole for home as well.
Rhinebeck sounds so wonderful. Have tons of fun!
Handspun for the home wrap.
With a name like Cluranach she longs to be publicly flaunted.
I *love* the thistles. 🙂
Cluranach is so pretty. You for sure need to be able to take it out in public and show ot off. It is going to be amazing when it is blocked.
Have a great time at Rhinebeck.
Can’t wait to get my Cluaranach kit!
It’ll be my first time at Rhinebeck, and I can’t wait! Any advice for a Rhinebeck virgin? Also, I’ve noticed you use a calendar that seems to have knitting stuff on the background of some of your photos. Is that the SnB calendar?
Oh yeah. Uh huh. I’m goin’ to Rhinebeck. That would be me. Going with my buddy and her buddies. Gonna have a crap-load of fun. Yep. Can’t wait.
I have turn of this century furniture and you’re quite correct about the difficulty of finding ottomans for it. I found some very nice leather cubes, with tops that are padded and reverse to a wooden tray. The cubes are hollow and provide very nice yarn storage. You can see the top half on one of them, in cushion mode, here:
and the side of the other one, in tray mode, here:
I got these at Erik’s, in Palm Springs, but I’ve seen them in catalogs.
You can also see my Dansk teak chairs in the first photo. The lure of mid-century Scandinavian teak lives on in my houses.
You really should wear Cluaranach in public, she’s far too pretty to hide ! But I can understand your love for the stay at home wrap, it looks soooo soft and cosy ! A wrap to comfort and cherish you, we all need one like that don’t we 🙂
Oh Rhinebeck, a far far dream in the distance……
But I hope you will have a marvelous time there all !!!!
I know how you feel, time needs to stand still for a few days! all of the knitting is looking great. I love your idea of using a shawl to cover up all the knitting things. Hope you enjoyed your dinner with your friend.
lol – I know what you mean about talking stuff out and getting to an answer. You should definitely wear that pretty stole in public. And I love the hand warmers in the final picture. Lucky test knitters!
week, how about month! i’m wondering where October is going! it’s the 15th already!!!!!!
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