a sweet sendoff

Posted on Posted in book reviews/events, designing, lace/shawls, projects

nothing says “fun family breakfast” like mickey mouse waffles.

for our last morning in san diego, xanning and kade whipped up some delicious homemade waffles and buttermilk syrup for everyone (did i mention that we were not the only guests?). just what the doctor ordered to follow up the brisk walk that kim and i went out for earlier.

while they got the food going, i went down the hill to explore kade and kelly’s vegetable garden, a new addition this year. they planted in late march or early april (how jealous was i?) and now it’s starting to produce.

i had no idea there were so many squash of cooking size there or i would have used them in friday night’s dinner. beckie and i are pretty jealous; we always grow squash but it’s a real gamble who will get them first—us or the beetles.

they also have tomatoes on the vine, but they’re not yet ripe. it’s a very healthy patch of plants; i hope they gets tons of food from it.

while i was down there i took a minute to visit kade’s chicken coop and get a picture of the ladies—mr rooster expired a couple of months ago, so it’s all girls now.

then i headed back up to the house where alex was serving up fresh-cooked waffles

actually we packed in quite a morning around the house before it was time to go—we had a long walk and had a bit of a knit-in while we reviewed the more hilarious highlights of the week (note to self: don’t leave home without beckie again).

i worked on my hillflowers scarf, and though i didn’t quite get it done, it put me forward enough to make the finish possible at the airport before takeoff. yes.

i grafted it last night after i got home and now it’s complete; since i don’t have early class tomorrow, i think i’ll block it then.

while beckie and i continued knitting, kim played the harp for us, which was lovely—i hadn’t heard her play before, so it was a new treat for me

kade got matilda out for a little photo session—she’s one of the few animals i didn’t have pictures of. aren’t they cute together? kade was an especially gracious host during our visit and i think beckie has a new best friend now . . .

we never did get a photo of franklin on the ruler the way we intended—he grows so much in between visits that i almost don’t believe what i’m seeing (i mean, he’s a tortoise, so we all think he should grow more slowly, but he’s surprising).

finally, we really did have to leave, so we gathered our things and packed ourselves into the car. one last stop at bravo café for a sandwich and then we were on our way to the airport.

thank you everyone for such a nice visit—you all make it way too hard to leave . . .

the flight home was uneventful and we got lots of knitting done. after finishing the scarf, i worked on the nightingale lace stole and beckie started a new sock using her handspun.
we are so good at entertaining ourselves.

it seems like work on the stole goes so slowly, but at the end of the second flight i had added decent amount of length, so i’m happy.

the lace needle i picked up at the yarn shop in san diego helped things go a lot more smoothly (it’s amazing what a difference they make).

david picked us up at midnight and we headed home, dropping beckie off on the way (haha, beckie just called to say she missed kim and me). i settled in to knit on the david sock and watch TV with the man himself

till it was time to get some sleep.

this morning was spinning class bright and early—linda was back from battling a bout of pneumonia so it was a fun session. we made plans for our trip to our regional wool show next weekend at wooster, where we’ll see chris from briar rose fibers, catherine from knitting notions, jamie and matt from wooly knob mill, and many other favorite producers.

i finished up the gray alpaca i’ve been spinning for a few weeks and plied it

i previously thought that i wasn’t doing this fiber justice because i wasn’t spinning it into a very fine yarn. actually, it makes a really nice 2-ply DK which takes nothing away from the quality of the fiber for being heavier. i guess that teaches me something about good fiber.

oh, what a week—we had so much fun and it was wonderful to spend time relaxing with friends. now i’m off to edit those sock photos we did at the beach so i can release the keukenhof sock pattern tomorrow.

21 thoughts on “a sweet sendoff

  1. Oh I’m so homesick for the kind of growing season Kim has! Here we are with a Freeze warning tonight in SW PA. Good thing I didn’t plant some of the most tender plants and can cover the others.

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip! Hope you came back refreshed! I’m thinking of hopping over to the fiber show next weekend for something fun to do (it’s actually closer to me than MS&W was!). Maybe I’ll bump into you! 🙂

  3. Completely jealous of that long growing season, especially with the above mentioned freeze warning. I like what you’re doing with the heel of the David sock. It really stands out.

  4. Wow! Love the pics. And I can’t WAIT to see the white scarflette blocked out!

  5. Wow Anne, you really cranked on that scarf. It was just a nublette when you got here, and now look at it!!!

  6. Lovely pics! It’s truly amazing to see the preblocked scrunklies turn into gorgeous Cinderellas…metamorphoses morphed! Lovely friends too. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Welcome back! It sounds like a great trip, and it was fun to see all of the pictures. Loved the chickens–nothing like farm fresh eggs in the morning. Really pretty handspun that you have there!

  8. love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful knitting and spinning. thanks.

  9. You had a packed week. It’s hard to take it all in. It was lovely to see the sun even in a distant place. And how wonderful to travel with knitters and have knitting breaks.

  10. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. And my goodness you got a lot of knitting done! Your hand spun looks gorgeous. It’s giving me a terrible itch to do some…. I may succumb, at that.

  11. Love the pictures — I had no idea Kim plays the harp! Now I want to hear… It was so great to see you guys — now you just need to convince Beckie to come to sock summit 😉

  12. Wow! You had a great time. The white scarf is lovely. HillFlowers. I love the name. The sock is pretty, as well, and the background really sells it! Kim plays the harp? Oh, I’m in love with the harp, and I took lessons for awhile. I just could never buy the harp I wanted, so I gave up. I’m glad you’re home safe!

  13. Kim plays the harp???? That’s so cool! Glad you had a fabulous trip, but I’m sure you were happy to be home.

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