looks like we have an answer

Posted on Posted in book reviews/events, lace/shawls, projects

it’s birdies, not eggs—at least, this morning it is.
i was just able to get this one somewhat-blurry shot while mom was out, and as soon as i hopped off the porch bench i stood on to get the picture, she zoomed in out of nowhere straight for my head. it was killah intent, i tell you. and who could blame her; i was holding the camera pretty close to that nest (and i won’t do that again).

the nest must be pretty deep; i count 3 or 4 bodies there, and these little robins look to be a fairly good size, but i can’t see them unless i can get up over the edge of their little home.

speaking of birds, our long-time friend lilith (runs like a penguin, but slower) will be participating in a run for cancer in the UK next month. she is looking to raise a modest amount of money in this run for life, and i hope we can help her out a bit.

please visit her race blog for details—there are a whole schlew of prizes offered for those who donate, and, especially in this case, every little bit helps.

lilith has been reading this blog since about the first month i think—she generously added her lovely hand-dyed yarns to a couple of prize pools here at knitspot in the past, and has recently sent me a batch of her new yarns to use in upcoming projects

(she’s got cashmere, merino, sock, and laceweight yarn . . . )
ok, NOW i see i have your attention—and i bet some of these very yarns are in that prize pool. so go check it out; it’s lovely stuff and a few of your dollars will qualify you to maybe win some. thanks!

so, what else have we got to show you today. oh. i know . . .

the fiddlehead scarf is off the needles (sorry, i never get tired of looking this colorway, which is pretty true-to-life in this photo). and, kim has lots of other colorways . . did you see her sample knit in that flamingo yarn?? o. m. g. i could eat that.

oh yeah, i was starting to talk about the scarf . . .anyway, have you noticed how nice it looks unblocked? for those of you who prefer unblocked lace, this is a great piece, because it doesn’t look raggedy at all if you don’t block it. you’ll have to knit it longer of course (about 25-30% longer to get a decent scarf length), but it’s sweet, soft, and pretty in its unstretched form.

i, however, opted to block mine.

i do like to block lace, and i was anxious to see this one stretched because i knew it would change a lot. here’s a detail shot of that schweeet little motif

and to be honest, much as i enjoyed knitting it (in fact i don’t even remember much of the knitting—it just sorta happened), i needed to get this off the needles so i could get ready for an upcoming big knit.

and even after stretching, it has maintained an amazing amount of texture and dimensionality. that’s nice merino for you. here’s the bound-off edge of the scarf; it looks almost identical to the cast-on edge above.

a nice touch. and now, debbieKnitter dear, here’s the picture you’ve been waiting for . . .

as soon as it’s dry we’ll take some photos, finalize the pattern, and put it in the shop.

when i got home from classes last night i finished up the mitt i started the other day

it didn’t get such a good review at class, but several of you wrote to say you DO like it, so i think i’m keeping it. obviously it can be worked in a more solid yarn too, and/or a tighter gauge with finer yarn . . . there are several possibilities.

i love the stitch pattern mightily though, and can even see doing a sock with it . . something girly, but not lace, hmmm.

33 thoughts on “looks like we have an answer

  1. Hee! look at their cute little beaks! I especially like the modern touch of plastic that adorns the nest.

    Love the Fiddlehead scarf and for what it’s worth, I like the mitt.

  2. I absolutely LOVE the Fiddlehead Scarf! Both blocked and un-blocked. This might be the one that convinces me to try my hand at lace. Beautiful!

  3. Oh pleasssse keep the mitt. I love it even more in that pic all finished! I want. 😉

    And I love the fiddlehead scarf blocked! That’s a great stitch pattern. The green is gorgeous.

  4. Love the pattern of the mitt but I think the yarn obscures the pattern. Maybe, next time, something a little more on the subtle side? Scarf is lovely.

  5. Oh, dear! Will I ever catch up? I’ve ordered my Star of Evening shawl kit, my Boing! kit, and I know I’ll just have to order this beautiful Fiddlehead Scarf kit as well! Will these be gifts, you ask? Absolutely not! I intend to keep each of these beauties for myself!

