i hope everyone had a marvelous holiday, as we did here.
i’m full, how about you? we’re eating a LOT more often here than we ever do at home; it’s always a bit of a jolt for us to be on someone else’s eating and sleeping schedule. we conduct ourselves like feral animals at home when it comes to those activities—stopping to eat only when we’re very hungry and sleeping when we can’t keep our eyes open any more.
please excuse my absence for the last few days; i’ve been knitting and taking photos and even getting on the computer once in a while, but almost every time i’m ready to blog, i have to get off the computer to do something else. i even went shopping! i bought a new winter jacket, which has been on my to-do list for over a year, but since i dread shopping i never got around to buying one. and y’know how long it took? about 10 minutes. i really should just do these things instead of thinking about doing them . . .
anyway, enough chatter—i mentioned knitting and knitting we shall have.
i knit another warm hat in the car on the way from ohio while david took his turn driving; i changed the stitch pattern ever so slightly, but i like this one better. i’ll try for a better photo another day. tonight i’ll knit a second mitten to go with the first and then we’ll have a set.
yesterday i worked on the second spiraluscious mitt while we visited with my aunt who came for dinner, and then later while watching old movies—cheaper by the dozen (the original, with myrna loy and clifton webb) and yours, mine, and ours, (again, the original with lucille ball and henry fonda). AMC was running an evening of movies with family themes.
anyway, over the course of the day i took it from that to this
(sorry about the lighting on this one; it got dark today before i knew it). i soaked it during dinner this evening and it’s drying near a heat vent now . . i’m hoping to get some good photos before we leave on sunday. the pattern is all set to go, so i just need to add a nice picture and we can release it monday if everything falls into place.
i started a hat to match those lacunae mitts i knit before i left home. i’m planning on getting pretty far along with the hat tonight. i’m actually hoping to finish it but we’ll see—my mom is talking about going to another store . . .
i’ve also been working on some new socks but i’m doing it in fits and starts because i’m just not sure i’m doing the right thing with the right yarn.
here’s my dilemma: i love the yarn cuz it’s soft and cozy. i love the stitch because i feel it echoes the squooshy quality of the yarn with it’s round contours, making it even more cozy looking.
but i just can’t tell if the striping of the yarn gets in the way or not. i can see the patterning perfectly well, but i keep feeling that it might be better in a nearly-solid yarn (like maybe this red cashmere/merino sock yarn for a nice collaboration with roxanne??).
and then, i’m far enough along with this sock that i sorta don’t wanna rip it out. but i think i’m going to . . i need to find a soft, wavy pattern for the striping yarn.
ok, i think that’s settled then (so glad we are talking this out—i’ve been on the fence for days and i just now made a decision that took all of ten minutes)
while i mulled that over, i started another sock that i’m not all that happy with either (geesh).
now, let me be clear—i love the yarn. it’s luster sox, a fine, smooth, firmly-spun BFL yarn from mona and stephanie at dye dreams. its just the yarn for a sleek, smooth dress sock.
however, i was trying it out for the lacunae sock (to match the mitts and hat above), and i’m struggling . . . the stitch pattern isn’t that much fun in a fine, smooth sock yarn like this. it works fine in bigger yarn on bigger needles and i feel that maybe changing to a smooshier, fatter sock yarn might make a difference. also, the stitch pattern looks lax and insubstantial in this yarn, so, again, i think a tighter-twist, softer fiber yarn will bring it to life.
i need something woolier and poofier to get that same look that the mitts have. the luster sox will be a great yarn for an elegant, lace trouser sock, so i’m putting it back in the queue but earmarking it as next in line.
so, what to use instead? i have some STR here. and i’m sure i have several other choices at home, including some sweet sox, but not with me. aw, heck, i should just get started with the STR, right?
time’s a-wastin’.
for the rest of the weekend i’ll be working on getting the mates for the lacunae mitts and the warm mittens on the needles so i can work on those during the trip back to ohio (when i’m not driving). then when i return to my desk i’ll have a number of patterns to write up.
in travel news, today we went to the cemetery to visit family graves and place flowers nearby for the holidays (hence the opening photo). while we were there we explored the mausoleums a bit.
this is one of the larger tombs (mom added for scale).
though i didn’t look inside this one—many of them are open to the visiting public—i was fascinated by the look of the exterior, with its 24 columns on three sides. the area behind the building has a beautiful statue of an angel and has been set aside as a graveyard for children.
this was my very favorite—i just love the celtic knots on the double copper doors and the way the façade has a recessed cross shape around the entry. the building has no other openings except for one small, single window on the back wall
so i thought it would be very dark inside. but when i peeked in the front door i saw the opposite, actually
the simple white marble interior and stained glass amplify the incoming light to great effect
in another one, the opposite was true
this gorgeous window fills almost the entire back wall of the crypt it looks in on, opposite a large and elaborate door, but the dark stone inside creates a subdued subdued and eerie atmosphere.
it was too cold out there to stay all afternoon (why is it always so much colder at the cemetery than anywhere else?), but i wanted to; perhaps we’ll be back in the spring and we can take more time out there then.
my inner knitter is telling me it’s time to get needles and yarn in my hands, so off i go. i’ll try to be back before the weekend is over, but if not, then monday. see ya.
