ok, yes, i’m coming up on a BIG birthday, with a zero attached to it, but come on—an AARP membership?? did they have to deliver it on my last day in this decade? hahaha, life just has the most uncanny sense of humor, doesn’t it?
i can laugh about this because i’m still too young to join, heh, but not for very long.
i’m going crazy from too much secret knitting and too many socks on the needles, but i’m determined to finish some of them off so i can move on. i mean, i like socks—i do; i love knitting them. but all socks, all the time—that’s too much of a good thing (david may beg to differ).
it’s my own fault and i know it.
actually, it’s not all socks, but there are quite a few more than usual. something tells me that my olympic project could end up being a heap of second socks . . . between what i have on the needles now and the pile of single socks sitting near my end of the sofa, i could cloth the whole family if i’d just turn them all into pairs.
so let’s take a look at some of what i’ve got here
the longjohn sock is shaping up just as i’d hoped—it looks like the sleeve or leg of a real set of longjohns. the thermal stitch will trap heat to keep feet warm and cozy without bulk, which is just the sort of sock i need.
this is an easy-going, take anywhere, don’t need a chart (don’t need a brain, practically) project. it’s the one i can drag around everywhere with me for something to do if i have to wait.
and good thing too—i have enough yarn to knit four of them. beautiful shalimar zoe that is bouncy, soft, hardwearing, and comes in myriad fun colors, both variegated and semi-solid. later tonight, i’ll cast on the red version of the sock so we can see what it looks like.
here’s a peek of one of my secret projects—not telling what it is or where the yarn is from, though. just a little taste, ok?
here’s another little glimpse of something i’m making—gorgeous color, gorgeous yarn, not a sock, but i’m not telling what, either . . . it’s almost done, too, yay.
here’s one that we can talk about and i’m really happy to be able to, because i love the way it’s turning out. this sock is knit using woolen rabbit kashmir, an incredibly lovely yarn with all good points from our friend kim. it’s got bounce, it’s got sheen, it’s got cashmere, for heaven’s sake—and as if that wasn’t enough, it’s got nylon, too, so it won’t wear out the minute you start walking around in it.
i’m trying to decide on a name for this one—at first it seemed obvious to pick a name based on how the patterns intertwine, but now that i’m down the leg and into the heel, it’s starting to remind me more of a beautiful gilded picture frame or birdcage or an antique wire cage dress form. hmmm . . . i might go with something like la cage d’or instead.
more secret knitting (see? i told you there was a lot). this one has a sibling in a different color, too, so they are double the fun. it’s knit in one of my favorite affordable yarns, so i don’t mind at all knitting it twice.
in other news, david is making great progress in demo-ing the second half of my studio space
a couple of the walls have three layers of drywall to take down and discard, plus the dropped ceiling and some plaster—many bags of debris are exiting the house this week. pretty soon he’ll be able to start rewiring (thank goodness).
i think that’s about it for today—i probably won’t be here tomorrow, because hopefully i’m taking most of the day off (and hopefully, spending it on my little rose shawl, which i’ve been denying myself), but i might post a festive photo or two if the opportunity arises.
see you on the other side of 50!
83 thoughts on “sorry, not there quite yet”
I got my first offer somewhere around 45… and though I’m almost 2 years younger than my husband he didn’t get his until he hit 50. I guess it’s cause I have more grey hair than he does…?
Have a great milestone!
Happy Birthday Anne! I’ve had my own run in with AARP recently – I think they sent me the same membership packet that they sent you. I’m 37. I think maybe someone in their marketing department has birthdate dyslexia. At least that’s what I’m hoping!
I love the greeny birdcage socks. They look like tremendous fun to knit. I’ll be looking for the pattern!
Happy Special Birthday, Anne! In honour of your birthday, I am sending along a bit of Feb 3rd trivia. First, you share a birth date with a dear knitting buddy of mine (one of the 3 Canadians at the Knitters Review Retreat), who is turning “Freedom 55” today…maybe 55 is like AARP? Secondly, there is a whole Feast of St. Blaise, sore throat but also wool (and not-too-nice carding thing) connection with February 3rd that I discovered on a quest to see if there might be a patron saint of knitting/wool.
Wishing you the very best birthday celebration with all who are dear to you, and a wild and wooly year!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday! 🙂
If it makes you feel any better, I got my AARP membership package the year I turned 26. Although we will not say how long ago THAT was.