  6. Yay, for babies! They’re waiting for you to regurgitate something into their mouths! I love the new scarf! It’s lovely. Kim’s colorway is awesome. Yes, I’m crazy about the mitt and the yarn. I’m glad you kept it. When will that pattern be available? Do you knit continental style? You must, because I can’t believe how fast you can knit!!

  7. That scarf turned out beautifully! I love that motif… I can’t wait to see what the next big project is (sits up, needles in hand)! 🙂 I’m loving those baby birds — I can’t wait to see them when they’re ready to fly.

  8. The fiddlehead is fab! That limey green is so fresh. I, too, love the pattern of the mitten, but would rather see it done in either a semi solid, or solid colour.

  9. Oh wow….Fiddlehead is stunning blocked out! You have motivated me to work on mine this evening 🙂

  10. I love the unblocked lace scarf and that green is so fresh and springy. I think I have some Posh cashmere I could use for this scarf. Uh oh… gotta fit this pattern in the queue too!

  11. Maybe I have a one-track mind but I would love the mitt pattern (maybe even yarn) as a scarf.

  12. You are so funny. I cannot believe you actually got that close to the nest to take the pictures. I am glad that you are okay.

    Your scarf and mitt look beautiful. Kim does have some beautiful yarn.

  13. I love the new scarf pattern – and the mitt! I think you should do the mitt motif in a matching scarf too.

  14. Birdies, yarn (gorgeous yarn!), and blocked lace…what more could one ask?

    I like the mitt. I think the pattern would get lost if it were less three-dimensional, but as it is, I think it does a fine job of holding its own.

    I can’t wait to see what you might do with Lilith’s yarns!

  15. I love little birdies. We have a pair of doves that like to nest at our house. I love the lace, blocked and unblocked it looks fabulous. I really like the mitt. I’ve been wanting to make some fingerless gloves and I really like what you’ve come up with! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  16. Last summer we found a nest just outside our front door—the baby birds would stay absolutely still every time we went out there, frozen in position until we went away again. It didn’t look too big, but the day they found their wings and flew away, one by one, we realized how deep that nest had been—five chicks plus a couple of eggs that hadn’t hatched.

    For the record, I really like the mitt (and also the yarn it’s made of), and I’ll be watching for the Fiddlehead Scarf as well!

  17. LOve the Fiddlehead pattern!

    Those baby birds will be fledging rather soon I think. They’re fun to watch as they seek out life outside the nest under the watchful eye of their parents. Invariably there is always one who refuses to vacate the premises and needs major cajoling. Hope this happens on a day when you can sit out and watch it unfold.

  18. Oh, and it’s amazing they can actually fly or balance on a perch with such stubby little tails initially.

  19. The fiddlehead scarf looks great and I forgot to tell you the other day how much I love those mitts. They are beautiful.

  20. LOVE the fiddlehead scarf! And I forgot to buy Oh Canada when I was in the shop the other day, so I guess I’ve gotta get two more patterns….once Fiddlehead is available….

  21. I really like the mitt (even though I tend not to wear fingerless mitts). It’s a very “happy” pattern. Not sure if that makes a whole lotta sense, but there you have it.

  22. I thought it looked like babies in the second picture you posted the other day but I figured you’d know better than me having taken the photo so figured I was seeing baby birds in leaves or something. We don’t get birds around this current house much so I don’t remember how to look properly.

    I like the mitt but think I might like it better with less contrast in color. I like the gauge and the look of it though. I also really like the idea of the girly non-lacy sock. I need one.

    I love the scarf. So pretty!

  23. Oh wow, the new scarf is fabulous! I think I can safely say that this one will be going directly into my queue…

    And I think the mitt would be perfect in a nearly-solid, but it’s a little too busy for me as-is. I have a feeling that the leaf motif is very clever, but I can’t see it clearly enough to know for sure!

    Watch out for mama bird… I hope she won’t take umbrage if you venture oout into your garden! We had a bluejay try to build a nest right next to our (enclosed) front porch a year or two ago, and she was constantly dive-bombing the porch window if anyone dared to go out there and sit. The cat would perch on the window ledge and watch her with great fascination… eventually she gave up and went away rather than build her nest within a few feet of an observant cat.

  24. Hi Anne, A silly question but I have to ask if you sell your beautiful “photo art” as postcards or wall art? Even embossed on writing paper??? I drool..

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