kim has arrived

Posted on Posted in book reviews/events, projects

kim (sadly blogless, but gladly bearing chocolate) arrived today—her flight was right on time and she was in rare form once she got free of the ship. the first thing she did was call her kids to let them know that indeed, anne is NOT an axe murderer (they were weirdly concerned about this, envisioning all sorts of scenarios where kim ended up dead or sold into slavery by a dangerous pedophile. seriously, they said pedophile.).
but really, can you blame them?? this is a closeup of the gorgeous kim right off the plane . . .
now, i ask you is this fair?

if that was me after traveling through three airports since 6 am, it would NOT be looking that good. i mean, she’s a goddess, right? and she has five kids, too—four of them boys. not fair, i tell you (though certainly deserved). she’s just Sooo together.

we like to call her “West Coast Debbie” because well, i figured out early on that she and debbieKnitter were basically separated at birth. and the more they talked, the further we got into the twilight zone with that. positively eerie i tell you.

here they are cutting up in class . . . having a little tussle over debbie’s twinings-in-progress.
debbie is quite proud of it, being a new-to-her lace project. but remember, this pattern was developed just for her. i think she thinks it’s perfect.

debbie also got a gift of the sample not-quite-matching-because-i-was-experimenting merlot vine socks. there is no talking to her now . . . steve may have to knock her out to get them off her feet at some point, but i’m just glad she likes them.

this is another kim, an ohio kim.
in just a few short months we have made a total yarn ho out of her.

look at that grin. that can only be the smile of someone who has a huge new bag full of fearless fibers sock yarn to show off in class. and another of woolen rabbit stuff. we are so proud of her, and her growing stash.
and don’t get her started on her love for fingerless mitts unless you have a LOT of time to chat.

karen is a brand new knitter and spinner who is diving the depths of sock knitting and finding it a rich vein to plunder.

she’s going to rhinebeck for the first time too, encouraged by her new husband to join us; he has NO idea what he’s done. oh well!

and that’s it . . off we go first thing in the morning.

YES, debbie, we see the socks. very nice modeling, yes. and yes, we can see you love them.

29 thoughts on “kim has arrived

  1. Beautiful people, beautiful photos! It’s obvious you’re all going to have a fantastic time. 🙂

  2. Oh, I am so jealous of the fun you gals are going to have! Some day I’m going to go, too…maybe by that time I’ll be in a motorized scooter. Come to think of it, that might not be a bad idea except the terrain could be a bit bumpy.

  3. Oh, what fun!!

    I can’t wait for this weekend.

    Thanks for the email. I’ll keep an eye out for your patterns so I can finally get my (dirty) paws on a few of them.


  4. How delightful! I hope you all enjoy a wonderful trip. My Dh is back in Syracuse on business and I’ve nagged so much that he may rent a car and drive down to Rhinebeck for some shopping. So, if you see a middle-aged man wandering aimlessly around the vendors booths then feel free to direct him towards something yummy! I’m working on persuading him to take some random pictures too. Hope he doesn’t get arrested for being a prevert!

  5. They all look like so much fun! Have a great time. Please have lots of fun and buy lots of fibre goodness and share on your blog so I can drool. If I can’t be there I’d like to at least see how good it is.

  6. How the HECK did she twist her leg that way?? I thought I was looking at an extremely well-photoshopped picture! The socks look fantastic.

    Are fearless fibers and/or woolen rabbit going to be at Rhinebeck (RHINEEEEBEEEECK!!!!)? If so, I MUST grab a bunch. If not, then I seriously need to hit up their websites!!

  7. You guys are having FAR too much fun 🙂 Thanks for sharing the trip with those of us who are holding down our various forts — I can’t wait to hear about Rhinebeck!

  8. Looks like so much fun!

    I thought the same thing as Rosi G…Debbie must have a trick hip or some serious ballet background to be able to do that. 🙂

  9. OK now, is there a waiting list somewhere for when I can get a pattern and the yarn to make those socks? I really must have them. I neeeeeeeeeeed them. They warm my grinchy little heart. But my feet are still cold.

  10. You’re already having fun! Look at all that fun!

    And your airport has a flu shot clinic? (the Novartis sign behind in the close-up photo)

  11. well, you’re probably already gone, but have a great time! debbie’s stole is looking quite nice – another lace knitter in the making!

  12. Oh, have a terrific time! You deserve it with all the hard work you’ve been putting in this summer. Tell that Debbie her twinings looks wonderful 🙂 You look like you all were having a blast at class, if that’s any indication as to what Rhinebeck will be like; then I bet you’re all on a major yarn high already LOL 😉

  13. Wow, you guys look like you are having so much fun. I must get to Rhinebeck. We have our own knitting retreat up in the Mountains next Thursday. P.S. I look like crap when I travel, thanks Kim for setting the bar so high!

  14. Jeez Debbie, we get that you love the socks, gosh! 😉

    Here in NM trying to not be insanely jealous of all you Rhinebeck going folk…although it doesn’t seem to be working too well. At least think of me while you fondle the yarns, alright Anne?

  15. Have a fab Rhinebeck!
    PS. Please say what yarn those socks are in, and more importantly, can I buy the pattern?
    PPS. I am so glad I found your site 🙂

  16. Hi everyone. I happened upon this blog via knitty and LOVE the socks Debbie has on. Can anyone tell me about they yarn? Where can I get my hands on some?


  17. You all look very happy, and I hope Rhinebeck was a lot of fun. I hadn’t heard of The Woolen Rabbit before reading your post. What fabulous colors!

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