20 thoughts on “a little local color and too much food”
i LOVE your new socks and I LOVE the stripes!!
I really like what you have done with the hat in the Pilgrim yarn. I have ordered the yarn from Chris as well as some 4th of July, and am looking forward to the hat and mitt pattern.
Hmm the socks. I really like the New Hue yarn, but colours are just so “Easter Egg” that they kind of undermine any pattern. Reminds me of ‘Alpaca Sox’. They surely look happy!
It is nice to see family and nice to go home.
Sorry to ramble on, but the doors and windows on the Kearny crypt are quite beautiful and would certainly lend themselves to a nice Aran style pattern.
Ohh, don’t rip those socks! I really like it, and I don’t think the stripes obscure it much–the colors are light enough…
Then again, I always manage to knit patterned socks in really stripy yarn, so it may be a “me” thing.
Oh, I have a skein of Luster Sox (the only yarn I bought at the Vermont Sheep & Wool festival – I was only going to buy fibre, but that yarn looked too nice to pass up!), so I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in mind for yours!
love that little hat – it reminds me of an acorn.
glad you had a happy stuffed thanksgiving.
enjoy the rest of your visit home.
Hope Cemetery? Awesome pictures! My kids enjoy walking there too.
I’m glad you’re having a good visit with your family. Where is David’s family, by the way. I can’t recall if you’ve visited them, since I’ve been reading your blog. Maybe, you could switch the blue Luster Sox yarn for the New Hue yarn. It seems that if you switched, you would achieve what you’re looking for. It just seems that way from the pictures.
I love the pictures of the cemetery, again. The Celtic knots are the best. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!
I love wandering around in cemeteries. I have discovered some of the most amazing things on tombstones. Poems, funny sayings, and even a very strong admonition not to smoke. Enjoyed your photos!
It’s interesting how every reader has their own tastes. I thought the socks you’re wondering about were (before reading) mitts-to-be. That’s what I’d make with that pattern and that yarn.
If you like old cemeteries I invite you to travel to Barre, Vermont and visit Hope Cemetery. For years and years Barre has been the site of granite quarrying and carving, and many generations of stone carvers are buried in Hope Cemetery, with wonderful grave markers and mausoleums. And newer markers are just as touching.
I know this is terribly unhelpful, but I kinda like that motif with the stripey sock yarn. Sorry… 🙂
I love your cemetery pictures; wandering around cemeteries has long been a favorite pastime of mine, even though there are none near here to indulge myself in. I especially like old family cemeteries; there are some wonderful ones in the northern Sierra foothills from the Gold Rush. Must go up there again soon…
You’re cemetery pics are great and reminded me that I still haven’t got round to going to Highgate cemetery in London where among others Karl Marx is buried.I want a mausoleum of my own!!!!
i always enjoy stopping by to see what new creation you have tumbling off your needles. thank you for always providing me with visual food to take with me through the day!
in response to Elizabeth’s comments – two summers ago I had the pleasure of spending the summer working in Vermont and I would agree that the Hope Cemetary in Barre is worth a trip. Vermont in general I found very fascinating as every little road I took there would be a small or large cemetary full of history and (I’m sure) stories. Some simple, some magnificent, but all beautiful.
Such gorgeous pictures, Anne. What beauty lies in places where few venture!
Also, I love hearing the thought processes going through your head as you choose what to knit, what to knit WITH, and why. Very interesting and helpful.
As always, your knits are beautiful. Love the cemetery photos, too…they remind me of Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh…lots of cool things there.
I LOVE those socks!!!! Are you KIDDING???? I wanted to reach through the computer, put them on, and never give them back!! Just my um, as usual, enthusiastic opinion.
All your socks are beautiful, so don’t change a thing. And did you know you made the Yarnharlot’s blog? Does that mean you’re famous? Or maybe more famous?
I wish everyone would take a break from posting over holidays so I wouldn’t have to come back and find a whole mess of posts to work through!
Beautiful pictures!
I’m trying to tell you I like a particular picture, but I can’t quite describe it! It’s the (wait) 8th picture of the post, with the stained-glass appearing in your reflection (?). Pretty cool. And I see your point on the socks (which are probably a fading memory at this point). Handspun + self-striping + pattern = muddled.
Very interesting blog. I’m glad I found this site.%d%a
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