Happy Birthday, Anne. Wishing you a happy and healthy year.
Happiest of birthdays, Anne. My husband’s AARP must be in the mail as the 5-0 is weeks away. I hear the magazine is good reading!
Thanks for the taste of all that secret knitting. Looking forward to seeing what the plush burnt orange knit will be.
Happy Birthday. Wishing you yet another year filled with good food, good yarn and big belly laughs.
As they say, age is just a state of mind (but no one talks about the state of your body…). Fortunately for you, that doesn’t look to be a problem as you still retain your girlish figure…lucky you. Hope you have a wonderful birthday…AARP’s presumption notwithstanding.
Don’t feel bad. I get AARP requests and mailers all the time. And I’m 26.
Beautiful knitting as always!
Anne- It’s an attitude, isn’t it? I always say that I may be old, but I’ll never be an old bag.
And neither will you. You’re rose shawl is very intriguing.
go ahead and join. they will hound you with junk mail from now to eternity. I resisted until 55 and finally caved for travel discounts. Have a happy birthday.
happy birthday! May I just say–as a woman who is newly 50–that the restarant and movie theater discounts have been well worth the price of the AARP membership? (ours is courtesy of my husband who is CLEARLY older than I am) Love the coral-peachy secret project and looking forward to the “reveal!”
Happy birthday! Love all of the projects!
Happy Birthday! Ah, AARP membership & a turn to a new decade. Life is good! Absolutely love your new stealth projects.
<3 Happy Birthday, if it makes you feel better, AARP has been trying to get my lil bro since he turned 18. Old soul I think 🙂
Have a lovely, relaxing birthday, Anne. Your work gives us so much pleasure. Enjoy your very special day!
Enjoy your new decade! The 50s are the best. We know how to enjoy life and we make sure to take full advantage of it.
Have a happy birthday, and many, many more to come.
Happy Birthday. I have to laugh because my mom opened something about 7 years ago from AARP and was really interested in joining and she was almost of age. Then she took a closer look and realized the envelope was addressed to me her 33 year old daughter. Needless to say she found this amusing for days.
Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!
And a happy birthday to you! There is life on the other side of 50!
So many teasers today…and yummy yarns….
Happy Birthday, Anne! I’m sorry to say the AARP mailings just increase after 50. But some of those discounts might give you more $$ for yarn – ha!
Have a wonderful day “off”, full of good things! Can’t wait for the secrets to be revealed.
careful birthday girl – i start using my medicare card in just three months!
seriously, happy happy. and for your birthday give us another peek at the new triangle shawl you are working on in that luscious pale dusty pink! i want that to be my spring project.
Many more happy birthdays to you Anne! I turned 50 in December. Welcome to the club!
Happy Birthday, Anne! Enjoy your day … hopefully David is taking EXTRA special good care of you. And hopefully there’s good cake involved. Chocolate, please. Oh wait … it’s YOUR birthday, not mine.
what does AARP know! they have been sending my daughter stuff to our address since she graduated from college at age 21. while she has always been quite a mature individual, she is still not remotely AARP material.
love the kashmir sock.
My son got an AARP card when he was around 17. He keeps it as a joke and still laughs about it!
Oh I love the La Cage aux Folles socks! The latticing and intricate stitches are beautiful in that yarn and color.
Happy birthday Anne!
I suggest French Quarter for the Kashmir sock-it reminds me of ironwork.
I got an AARP several years ago when I turned 40. I still think my sister gave them my name as a joke. She’s 15 years my senior, so I figure the joke is always on her. 🙂
oh, I’ve been a member of AARP since age 46!!! and I’m proud of it!! I don’t turn 50 until 2012.. can’t wait!! going to one of the big conventions either this year or next.. woohoo!!
Many Happy Returns of the day….do something extra special for a “big” birthday, perhaps a vacation weekend away??
50 is not that bad. Really it isn’t bad at all. I always said I was going to laminate my AARP card and glue jewels to it and put a pin on the back and wear it with pride. I deserve that card for all the years just getting to 50.
Oh Anne! Do not feel bad about the AARP memebership stuff. I am 27 and have been getting those for awhile! Apparently, having good credit, owning vehicles outright and owning a business qualifies you to be a member now 😀
Best wishes for a happy birthday and a spectacular year to come!!
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